New Yorkers to see 50% drop in health insurance costs in Obamacare exchange

Cal is expected to see premium increases from 64 to 120 percent. The problem with the New York premiums is that the insurance premiums are the highest in the country mainly because they adopted policies similar to the ones Obama care uses way back in 1992. These policies drove up the cost of the premiums and people who were young and healthy stayed away because it wasn't worth the cost, increasing the premiums even more. Hardly anybody has direct health insurance in New York right now because of it. When Obamacare forces people to buy policies as well as subsidizes many of them, the rates will be lower than what they are now because so many more people will be in the market. This assumes people won't just pay the penalty. New York premiums will still remain higher than even the states like Cal, Ohio, and Indiana that will see big premium increases.


California’s likely health insurance rates under new law are lower than expected

U.S. sees lower-than-expected Obamacare insurance costs

Obamacare to increase healthcare premiums in California up to 146 percent ? RT USA
Going to Russian websites for your spin, Comrade? :lol:
New Yorkers to see 50% drop in health insurance costs in Obamacare exchange


New York state residents will be able to get health insurance next year on the Obamacare exchange for half the average price available in the state today.

The cost of a "silver" plan -- which covers at least 70% of medical costs, on average -- will drop to as little as $359 a month for a single adult Manhattan resident, for instance, according to a rate sheet released Wednesday by state officials. Currently, the cheapest plan a city resident can buy on the individual market is $1,001.

Costs vary throughout the state. In Rochester, for example, a similar "silver" Obamacare plan can be had for as little as $276 per month.

Some 17 insurers will offer coverage, which will come in four tiers: bronze (the lowest and cheapest tier), silver, gold and platinum (the most expensive). Each plan will have a standard set of benefits, allowing people to choose between insurers based on price, officials said.

Those prices can vary widely within regions. In Albany, for instance, the Freelancers Co-Op will sell silver coverage through the exchange for $300 per month for a single adult. A silver plan from HealthNow New York would cost $525.


I get to laugh at this again, how nice.

Thank you, President Obama!

Now all you have to do is move to New York, with its ridiculously high insurance rates thanks to all the government controls, and you will be able to buy insurance for more than you pay anywhere in the US, if you happen to qualify for the one policy that comes out less expensive.
Should I post the California numbers next?

Say - why don't you tell us all about the catastrophe that RomneyCare has been in Mass.? :lol:

Cal is expected to see premium increases from 64 to 120 percent. The problem with the New York premiums is that the insurance premiums are the highest in the country mainly because they adopted policies similar to the ones Obama care uses way back in 1992. These policies drove up the cost of the premiums and people who were young and healthy stayed away because it wasn't worth the cost, increasing the premiums even more. Hardly anybody has direct health insurance in New York right now because of it. When Obamacare forces people to buy policies as well as subsidizes many of them, the rates will be lower than what they are now because so many more people will be in the market. This assumes people won't just pay the penalty. New York premiums will still remain higher than even the states like Cal, Ohio, and Indiana that will see big premium increases.


California’s likely health insurance rates under new law are lower than expected

U.S. sees lower-than-expected Obamacare insurance costs

Lower than expected? Did they expect a 2000% increase?

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