New Zealand: First They Took Their Guns.....Now They're Removing Jesus From Their Lives

Good the sooner Christians realize there are other religions, the better.

Penny I'm curious: are you married to a Muslim? Or have you just been indoctrinated that deeply into liberal orthodoxy?

Because you seriously ought to think about whether it would be better for you to live in a conservative Christian community or a conservative Muslim one.

You ever really pondered that, Penny?

What's wrong with a mixed community.?
We might just learn something ever pondered the indoctrination study?
1 religion
2 military
I think I may like to live in a unlimited wife Christian community?
Gawd I love people telling me what to believe
Last time I looked it was ours and NZ Muslims who were getting slaughtered by white christians?
You haven't demonstrated it was logical and fair to remove references to Jesus.
Well, allow me:

1) It's logical, because modern, secular governments should not be showing a preference for , or even making any reference at all, to bronze aged myths in their official business. that being true, it then follows that a reference to a specific, bronze aged myth be removed from the parliamentary prayer.

2) It's fair because most New Zealanders, and much of the parliament, do not subscribe to this particular, bronze age myth.
I've addressed it all above, moron. If I were a simpleton, I'd want to repeat myself over and over so a moron can ignore reality.
Simply calling something stupid is not "addressing" any of this issues I raised, you shitbag!
It's just the opposite of that, but being such an imbecile yourself how could you figure that out?

You dismissed my did not address them. Duh....
Shitbag, imbecile?
Know how to talk to your kids minus 2 nd grade foul mouth?
Wonder why people don't reply?
"An all inclusive non specific reference to God is in the New Zealand parliamentary prayer."


I saw that.

So why is the OP whining about the jesus reference being (logically and fairly) removed?
You haven't demonstrated it was logical and fair to remove references to Jesus.

If MOST of the New Zealanders are content with an all inclusive prayer that doesn't promote one religion over any other then all is well!
Actually ALL religions are promoted, as you admitted right away.
And we don't know if ALL New Zealanders approve of the changes in parliamentary prayer or not because the action to simply delete any reference to Jesus was taken unilaterally without notice or consultation.
There was no vote or polling or input from New Zealand citizens.

That's sort of the whole point....:113:

"You haven't demonstrated it was logical and fair to remove references to Jesus."



you believe that 48% of the people deserve special rights and privileges?

It is LOGICAL and FAIR for any secular government to NOT favor one religion over another.

If you don't understand than then you truly ARE a conservative!

lord help ya.....

Kinda like our pledge of allegiance.

It should be inclusive of all Americans and NOT include ANY religious reference. it is a pledge to our nation, NOT YOUR GOD!

so now its your turn to respond with mockery and insults.....

have fun!
from what i HEAR , this appeasing proposal is simply a PROPOSAL . I'd say that its time for 'new zealanders' to keep their AR 15 and similar Weapons , buy ammo and tell their 'lady overlord' rule maker to go pound sand !!
I've addressed it all above, moron. If I were a simpleton, I'd want to repeat myself over and over so a moron can ignore reality.
Simply calling something stupid is not "addressing" any of this issues I raised, you shitbag!
It's just the opposite of that, but being such an imbecile yourself how could you figure that out?

You dismissed my did not address them. Duh....

"Simply calling something stupid is not "addressing" any of this issues I raised, you shitbag!"

simply calling someone a SHITBAG does NOT make your points stronger.
You have a higher regard for your lunacies than rational people do.
Please. Don't pretend to speak for rational people. That you are still doubling down on your absurd
claims demonstrates you are anything but rational. Or able to grasp simple concepts.

Have you ever tried to have a conversation without insulting people?
Have you? Do you think using the word "conservative" as a pejorative gives you the high moral ground? It does not.

Did you know you can disagree with someone or explain your position withOUT insulting them and calling them names?


you didn't?

well, you can.

I don't imagine that you would like it much......
I've taken lots of time and effort to explain why you are so wrong
and it's gotten me nowhere. You still insist something is un Constitutional when it is nothing of the sort.

My initial point is/was that MOST of the 10 commandments ARE UNconstitutional. Which I proved.
Proved? Is it possible that you can't understand that something that is outside of Constitutional purview does not make it, in and of itself, un-Constittutional?
Why shouldn't I insult such an ignorant stance that continually ignores the facts?
You have a higher regard for your lunacies than rational people do.
Please. Don't pretend to speak for rational people. That you are still doubling down on your absurd
claims demonstrates you are anything but rational. Or able to grasp simple concepts.

Have you ever tried to have a conversation without insulting people?
Have you? Do you think using the word "conservative" as a pejorative gives you the high moral ground? It does not.

Did you know you can disagree with someone or explain your position withOUT insulting them and calling them names?


you didn't?

well, you can.

I don't imagine that you would like it much......
I've taken lots of time and effort to explain why you are so wrong
and it's gotten me nowhere. You still insist something is un Constitutional when it is nothing of the sort.

My initial point is/was that MOST of the 10 commandments ARE UNconstitutional. Which I proved.
Proved? Is it possible that you can't understand that something that is outside of Constitutional purview does not make it, in and of itself, un-Constittutional?
Why shouldn't I insult such an ignorant stance that continually ignores the facts?

"Don't pretend to speak for rational people. That you are still doubling down on your absurd

simply calling someone a SHITBAG does NOT make your points stronger.
Strong language is useful to emphasize a point when someone is immune to reason or logic or is simply unwilling to concede an obvious point.

Which is it in your case?
You don't understand because it's beyond your capabilities or you are just unwilling to admit
your errors?'s started.

New Zealand Christians Outraged as Govt Removes All References to Jesus From Parliamentary Prayer
Steve Warren

Just barely two weeks following the mosque shootings in Christchurch, New Zealand, the government has decided to remove all references to Jesus Christ from its parliamentary prayer.

The move by Speaker of the House Trevor Mallard has angered the country's Christian population. Mallard made the decision in order to drop references to Jesus in order to make the prayer "more inclusive" for all parliamentarians.

The Guardian reports a reference to "Almighty God" remains, but it is not a specific reference to a Christian God.

Earlier this week, around 1,000 people protested just outside of the parliament building in Wellington. The group wanted Jesus name reinstated in the prayer because Christianity is part of the nation's history.

Ross Smith, the organizer of the event, told Radio NZ the country has a Christian heritage that should not be erased.

"It's a legacy. The principals and the values that are in this nation are based on our Christian-Judea roots. Removing the name would destroy those roots," he said.

"He needs a good kick in his pants, and he needs to actually be removed because this is a Christian nation," protester Rieki Teutscher told Radio NZ. We don't share his atheism."

Another demonstrator, Carmel Morgan, said Mallard should have consulted with New Zealanders or announced a referendum before changing the prayer.

"This is a land of democracy, this is a land of freedom, you know, we want to be a first world country... he took that choice away from us."

Other New Zealand politicians also voiced their concern over the change made by the speaker without consulting the entire parliament.

Well, the decision as to what should be changed should be made by parliamentarians and not the speaker – that's our position, I don't mind telling you publicly," deputy prime minister Winston Peters told RadioNZ.

"If you're going to make a change let's have parliament decide – not one person," Peters added.

Mallard said he had consulted other politicians and the majority he spoke to were in favor of a secular prayer.

One week after a white supremacist gunman opened fire inside two mosques, killing 50 people, the entire country observed a Muslim call to prayer. The event was televised nationwide. New Zealand Christians Outraged as Govt Removes All References to Jesus From Parliamentary Prayer
Cool story bro.
What does this have to do with the mosque shootings?
The article is dated October 2018.
Shitbag, imbecile?
Know how to talk to your kids minus 2 nd grade foul mouth?
Wonder why people don't reply?
People like you? I don't wonder or care. I have no requirement to baby or coddle someone who is purposely
avoiding the truth.
I've addressed it all above, moron. If I were a simpleton, I'd want to repeat myself over and over so a moron can ignore reality.
Simply calling something stupid is not "addressing" any of this issues I raised, you shitbag!
It's just the opposite of that, but being such an imbecile yourself how could you figure that out?

You dismissed my did not address them. Duh....

Moron. You aren't the only person posting here. I responded to the idiotic shit you posted when I responded to the other morons who said the same thing.

Try to keep up.
You haven't demonstrated it was logical and fair to remove references to Jesus.
Well, allow me:

1) It's logical, because modern, secular governments should not be showing a preference for , or even making any reference at all, to bronze aged myths in their official business. that being true, it then follows that a reference to a specific, bronze aged myth be removed from the parliamentary prayer.

2) It's fair because most New Zealanders, and much of the parliament, do not subscribe to this particular, bronze age myth.

And.....even if they would still be stupid.
Another population wakes up to find that voting for freebies had cost them their nation.
Well, allow me:

1) It's logical, because modern, secular governments should not be showing a preference for , or even making any reference at all, to bronze aged myths in their official business. that being true, it then follows that a reference to a specific, bronze aged myth be removed from the parliamentary prayer.
It's not true. You've only assumed it is.

The New Zealand parliament is absolutely willing to acknowledge all other "bronze aged myths" but specifically omits the name of Jesus suddenly without consultation or notice. That is an absolute strike at Christianity made in a unilateral
and one sided, biased way.
At the very least 48% of New Zealand citizens deserve to be heard on the issue. Or are you just a fan of authoritarian rule?

2) It's fair because most New Zealanders, and much of the parliament, do not subscribe to this particular, bronze age myth.
First of all, you do not know this to be true:
I don't identify as a Christian per se but I believe in the historical figure, Jesus of Nazareth and I too would object to this single bureaucrat official making a decision that seems to be anti Christian, were I a citizen.

Put the matter to vote, unless you don't like consent of the governed as a principle.
Well, allow me:

1) It's logical, because modern, secular governments should not be showing a preference for , or even making any reference at all, to bronze aged myths in their official business. that being true, it then follows that a reference to a specific, bronze aged myth be removed from the parliamentary prayer.
It's not true. You've only assumed it is.

The New Zealand parliament is absolutely willing to acknowledge all other "bronze aged myths" but specifically omits the name of Jesus suddenly without consultation or notice. That is an absolute strike at Christianity made in a unilateral
and one sided, biased way.
At the very least 48% of New Zealand citizens deserve to be heard on the issue. Or are you just a fan of authoritarian rule?

2) It's fair because most New Zealanders, and much of the parliament, do not subscribe to this particular, bronze age myth.
First of all, you do not know this to be true:
I don't identify as a Christian per se but I believe in the historical figure, Jesus of Nazareth and I too would object to this single bureaucrat official making a decision that seems to be anti Christian, were I a citizen.

Put the matter to vote, unless you don't like consent of the governed as a principle.

"The New Zealand parliament is absolutely willing to acknowledge all other "bronze aged myths" but specifically omits the name of Jesus suddenly without consultation or notice."



and thank you for providing ALL of that EVIDENCE that "The New Zealand parliament is absolutely willing to acknowledge all other "bronze aged myths"
The New Zealand parliament is absolutely willing to acknowledge all other "bronze aged myths" but specifically omits the name of Jesus suddenly without consultation or notice.
False. There is no other reference to any silly gods, demons, fairies, or unicorns in the prayer. You are making shit up, and it's false.

t the very least 48% of New Zealand citizens deserve to be heard on the issue.
No they don't. They deserve to be allowed to worship as they please and to express their opinions out loud, and this is all they deserve.
First of all, you do not know this to be true:
You literally just posted yourself that 48% of new Zealanders are Christian. You DO know that 52% is "most", right? Come on, man.
The New Zealand parliament is absolutely willing to acknowledge all other "bronze aged myths" but specifically omits the name of Jesus suddenly without consultation or notice.
False. There is no other reference to any silly gods, demons, fairies, or unicorns in the prayer. You are making shit up, and it's false.

t the very least 48% of New Zealand citizens deserve to be heard on the issue.
No they don't. They deserve to be allowed to worship as they please and to express their opinions out loud, and this is all they deserve.
First of all, you do not know this to be true:
You literally just posted yourself that 48% of new Zealanders are Christian. You DO know that 52% is "most", right? Come on, man.

Unfortunately Blair is beyond reason.

and resorts to lies, taunts, insults, mockery....

but no facts.
The New Zealand parliament is absolutely willing to acknowledge all other "bronze aged myths" but specifically omits the name of Jesus suddenly without consultation or notice.
False. There is no other reference to any silly gods, demons, fairies, or unicorns in the prayer. You are making shit up, and it's false.

t the very least 48% of New Zealand citizens deserve to be heard on the issue.
No they don't. They deserve to be allowed to worship as they please and to express their opinions out loud, and this is all they deserve.
First of all, you do not know this to be true:
You literally just posted yourself that 48% of new Zealanders are Christian. You DO know that 52% is "most", right? Come on, man.
sorry but 52% is not most,,,
--------------------------------------- there is NO Enforcement or FORCED Bowing to a Christian God in the USA or most of the Western World . Course in 'islam' they will Enforce by lashes , cutting off of hands , beheadings , stonings and teaching 'gays' to fly plus stonings AnyN !!
All of which shows the danger of letting a country be taken over by religion-based governments.

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