New Zealand: First They Took Their Guns.....Now They're Removing Jesus From Their Lives

New Zealand: First They Took Their Guns.....Now They're Removing Jesus

Makes sense for a secular government!
Awwww. How sad! Christians don't get special mention in their secular government's convocation.

Will they survive this heavy hand of oppression?
About 48% of the nation is Christian, by far the largest of any religious group in New Zealand.
Those references to Jesus were removed by one person without any consultation and is a slap in the face to nearly half the nation.

"Another demonstrator, Carmel Morgan, said Mallard should have consulted with New Zealanders or announced a referendum before changing the prayer.

"This is a land of democracy, this is a land of freedom, you know, we want to be a first world country... he took that choice away from us."

It looks like you are a fan of dictatorships and authoritarian rule. Most leftist pricks are.

So stupid.'s started.

New Zealand Christians Outraged as Govt Removes All References to Jesus From Parliamentary Prayer
Steve Warren

Just barely two weeks following the mosque shootings in Christchurch, New Zealand, the government has decided to remove all references to Jesus Christ from its parliamentary prayer.

The move by Speaker of the House Trevor Mallard has angered the country's Christian population. Mallard made the decision in order to drop references to Jesus in order to make the prayer "more inclusive" for all parliamentarians.

The Guardian reports a reference to "Almighty God" remains, but it is not a specific reference to a Christian God.

Earlier this week, around 1,000 people protested just outside of the parliament building in Wellington. The group wanted Jesus name reinstated in the prayer because Christianity is part of the nation's history.

Ross Smith, the organizer of the event, told Radio NZ the country has a Christian heritage that should not be erased.

"It's a legacy. The principals and the values that are in this nation are based on our Christian-Judea roots. Removing the name would destroy those roots," he said.

"He needs a good kick in his pants, and he needs to actually be removed because this is a Christian nation," protester Rieki Teutscher told Radio NZ. We don't share his atheism."

Another demonstrator, Carmel Morgan, said Mallard should have consulted with New Zealanders or announced a referendum before changing the prayer.

"This is a land of democracy, this is a land of freedom, you know, we want to be a first world country... he took that choice away from us."

Other New Zealand politicians also voiced their concern over the change made by the speaker without consulting the entire parliament.

Well, the decision as to what should be changed should be made by parliamentarians and not the speaker – that's our position, I don't mind telling you publicly," deputy prime minister Winston Peters told RadioNZ.

"If you're going to make a change let's have parliament decide – not one person," Peters added.

Mallard said he had consulted other politicians and the majority he spoke to were in favor of a secular prayer.

One week after a white supremacist gunman opened fire inside two mosques, killing 50 people, the entire country observed a Muslim call to prayer. The event was televised nationwide. New Zealand Christians Outraged as Govt Removes All References to Jesus From Parliamentary Prayer
Good for them. Check your magical myths at the door.

Can we put them in lien with the intolerant creations from evolutional slime ? .:04::rolleyes:
English, please.

If you don't believe in a creator,then don't you believe that the universe puked and threw you up form nothing but a form of slime?
If you don't believe in a creator,then don't you believe that the universe puked and threw you up form nothing but a form of slime?
Uh... what? First of all, both "a creator" and evolution can be true. They are not mutually exclusive.

Second, just like every other event in the universe, both the origination of life on earth itself and the origination of the diversity of species we observe today occurred via events which followed deterministic, natural laws. No, natural laws were not suspended in favor of your superstitions, neuroses, and fetishes.
Most of the 10 commandments are actually UNconstitutional.
Many of the Commandments are admonishments to the Israelites and not considered "laws" at all as far as the Constitution is concerned.

Instructing the Jews to not work on the Sabbath, to not make carved images for worship, not to take the Lord's name in vain, etc. are not matters for Supreme Court opinion or decisions anymore than taking your hat off indoors or covering your mouth when you cough is open to Supreme Court review.

Where do you come up with your bizarre ideas?
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Most of the 10 commandments are actually UNconstitutional.
Many of the Commandments are admonishments to the Israelites and not considered "laws" at all as far as the Constitution is concerned.

Instructing the Jews to not work on the Sabbath, to not make carved images for worship, not to take the Lord's name in vain, etc. are not matters for Supreme Court review or decisions anymore than taking your hat off indoors or covering your mouth when you cough.

Where do you come up with your bizarre ideas?

me: "most of the 10 commandments are unconstitutional"

you "Where do you come up with your bizarre ideas?"

the 10 commandments

  1. You shall have no other Gods but me. (unconstitutional)
  2. You shall not make for yourself any idol, nor bow down to it or worship it.(unconstitutional)
  3. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.(UNconstitutional)
  4. You shall remember and keep the Sabbath day holy.(unconstitutional)
  5. Respect your father and mother.(unconstitutional)
  6. You must not commit murder.
  7. You must not commit adultery.(tell THAT to trump)
  8. You must not steal.
  9. You must not give false evidence against your neighbour.
  10. You must not be envious of your neighbour's goods. You shall not be envious of his house nor his wife, nor anything that belongs to your neighbour.(unconstitutional)
Yes, although some on the left take secularism to ridiculous extremes.
While some on the right take ridiculous measures to get their preferred, iron aged myths sponsored by the government. As it turns out, there are all kinds of people. Thus, the beauty of secular government.
Awwww. How sad! Christians don't get special mention in their secular government's convocation.

Will they survive this heavy hand of oppression?
About 48% of the nation is Christian, by far the largest of any religious group in New Zealand.
Those references to Jesus were removed by one person without any consultation and is a slap in the face to nearly half the nation.

"Another demonstrator, Carmel Morgan, said Mallard should have consulted with New Zealanders or announced a referendum before changing the prayer.

"This is a land of democracy, this is a land of freedom, you know, we want to be a first world country... he took that choice away from us."

It looks like you are a fan of dictatorships and authoritarian rule. Most leftist pricks are.

About 48% of the nation is Christian, by far the largest of any religious group in New Zealand.
Those references to Jesus were removed by one person without any consultation and is a slap in the face to nearly half the nation."

and by including ONLY A CHRISTIAN reference you are slapping 52% of the nation in the face.

If the government is for ALL the people
and MOST of the people are NOT christian
then a government prayer should be for ALL the people, NOT JUST YOUR FAVORITES!

Do you guys HAVE to own everything? (except for personal responsibility)
Do you have to put YOUR mark on EVERYTHING?

can't you just SHARE ?
the 10 commandments

  1. You shall have no other Gods but me. (unconstitutional)
  2. You shall not make for yourself any idol, nor bow down to it or worship it.(unconstitutional)
  3. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.(UNconstitutional)
  4. You shall remember and keep the Sabbath day holy.(unconstitutional)
  5. Respect your father and mother.(unconstitutional)
  6. You must not commit murder.
  7. You must not commit adultery.(tell THAT to trump)
  8. You must not steal.
  9. You must not give false evidence against your neighbour.
  10. You must not be envious of your neighbour's goods. You shall not be envious of his house nor his wife, nor anything that belongs to your neighbour.(unconstitutional)
The things you list as Un-Constitutional are actually Non-Constitutional. Did I not already make that very clear?

There is no US law that says the Judeo-Christian version of God MUST be the only one allowed and worshiped.
On the contrary the Constitution guarantees you can worship whatever good or object you like.

Therefore the Supreme Court has not been asked to rule on that and it is a non issue in their view.

Was the umbilical cord wrapped around your neck too tightly?
the 10 commandments

  1. You shall have no other Gods but me. (unconstitutional)
  2. You shall not make for yourself any idol, nor bow down to it or worship it.(unconstitutional)
  3. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.(UNconstitutional)
  4. You shall remember and keep the Sabbath day holy.(unconstitutional)
  5. Respect your father and mother.(unconstitutional)
  6. You must not commit murder.
  7. You must not commit adultery.(tell THAT to trump)
  8. You must not steal.
  9. You must not give false evidence against your neighbour.
  10. You must not be envious of your neighbour's goods. You shall not be envious of his house nor his wife, nor anything that belongs to your neighbour.(unconstitutional)
The things you list as Un-Constitutional are actually Non-Constitutional. Did I not already make that very clear?

There is no US law that says the Judeo-Christian version of God MUST be the only one allowed and worshiped.
On the contrary the Constitution guarantees you can worship whatever good or object you like.

Therefore the Supreme Court has not been asked to rule on that and it is a non issue in their view.

Was the umbilical cord wrapped around your neck too tightly?

Pardon me.

I initially stated "most of the 10 commandments are UNconstitutional.

To which you responded "where do you get your lunatic ideas?" or some such nonsense.

Whereupon I posted the 10 commandments to SHOW/PROVE that most of them are, indeed, UNconstitutional.

And now you mock, ridicule and insult me for proving my point.

Proving, at the same time, that you are, indeed, a conservative.


is that you?
and by including ONLY A CHRISTIAN reference you are slapping 52% of the nation in the face.

If the government is for ALL the people
and MOST of the people are NOT christian
then a government prayer should be for ALL the people, NOT JUST YOUR FAVORITES!

Do you guys HAVE to own everything? (except for personal responsibility)
Do you have to put YOUR mark on EVERYTHING?

can't you just SHARE ?
Try reading the OP source material, Poindexter. An all inclusive non specific reference to God is in the New Zealand parliamentary prayer.

Whatever flavor you prefer, or no flavor at all, is included in the prayer though specific references to Jesus have been unilaterally and suddenly deleted without notice or discussion, which people are free to take as a swipe at Christianity, the nation's single most popular religion by far.

How can I not insult and denigrate such a simple failure to read the OP?
and by including ONLY A CHRISTIAN reference you are slapping 52% of the nation in the face.

If the government is for ALL the people
and MOST of the people are NOT christian
then a government prayer should be for ALL the people, NOT JUST YOUR FAVORITES!

Do you guys HAVE to own everything? (except for personal responsibility)
Do you have to put YOUR mark on EVERYTHING?

can't you just SHARE ?
Try reading the OP source material, Poindexter. An all inclusive non specific reference to God is in the New Zealand parliamentary prayer.

Whatever flavor you prefer, or no flavor at all, is included in the prayer though specific references to Jesus have been unilaterally and suddenly deleted without notice or discussion, which people are free to take as a swipe at Christianity, the nation's single most popular religion by far.

How can I not insult and denigrate such a simple failure to read the OP?

"An all inclusive non specific reference to God is in the New Zealand parliamentary prayer."


I saw that.

So why is the OP whining about the jesus reference being (logically and fairly) removed?

If MOST of the New Zealanders are content with an all inclusive prayer that doesn't promote one religion over any other then all is well!
Pardon me.

I initially stated "most of the 10 commandments are UNconstitutional.

To which you responded "where do you get your lunatic ideas?" or some such nonsense.

Whereupon I posted the 10 commandments to SHOW/PROVE that most of them are, indeed, UNconstitutional.

And now you mock, ridicule and insult me for proving my point.

Proving, at the same time, that you are, indeed, a conservative.


is that you?
Yes. Because as I already took the time to point out for your benefit and betterment the Commandments you call
Un-Constitutional are actually Non-Constitutional. That is they are outside US law (like not working on the Sabbath) and therefore are moot as far as the Supreme Court is concerned.

I take the time to write a clear and rational response to your nonsense and you don't even have the decency to
read or try and understand it? The only point you've proven is what a dismal clown you are.
"An all inclusive non specific reference to God is in the New Zealand parliamentary prayer."


I saw that.

So why is the OP whining about the jesus reference being (logically and fairly) removed?
You haven't demonstrated it was logical and fair to remove references to Jesus.

If MOST of the New Zealanders are content with an all inclusive prayer that doesn't promote one religion over any other then all is well!
Actually ALL religions are promoted, as you admitted right away.
And we don't know if ALL New Zealanders approve of the changes in parliamentary prayer or not because the action to simply delete any reference to Jesus was taken unilaterally without notice or consultation.
There was no vote or polling or input from New Zealand citizens.

That's sort of the whole point....:113:
Pardon me.

I initially stated "most of the 10 commandments are UNconstitutional.

To which you responded "where do you get your lunatic ideas?" or some such nonsense.

Whereupon I posted the 10 commandments to SHOW/PROVE that most of them are, indeed, UNconstitutional.

And now you mock, ridicule and insult me for proving my point.

Proving, at the same time, that you are, indeed, a conservative.


is that you?
Yes. Because as I already took the time to point out for your benefit and betterment the Commandments you call
Un-Constitutional are actually Non-Constitutional. That is they are outside US law (like not working on the Sabbath) and therefore are moot as far as the Supreme Court is concerned.

I take the time to write a clear and rational response to your nonsense and you don't even have the decency to
read or try and understand it? The only point you've proven is what a dismal clown you are.

I take the time to write a clear and rational response to your nonsense and you don't even have the decency to
read or try and understand it? The only point you've proven is what a dismal clown you are."

You have a higher regard for your lunacies than rational people do.

Have you ever tried to have a conversation without insulting people?

Did you know you can disagree with someone or explain your position withOUT insulting them and calling them names?


you didn't?

well, you can.

I don't imagine that you would like it much......

My initial point is/was that MOST of the 10 commandments ARE UNconstitutional. Which I proved.
I've addressed it all above, moron. If I were a simpleton, I'd want to repeat myself over and over so a moron can ignore reality.
Simply calling something stupid is not "addressing" any of this issues I raised, you shitbag!
It's just the opposite of that, but being such an imbecile yourself how could you figure that out?

You dismissed my did not address them. Duh....

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