Newark Star-Ledger: Trump on 5th Avenue, shoots American Justice.

Investigating Russian interference is an excuse that the Left clings to because they cannot admit failure. It is also an incredible waste of time and money.
Given the Russians DID interfere in our election, responsible people should find out how and why. Given Trump's praise for Putin and his call to have the Russians hack Sec. Clinton's e-mail, he and his campaign should be asked if they had anything to do with the interference. Given Trump said he fired FBI Director Comey due to the Russia investigation, he may have committed obstruction of justice. Given Trump's campaign manager has been indicted, his NSA director has pled guilty to lying, his personal lawyer has made unscrupulous deals on his behalf, a Special Counsel is warranted.

And considering the length of time previous Special Prosecutors have conducted their investigations against administrations both Republican and Democrat, it is entirely reasonable to allow this Special Counsel to conclude this investigation after thorough and responsible investigation.

No matter how the current president believes justice should be brought.
Do you douchebags ever come up with new talking points? You have been peddling the same debunked lies for over a year now. Get a new routine. This one is boring.
I'm sorry if facts and laws and legal precedent is boring you, but that's how things are supposed to work in this country.

What "facts?" The only thing coming out of douchebags like you is a constant stream of lies. I've debunked the same lies about 100 times now. I'm getting tired of it.
Investigating Russian interference is an excuse that the Left clings to because they cannot admit failure. It is also an incredible waste of time and money.
Given the Russians DID interfere in our election, responsible people should find out how and why. Given Trump's praise for Putin and his call to have the Russians hack Sec. Clinton's e-mail, he and his campaign should be asked if they had anything to do with the interference. Given Trump said he fired FBI Director Comey due to the Russia investigation, he may have committed obstruction of justice. Given Trump's campaign manager has been indicted, his NSA director has pled guilty to lying, his personal lawyer has made unscrupulous deals on his behalf, a Special Counsel is warranted.

And considering the length of time previous Special Prosecutors have conducted their investigations against administrations both Republican and Democrat, it is entirely reasonable to allow this Special Counsel to conclude this investigation after thorough and responsible investigation.

No matter how the current president believes justice should be brought.

Russia China and the US all engage in state level spying, cyber hacking, and all sorts of "interference". We are competitors, we are not friends. So what? The only reason that you and the rest of the Left are so aghast at this "interference" is BECAUSE YOU LOST. Had the gracious arm of Karma not backhanded Hillary to the woods, none of you would have given a rat's ass about this COLLLOOOOSSSION. Give me a fucking break. Can you tell I'm sick of this crap?
Your premise only serves to suit yourself. The reason Russian interference is an important thing is our elections are the backbone of our republic.

That whole 'because you lost' crap does not apply. The law is the law.

Trump's massive yet fragile ego started that 'because you lost' narrative. And you sopped it up with a biscuit. It don't make it so.
Investigating Russian interference is an excuse that the Left clings to because they cannot admit failure. It is also an incredible waste of time and money.
Given the Russians DID interfere in our election, responsible people should find out how and why. Given Trump's praise for Putin and his call to have the Russians hack Sec. Clinton's e-mail, he and his campaign should be asked if they had anything to do with the interference. Given Trump said he fired FBI Director Comey due to the Russia investigation, he may have committed obstruction of justice. Given Trump's campaign manager has been indicted, his NSA director has pled guilty to lying, his personal lawyer has made unscrupulous deals on his behalf, a Special Counsel is warranted.

And considering the length of time previous Special Prosecutors have conducted their investigations against administrations both Republican and Democrat, it is entirely reasonable to allow this Special Counsel to conclude this investigation after thorough and responsible investigation.

No matter how the current president believes justice should be brought.

Russia China and the US all engage in state level spying, cyber hacking, and all sorts of "interference". We are competitors, we are not friends. So what? The only reason that you and the rest of the Left are so aghast at this "interference" is BECAUSE YOU LOST. Had the gracious arm of Karma not backhanded Hillary to the woods, none of you would have given a rat's ass about this COLLLOOOOSSSION. Give me a fucking break. Can you tell I'm sick of this crap?
Guess what Jackass hacking computers etc is a crime. You are a disgrace. I don't give a damn about collusion. Didn't matter anyway whether they colluded. Russia and the GOP stole the election by crime and lying. So no reform or Improvement 4 another 4 or 8 years. Tax cuts for the rich and a corrupt bubble again. Great job!
Investigating Russian interference is an excuse that the Left clings to because they cannot admit failure. It is also an incredible waste of time and money.
Given the Russians DID interfere in our election, responsible people should find out how and why. Given Trump's praise for Putin and his call to have the Russians hack Sec. Clinton's e-mail, he and his campaign should be asked if they had anything to do with the interference. Given Trump said he fired FBI Director Comey due to the Russia investigation, he may have committed obstruction of justice. Given Trump's campaign manager has been indicted, his NSA director has pled guilty to lying, his personal lawyer has made unscrupulous deals on his behalf, a Special Counsel is warranted.

And considering the length of time previous Special Prosecutors have conducted their investigations against administrations both Republican and Democrat, it is entirely reasonable to allow this Special Counsel to conclude this investigation after thorough and responsible investigation.

No matter how the current president believes justice should be brought.

Russia China and the US all engage in state level spying, cyber hacking, and all sorts of "interference". We are competitors, we are not friends. So what? The only reason that you and the rest of the Left are so aghast at this "interference" is BECAUSE YOU LOST. Had the gracious arm of Karma not backhanded Hillary to the woods, none of you would have given a rat's ass about this COLLLOOOOSSSION. Give me a fucking break. Can you tell I'm sick of this crap?
Your premise only serves to suit yourself. The reason Russian interference is an important thing is our elections are the backbone of our republic.

That whole 'because you lost' crap does not apply. The law is the law.

Trump's massive yet fragile ego started that 'because you lost' narrative. And you sopped it up with a biscuit. It don't make it so.
Trump just copied the GOP propaganda machine so they voted for him end of story.
Investigating Russian interference is an excuse that the Left clings to because they cannot admit failure. It is also an incredible waste of time and money.
Given the Russians DID interfere in our election, responsible people should find out how and why. Given Trump's praise for Putin and his call to have the Russians hack Sec. Clinton's e-mail, he and his campaign should be asked if they had anything to do with the interference. Given Trump said he fired FBI Director Comey due to the Russia investigation, he may have committed obstruction of justice. Given Trump's campaign manager has been indicted, his NSA director has pled guilty to lying, his personal lawyer has made unscrupulous deals on his behalf, a Special Counsel is warranted.

And considering the length of time previous Special Prosecutors have conducted their investigations against administrations both Republican and Democrat, it is entirely reasonable to allow this Special Counsel to conclude this investigation after thorough and responsible investigation.

No matter how the current president believes justice should be brought.

Russia China and the US all engage in state level spying, cyber hacking, and all sorts of "interference". We are competitors, we are not friends. So what? The only reason that you and the rest of the Left are so aghast at this "interference" is BECAUSE YOU LOST. Had the gracious arm of Karma not backhanded Hillary to the woods, none of you would have given a rat's ass about this COLLLOOOOSSSION. Give me a fucking break. Can you tell I'm sick of this crap?
Your premise only serves to suit yourself. The reason Russian interference is an important thing is our elections are the backbone of our republic.

That whole 'because you lost' crap does not apply. The law is the law.

Trump's massive yet fragile ego started that 'because you lost' narrative. And you sopped it up with a biscuit. It don't make it so.
Trump just copied the GOP propaganda machine so they voted for him end of story.
Trump directs the GOP propaganda machine. Look how they fall in line behind him. Look how they quickly accept his lies in the face of facts.

Before Trump, the FOP propaganda machine was directed by Mitch "make him a one term President" McConnell. He doesn't have the charisma Trump has, and he certainly doesn't have the tenuous understanding of the law Trump has either.
Your problem is that all politics these days is about dirt on opponents, and Trump is a crooked New York City real estate slob LOL. So lots can be found. I don't give a s***. I care about policy, Taxi ng the rich and helping the rest for a change. We have fallen behind the rest of the modern world the last 35 years of GOP tax and investment policy. And Healthcare daycare cheap training minimum wage you name it.

Got it, you're just a jealous broke dick that thinks you're entitled to other peoples earnings, with a robin hood complex. Funny, I've never been that way.

I am a retired teacher at businessman just fine, super duper. you dupes thank all Democrats are broke and on welfare. And hate them. Absolute insanity. Change the channel.

Did you notice I don't give a s***? bI don't think Trump did anything illegal. Immoral I I don't care. My favorite politician was mitterrand the French socialist president for 10 years in the 80s. At his funeral, he had two wives and Families show up LOL

Note to the clueless, I don't hate anyone. Why is it only you regressives who ever talk about hate. Projection much?

I like french fries, don't care much for the French, they're destroying their country faster than we are.

Well they had Algeria... And of course you believe the no-go zones BS and all that crap from your propaganda machine. Pure crap. The only people destroying anyone is the w GOP. Wrecked the Middle East and the world economy.

No I believe their citizens are getting blown away in their gun free country, by animals they willingly imported.

You are wrong basically. Those big riots? Nobody got killed. We have more mass killings than they do.
Got it, you're just a jealous broke dick that thinks you're entitled to other peoples earnings, with a robin hood complex. Funny, I've never been that way.

I am a retired teacher at businessman just fine, super duper. you dupes thank all Democrats are broke and on welfare. And hate them. Absolute insanity. Change the channel.

Did you notice I don't give a s***? bI don't think Trump did anything illegal. Immoral I I don't care. My favorite politician was mitterrand the French socialist president for 10 years in the 80s. At his funeral, he had two wives and Families show up LOL

Note to the clueless, I don't hate anyone. Why is it only you regressives who ever talk about hate. Projection much?

I like french fries, don't care much for the French, they're destroying their country faster than we are.

Well they had Algeria... And of course you believe the no-go zones BS and all that crap from your propaganda machine. Pure crap. The only people destroying anyone is the w GOP. Wrecked the Middle East and the world economy.

No I believe their citizens are getting blown away in their gun free country, by animals they willingly imported.

You are wrong basically. Those big riots? Nobody got killed. We have more mass killings than they do.
But they thank the United States 4 for Wrecking the Head East and the world economy. Actually they don't I do.
The only thing the Russians did was hack the DNC data bases. I'm sure dumbass has no problem with that. LOL
...... And flood social media with anti Hillary conspiracy theories and Bs...
I'm not anti Hillary. I just think she's a bus stop rat bag old hag communist piece of shit.
You believe 25 years of character assassination against Hillary that reached the real world never.
I just don't like her. I don't think I'd like her any more if she was a conservative.

If I believed even a small part of what the right has accused her of, I wouldn't like her either.
It's no different than what the left does with Trump.
Got it, you're just a jealous broke dick that thinks you're entitled to other peoples earnings, with a robin hood complex. Funny, I've never been that way.

I am a retired teacher at businessman just fine, super duper. you dupes thank all Democrats are broke and on welfare. And hate them. Absolute insanity. Change the channel.

Did you notice I don't give a s***? bI don't think Trump did anything illegal. Immoral I I don't care. My favorite politician was mitterrand the French socialist president for 10 years in the 80s. At his funeral, he had two wives and Families show up LOL

Note to the clueless, I don't hate anyone. Why is it only you regressives who ever talk about hate. Projection much?

I like french fries, don't care much for the French, they're destroying their country faster than we are.

Well they had Algeria... And of course you believe the no-go zones BS and all that crap from your propaganda machine. Pure crap. The only people destroying anyone is the w GOP. Wrecked the Middle East and the world economy.

No I believe their citizens are getting blown away in their gun free country, by animals they willingly imported.

You are wrong basically. Those big riots? Nobody got killed. We have more mass killings than they do.

We're 10X their size in population and land mass.

Charlie Hebdo, 11 dead

234 people have died in French terror attacks in last 18 months

234 people have died in French terror attacks in last 18 months – more than in the previous 100 years – The Sun

There are more, but you get the point.
mass shootings.png

Investigating Russian interference is an excuse that the Left clings to because they cannot admit failure. It is also an incredible waste of time and money.
Given the Russians DID interfere in our election, responsible people should find out how and why. Given Trump's praise for Putin and his call to have the Russians hack Sec. Clinton's e-mail, he and his campaign should be asked if they had anything to do with the interference. Given Trump said he fired FBI Director Comey due to the Russia investigation, he may have committed obstruction of justice. Given Trump's campaign manager has been indicted, his NSA director has pled guilty to lying, his personal lawyer has made unscrupulous deals on his behalf, a Special Counsel is warranted.

And considering the length of time previous Special Prosecutors have conducted their investigations against administrations both Republican and Democrat, it is entirely reasonable to allow this Special Counsel to conclude this investigation after thorough and responsible investigation.

No matter how the current president believes justice should be brought.

Russia China and the US all engage in state level spying, cyber hacking, and all sorts of "interference". We are competitors, we are not friends. So what? The only reason that you and the rest of the Left are so aghast at this "interference" is BECAUSE YOU LOST. Had the gracious arm of Karma not backhanded Hillary to the woods, none of you would have given a rat's ass about this COLLLOOOOSSSION. Give me a fucking break. Can you tell I'm sick of this crap?
Your premise only serves to suit yourself. The reason Russian interference is an important thing is our elections are the backbone of our republic.

That whole 'because you lost' crap does not apply. The law is the law.

Trump's massive yet fragile ego started that 'because you lost' narrative. And you sopped it up with a biscuit. It don't make it so.
Trump just copied the GOP propaganda machine so they voted for him end of story.
Trump directs the GOP propaganda machine. Look how they fall in line behind him. Look how they quickly accept his lies in the face of facts.

Before Trump, the FOP propaganda machine was directed by Mitch "make him a one term President" McConnell. He doesn't have the charisma Trump has, and he certainly doesn't have the tenuous understanding of the law Trump has either.
Trump copied Lots of crazy internet lies, Rush Savage Alex Jones. They certainly feed off each other. But copying them is what got Trump the idiot GOP Base and the nomination.
I am a retired teacher at businessman just fine, super duper. you dupes thank all Democrats are broke and on welfare. And hate them. Absolute insanity. Change the channel.

Did you notice I don't give a s***? bI don't think Trump did anything illegal. Immoral I I don't care. My favorite politician was mitterrand the French socialist president for 10 years in the 80s. At his funeral, he had two wives and Families show up LOL

Note to the clueless, I don't hate anyone. Why is it only you regressives who ever talk about hate. Projection much?

I like french fries, don't care much for the French, they're destroying their country faster than we are.

Well they had Algeria... And of course you believe the no-go zones BS and all that crap from your propaganda machine. Pure crap. The only people destroying anyone is the w GOP. Wrecked the Middle East and the world economy.

No I believe their citizens are getting blown away in their gun free country, by animals they willingly imported.

You are wrong basically. Those big riots? Nobody got killed. We have more mass killings than they do.

We're 10X their size in population and land mass.

Charlie Hebdo, 11 dead

234 people have died in French terror attacks in last 18 months

234 people have died in French terror attacks in last 18 months – more than in the previous 100 years – The Sun

There are more, but you get the point.

Thanks for Wrecking the Mideast and the world economy. Actually they are 60 million. Blame right wing America and right wing Israel 4 Arabs hating.
...... And flood social media with anti Hillary conspiracy theories and Bs...
I'm not anti Hillary. I just think she's a bus stop rat bag old hag communist piece of shit.
You believe 25 years of character assassination against Hillary that reached the real world never.
I just don't like her. I don't think I'd like her any more if she was a conservative.

If I believed even a small part of what the right has accused her of, I wouldn't like her either.
It's no different than what the left does with Trump.
It is different. The The GOP crap is purely imaginary.
I'm not anti Hillary. I just think she's a bus stop rat bag old hag communist piece of shit.
You believe 25 years of character assassination against Hillary that reached the real world never.
I just don't like her. I don't think I'd like her any more if she was a conservative.

If I believed even a small part of what the right has accused her of, I wouldn't like her either.
It's no different than what the left does with Trump.
It is different. The The GOP crap is purely imaginary.
See Cohen Flynn Stone-- and Trump just lying all the time.
Last edited:
I am a retired teacher at businessman just fine, super duper. you dupes thank all Democrats are broke and on welfare. And hate them. Absolute insanity. Change the channel.

Did you notice I don't give a s***? bI don't think Trump did anything illegal. Immoral I I don't care. My favorite politician was mitterrand the French socialist president for 10 years in the 80s. At his funeral, he had two wives and Families show up LOL

Note to the clueless, I don't hate anyone. Why is it only you regressives who ever talk about hate. Projection much?

I like french fries, don't care much for the French, they're destroying their country faster than we are.

Well they had Algeria... And of course you believe the no-go zones BS and all that crap from your propaganda machine. Pure crap. The only people destroying anyone is the w GOP. Wrecked the Middle East and the world economy.

No I believe their citizens are getting blown away in their gun free country, by animals they willingly imported.

You are wrong basically. Those big riots? Nobody got killed. We have more mass killings than they do.

We're 10X their size in population and land mass.

Charlie Hebdo, 11 dead

234 people have died in French terror attacks in last 18 months

234 people have died in French terror attacks in last 18 months – more than in the previous 100 years – The Sun

There are more, but you get the point.
View attachment 195256

They have millions of refugees, we have 10000 or something, and we started this. we wrecked the world. Actually not me LOL the French were right and so was I.
Investigating Russian interference is an excuse that the Left clings to because they cannot admit failure. It is also an incredible waste of time and money.
Try waiting until the findings are given to us, for crying out loud, super dupe.
Investigating Russian interference is not attacking Trump or spying or treason. Maybe attacking his scumbag accomplices who are so obvious. IE manafort and Cohen for you chumps.
Newark has a newspaper?1 Can anyone there read?
New Jersey newspaper of note. And cut the racist crap.
Newark Public Schools - Wikipedia

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