Why Does Trump Face Felony Charges? What is a felony 101


counts 34 guilty sidewalk art chalk.jpg
17 intel agencies say, 2000 doctors say, 51 experts say, 34 fake felony convictions say.

Eventually they all prove to be total BS.

As the editors of the Wall Street Journal observed about a “turducken” of a case charging a former president of obscure unprecedented offenses which even if proven would constitute only a misdemeanor on which the statute of limitations had long passed:

The conviction sets a precedent of using legal cases, no matter how sketchy, to try to knock out political opponents, including former Presidents. Mr. Trump has already vowed to return the favor. If Democrats felt like cheering Thursday when the guilty verdict was read, they should think again. Mr. Bragg might have opened a new destabilizing era of American politics, and no one can say how it will end.

John Lucas contends that this judge, jury, and prosecutors “have flung this country into a downward spiral from which we may never recover,” he argues, and I agree, the verdict is the most dangerous day in our history.

The Democrats have made the rules, and their opponents will have little choice but to play the game.
This is not a game that can or will be played by one side only. The rules are now set. When Republicans have the chance, they will play the game. Many, perhaps most, will think that a response is mandatory and that “taking the high road” is no longer an option. Instead, it would be regarded by the “progressive” left -- that is to say those now in charge of the Democratic party -- as weakness if they roll over and fail to respond. This is an existential threat to the stability of our political system and nation. That risk makes this the most dangerous day in the history of the Country, at least in our lifetimes.

Henceforth, weaponization of the justice system against a political opponent will be the norm. Political grudges will be resolved by political opponents in cherry-picked courtrooms where conviction is most likely. All this confirms that when controlled by scoundrels, our judicial system is becoming more like what we expect in places like China, Cuba or Venezuela, where political opponents are routinely imprisoned or worse.
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Not sure what you're going on about now, but carry on.
Dummycraps like you always seem to attach a number to your hoaxes so it makes them sound more genuine or SERIOUS!!!

17 intel agencies agreed that Russia interfered in the election FALSE
2000 doctors agree that the entire nation should be on Medicare FALSE
51 anonymous experts said the Hunter Biden's Laptop was Russian misinformation FALSE
Dummycraps like you always seem to attach a number to your hoaxes so it makes them sound more genuine or SERIOUS!!!

17 intel agencies agreed that Russia interfered in the election FALSE
2000 doctors agree that the entire nation should be on Medicare FALSE
51 anonymous experts said the Hunter Biden's Laptop was Russian misinformation FALSE
Does Putin's Pee Pee Tape have a number?
Says you. You're talking about the fake Steele Dossier.

They used it to get FISA warrants.

Turns out it was a fake story out of the NeverTrumpers paid for by the Hillary Campaign.

Incidentally they claimed it as a legal expense instead of a campaign contribution and was fined by the FEC for Improperly Documenting the expense.

How ironic.

Washington CNN —

Federal election regulators fined Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee earlier this month for not properly disclosing the money they spent on controversial opposition research that led to the infamous Trump-Russia dossier.

The DNC was fined $105,000 and the Clinton campaign was fined $8,000, according to a letter sent by the Federal Election Commission to a conservative group that requested an inquiry.

Political candidates and groups are required to publicly disclose their spending to the FEC, and they must explain the purpose of any specific expenditure more than $200. The FEC concluded that the Clinton campaign and DNC misreported the money that funded the dossier, masking it as “legal services” and “legal and compliance consulting” instead of opposition research.

The dossier was compiled by retired British spy Christopher Steele. It contained unverified and salacious allegations about Donald Trump, including claims that his campaign colluded with the Kremlin to win the 2016 election. Trump’s campaign had numerous contacts with Russian agents, and embraced Russian help, but no one was ever formally accused of conspiring with Russia.

Um, it’s a State issue that contradicts the Constitution. The defendant should know what he’s charged with. It’s the judicial version of “pass the Bill to find out what’s in it”, find him guilty then we’ll tell you the charges
The indictment listed the charges.
You’re only showing off your ignorance and incompetence by playing dumb.

A few facts in quotes --

Why Does Trump Face Felony Charges? What is a felony 101 -- Mr. Trump faces 34 felony counts.

A felony is a crime of greater seriousness than a misdemeanor, and conviction of a felony carries the possible penalty of a year or more in prison.

Falsifying business records in New York State can be a misdemeanor, but prosecutors can bring the charge as a felony if they believe the records were falsified to conceal another crime.

Manhattan district attorney Alvin L. Bragg had suggested that Mr. Trump concealed three potential crimes, although he has not charged him with any of those.

Prosecutors do not need to prove such crimes were committed — only that there was “the intent to commit or conceal” an additional crime

Records related to the reimbursement of Michael Cohen = 34 counts of falsifying business records: 11 counts involve the checks issued to Mr. Cohen, 11 center on monthly invoices Mr. Cohen submitted to the company, and 12 involve entries in the general ledger for Mr. Trump’s trust.
The simple answer is that Democrats are Stalinists who have obliterated the Justice System. Hope that clears up the confusion. TRUMP 2024!!!!

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