Newly formed Islamist group gets face smashed in Aleppo


Nov 14, 2012
The war will probably not end with an Islamist surrender but with the full depletion of the world´s stock of Islamists.

"The newly formed Islamist rebel group “Liwaa Nour Al-Deen Al-Zinki” began their first large-scale operation at the Al-Zahra Association Quarter of west Aleppo over the weekend.

However, the Islamist rebel force did not get off on the right foot, as the aforementioned group stormed the Syrian Arab Army’s positions at the Great Prophet Mosque in Al-Zahra, only to find themselves sustaining heavy casualties and very minimal progress.

Following their series of failed infiltration attempts over the weekend, the Nour Al-Deen Al-Zinki Brigades regrouped and launched another large-scale assault at the Great Prophet Mosque and Building 11 in the Al-Zahra Quarter.

Not long after they launched this new assault on the Al-Zahra Quarter, the Nour Al-Deen Al-Zinki Brigades were forced to retreat to the Al-Layramoun Quarter, following a series of unsuccessful infiltration attempts into the Great Prophet Mosque.

According to a military source in Aleppo, the newly formed Islamist group suffered significantly high casualties during the inception of their operations inside the provincial capital; this includes the loss of four field commanders in a matter of 24 hours.

On Wednesday morning, the Nour Al-Deen Al-Zinki Brigades refrained from assaulting the Al-Zahra Quarter for the first time in 24 hours; this is likely due to the limited success they achieved over the weekend."

Newly Formed Rebel Brigade in Aleppo is Routed at the Al-Zahra Quarter
The new group has really a bad start. It has to withdraw even on its own offensive. Really bad for those guys but nobody forced them to take up arms and be terrorists. It is quite wondering what makes those mad lunatics fight. After all, their life expectancy is quite short. And when they don´t fight the army, they kill themselves over smuggling routes and districts.

Syrian Army Advances in Southern Aleppo City Amid Islamist Offensive

"The Islamist rebels from the newly formed Nour Al-Deen Al-Zinki Movement have launched a large-scale offensive in the provincial capital of Aleppo, targeting the Syrian Armed Forces’ frontline positions at the Al-Zahra Association, Salaheddine, Bani Zayd, New Aleppo, Al-‘Ashrafiyahand Al-Khalidiyah Quarters.

However, the Nour Al-Deen Al-Zinki Movement were unable to achieve any success in the aforementioned areas, as the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) – backed by the National Defense Forces (NDF), the Al-Ba’ath Battalions, and Liwaa Al-Quds (Jerusalem Brigades) – withstood the Islamist rebel assault and beat back the encroaching militants.

Following the failed assault by the Islamist rebels, the Syrian Arab Army – in coordination with Liwaa Al-Quds and the National Defense Forces – conducted their own counter-offensive at the Salaheddine Quarter in southern Aleppo City, capturing a number of building blocks near the Ard Al-Sabbagh Quarter that were under the control of the Islamist rebels.

According to a military source in Aleppo, the Syrian Armed Forces killed over 20 enemy combatants inside the Salaheddine Quarter, including the leader of Harakat Nour Al-Deen Al-Zinki, Isma’eel Nasyaf.

Firefights were also reported between the Syrian Armed Forces and the Islamist rebels at a number of sites in Aleppo, including the Bani Zayd, Bastan Al-Basha, Al-Layramoun, Al-‘Amariyah, and the Hanano Districts."

Syrian Army Advances in Southern Aleppo City Amid Islamist Offensive
Aleppo: Syrian Army Advances at the Suleiman Al-Halabi District

"It has been almost eight months since the Syrian Armed Forces have made any advances inside the provincial capital of Aleppo; however, this changed on Saturday morning, when the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) – backed by the Palestinian militia “Liwaa Al-Quds” (Jerusalem Brigades) and the National Defense Forces (NDF) – conducted a powerful assault on the Suleiman Al-Halabi District.

The Syrian Armed Forces launched their assault on the militants of Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham and the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” at the Suleiman Al-Halabi District from their positions at the Midan District, killing almost two dozen enemy combatants before they were able to fight their way to the east sector of this district.

The Suleiman Al-Halabi District is an imperative part of Aleppo City, as it sits directly west of the rebel strongholds at the Al-Sakhur and Sheikh Khadeir Districts; if these aforementioned districts are captured by the Syrian Armed Forces, it will provide them a gateway to the Hanano District.

In addition to their advance at the Suleiman Al-Halabi District, the Syrian Armed Forces also continued their counter-assault at the Bustan Al-Basha District, where they confronted a large contingent from Jabhat Al-Shamiyah (Levantine Front) near the Sports Stadium.

North of Aleppo City, the Syrian Armed Forces and Jabhat Al-Shamiyah clashed at the towns of Handarat and Bashkoy, resulting in the death of a number of Islamist fighters, including Mohammad Fouad Al-Bushri, Ahmad Ibrahim Mohsen, Jamal Thabet Al-Masri, and Bashir Mustafa Sharif."

Aleppo Syrian Army Advances at the Suleiman Al-Halabi District
ISIS Suffers Crushing Defeat at Kuweires Airbase: Over 60 Militants Killed and 3 Tanks Destroyed

"On Sunday morning, the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) attempted to breach the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) frontline defenses for the sixth time this year at the Kuweires Military Airbase in the east Aleppo countryside.

The ISIS assault on the Kuweires Military Airbase was the largest attack by the terrorist group at this site and also their largest defeat to the Syrian Armed Forces since the recapture of Al-Hasakah City last month.

The assault began around 9 A.M. (Damascus Time), when over two hundred ISIS fighters stormed the southern and western flanks of the Kuweires Military Airbase with an estimated two dozen armored vehicles that included tanks and BMPs.

Unfortunately for the ISIS militants charging the airbase, they ran into a fierce line of resistance from the Syrian Armed Forces that proved unwilling to yield any ground to the terrorist group.

Dozens of ISIS fighters would charge the Kuweires Airbase right after one another, only to share the same fate as the previous militants that succumbed to the Syrian Armed Forces’ stiff defenses.

According to a military source, the Syrian Armed Forces killed over 60 enemy combatants and destroyed three T-55 tanks and eight armored vehicles that were mounted with a variety of anti-aircraft machine guns.

In addition to their successful defense against the wave of ISIS fighters charging the Kuweires Airbase, the Syrian Armed Forces launched their own counter-assault, reecapturing a number of sites to the south of the base, including a checkpoint that was under the terrorist group’s control for over eight months."

ISIS Suffers Crushing Defeat at Kuweires Airbase Over 60 Militants Killed and 3 Tanks Destroyed
ISIS Conducts Another Assault on Kuweires Airbase: Situation Tense

"The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) launched their second assault on the Kuweires Military Airbase some eight hours after they were repelled by the Syrian Armed Forces the night before.

On Monday morning, two ISIS contingents consisting of over 600 men (aggregated) charged the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) frontline defenses at the Kuweires Military Airbase, targeting the southern and western flanks of the base from their positions at their stronghold of Deir Al-Hafer to the southeast and ‘Ayn Al-Jamjimah to the west.

ISIS’ attack on Monday was far more successful than the day before, as they were able to breach the Syrian Armed Forces’ frontline defenses at the Al-Jurou Farms, Tal Rayman, and Tal Na’am; this prompted the Syrian Arab Air Force to intensify their airstrikes above the eastern Aleppo countryside, causing considerable damage to the terrorist group’s armored vehicles.

Despite their success on Monday morning, the Syrian Armed Forces were able to recover their lost ground, while also destroying six armored vehicles, including another T-55 Tank and a BMP outside of the Kuweires Military Airbase’s western flank.

According to a military source in Aleppo, the Syrian Armed Forces have a lost a confirmed 28 soldiers in the last 48 hours; while, the terrorist group has lost an estimated 100-120 fighters during their charge.

The source further added that the firefights are still ongoing between the Syrian Armed Forces and ISIS; however, there has been no infiltration into the Kuweires Military Airbase, despite ISIS social media activists claiming partial control of the base.

The Kuweires Military Airbase is located 45km east of Aleppo City and 20km east of the nearest Syrian Arab Army unity (Al-Safira District); if they were likely to evacuate the base, they will be traveling through a part of rural Aleppo that is filled with ISIS combatants."

ISIS Conducts Another Assault on Kuweires Airbase Situation Tense
Syrian Army Escapes a Close One at Kuweires Airbase: Veteran Soldiers Repel the ISIS Offensive

"The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) launched a full-scale offensive at the Kuweires Military Airbase on Sunday morning, marking the fourth time this year that the terrorist group has attempted to break-through the Syrian Armed Forces’ frontline defenses at this airport in the Aleppo Governorate’s eastern countryside.

On Sunday morning, ISIS’ powerful assault was unable to yield any gains, as the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) – backed by the National Defense Forces (NDF) – not only repelled the terrorist group’s attack, but also, regained a number of points around the Kuweires Airbase’s southern perimeter after a series of fierce clashes near Tal Rayman.

With over 60 fighters dead and a half dozen armored vehicles destroyed, including a T-55 tank and a BMP, ISIS would remain undeterred by their lack of success on Sunday.

Eight hours after their previous assault ended, ISIS launched their second assault on the Kuweires Military Airbase; however, this time, the attack was at a grander scale – involving more militants (estimated 600 fighters) – and far more successful.

ISIS was able to penetrate through the Syrian Armed Forces’ frontline defenses at Tal Rayman and the nearby farms from their positions to the southeast of the Kuweires Military Airbase, leaving the soldiers defending the airport at risk of being overrun by the encroaching combatants from the terrorist group.

As nightfall approached on Monday; it appeared that the Syrian Armed Forces were going to be in for a long night, reminiscent of ISIS’ capture of both Division 17 and Brigade 93 inside the Al-Raqqa Governorate in August of 2014

The veteran soldiers at the Kuweires Military Airbase made the difference in the end, as they withstood ISIS’ repeated attempted to penetrate their frontlines and overrun their positions.

At dawn on Tuesday, ISIS’ repeated attacks on the airport had dissipated and the Syrian Armed Forces were able to recapture the territory around the southern and western flanks.

Despite this good news, the Syrian Armed Forces remain encircled at the Kuweires Airbase, with the nearest allied troops stationed approximately 20km west of the airport.

The future of this airport remains uncertain for the soldiers at the Kuweires Airbase; however, these men have spent the last three years confined to this base and still remain unwilling to give up."
Syrian Army Launches Fresh Offensive to Lift the Siege on the Kuweires Airbase


"On Wednesday night, the Syrian Armed Forces began a large-scale offensive inside the Deir Hafer Plain of east Aleppo in order to lift the three year long siege of the Kuweires Military Airbase.

The Syrian Armed Forces offensive was launched from three different axes, which were identified by a military source as the towns of Kabaarah, Al-Sabihiyah, and Al-‘Aziziyah.

The town of Kabaarah is located just south of the Deir Hafer Highway that is currently under ISIS’ control; this assault will require the Syrian Armed Forces to capture a dozen sites along the Deir Hafer Highway in order to reach the Kuweires Military Airbase.

Kabaarah is also the closest town to the Kuweires Military Airbase that is under the Syrian Armed Forces’ control; it sits 16km west of the airport and directly north of the Jibreen Railway that stretches from Aleppo City to the provincial capital of Deir Ezzor.

Situated between Kabaarah to the north and Al-‘Aziziyah to the south, the town of Al-Sabihiyah was captured after the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) advanced from the contested hilltop of Tal Rayman.

The assault from Al-Sabihiyah is meant to link the forces from this town with the SAA soldiers attacking from Kabaarah; if successful, this will clear almost 15 square km of territory to the west of the Kuweires Airbase.

To the south of Al-Sabihiyah is Al-‘Aziziyah; this town located in the heart of the Al-Safirah District is crucial because it is meant to spread the ISIS contingents as far south as Jabboul Lake.

Without a doubt, the Al-‘Aziziyah route will be the most arduous of them all; however, if successful, they will have effectively captured most of the villages adjacent to the strategic city of Deir Hafer.

There are approximately 350 soldiers that are surrounded at the Kuweires Military Airbase; most of these men arrived at this airport in 2011 as cadets that were seeking further training in the Syrian Air Defenses – three and a half years later, they remain at the same airport."

Syrian Army Launches Fresh Offensive to Lift the Siege on the Kuweires Airbase
ISIS Storms the Kuweires Airbase Once Again: Dozens Killed in the Botched Attempt

"On Saturday morning, the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) launched another assault on the Kuweires Military Airbarse, marking the third this week that the terrorist group attempted to breach the Syrian Armed Forces’ defensive frontlines at this airport in the Aleppo Governorate’s eastern countryside.

The ISIS assault began around 8:30 A.M.(Damascus Time) on Saturday, when a wave of armed combatants stormed the southern entrance of the Kuweires Military Airbase, where they were confronted by a joint contingent of National Defense Forces (NDF) and Syrian Arab Army (SAA) guards that immediately opened-fire on the encroaching militants.

The first wave of ISIS fighters were repelled by the SAA and NDF guards at the southern perimeter of the Kuweires Airbase; however, it did not take long for ISIS to send another wave of their armed combatants towards the southern entrance of the airport.

Unfortunately for ISIS, their second assault at the Kuweires Military Airport on Saturday afternoon achieved the same results as their previous one; however, the second round of their attack concluded with more casualties and little progress.

All-in-all, the ISIS assault on the Kuweires Military Airbase achieved very little progress for the terrorist and ended with a high number of casualties.

According to a military source in Aleppo, the aggregated death toll from the ISIS assault on the Kuweires Military base was estimated between 30-45 combatants, with some estimations as high as 60 militants dead."

ISIS Storms the Kuweires Airbase Once Again Dozens Killed in the Botched Attempt
ISIS Fighters Pound the Rebel Stronghold of Mar’e

"The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) is threatening the Free Syrian Army’s stronghold of Mar’e after entering this imperative city in Aleppo’s northern countryside last weekend.

On Monday morning, ISIS began their assault on Mar’e by pounding the defensive positions of the Free Syrian Army and the Jabhat Al-Shamiyah (Levantine Front) at the eastern sector of the city before they stormed the latter’s frontlines.

If ISIS is successful in capturing this rebel stronghold, the Free Syrian Army and their allies will be. faced with a major threat at their strategic border-city of ‘Azaz; this was one of the first cities where ISIS and the Syrian rebels first clashed after the disintegration of their relations in September 2013.

ISIS is in desperate need of another border-crossing after the predominately Kurdish “People’s Protection Units” (YPG) – backed by the Free Syrian Army – captured the terrorist group’s main border-crossing at Tal Abyad, leaving them without a main supply route from Turkey to their stronghold at Raqqa City.

‘Azaz is strategically located on the border of Turkey; it offers ISIS a surrogate border-crossing and a new frontier to launch a series of attacks on the rebel heartland in northern Aleppo.

This is a serious threat for the rebel forces that rely on this border-crossing to resupply their entrenched fighters via the Hareetan Highway that stretches to the Turkish city of Gaziantep."

ISIS Fighters Pound the Rebel Stronghold of Mar e
ISIS Pushes South Towards the Aleppo Infantry Academy

"The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) is now pushing south towards the Aleppo Infantry Academy after the militants of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Jabhat Al-Shamiyah (Levantine Front) mistakenly concentrated their forces to the northern part of Aleppo City in order to combat the Syrian Armed Forces.

If ISIS is able to reach the Aleppo Infantry Academy, they will have access to the northern sector of the provincial capital; this is an area that the terrorist group has struggled to enter since the inception of their fight inside the Aleppo Governorate.

For the Free Syrian Army and Jabhat Al-Shamiyah, the loss of the Aleppo Infantry Academy could result in a catastrophe for their forces, as this area has been utilized as a base for the rebel forces and a large barrier that to obstruct the Syrian Armed Forces’ route to the northern countryside or Aleppo.

Meanwhile, north of the Aleppo Infantry Academy, the terrorist group is still targeting the imperative rebel stronghold of Mar’e after entering the city last week.

While Mar’e is a rebel stronghold, the city itself is the gateway to the ‘Azaz border-crossing into Turkey, which is used as the primary supply line for the rebel forces in the Aleppo Governorate."

ISIS Pushes South Towards the Aleppo Infantry Academy
ISIS Storms the Gates of the Kuweires Military Airbase in East Aleppo

"On Friday morning, the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) launched another powerful assault on the Kuweires Military Airbase, targeting the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and National Defense Forces’ frontline positions at the southern and western perimeters of base.

The terrorist group’s assault began around 9:30 A.M. (Damascus Time) on Friday, when an ISIS suicide bomber attempted to detonate his vehicle borne improvised explosive device (VBIED) – via his BMP – into the Kuweires Military Airbase’s southern guard post.

However, as the ISIS suicide bomber approached the Kuweires Military Airbase, the Syrian Arab Army soldiers protecting the southern guard post opened fire, destroying the BMP and killing the terrorist before he could reach his destination.

Following the failed suicide attack, the terrorist group stormed the western and southern perimeters of the Kuweires Military Airbase, where they attempted to break past the Syrian Armed Forces’ frontline defenses and capture the checkpoints located outside the airport’s vicinity.

The firefights at the Kuweires Military Airbase would continue throughout the afternoon on Friday, as the terrorist group repeatedly tried to infiltrate into the airport’s parameters, despite the stiff resistance from the Syrian Armed Forces.

Finally, after near seven hours of non-stop fighting, the terrorist group withdrew their fighters from the Kuweires Military Airbase; however, their retreat was not a clean one, as the Syrian Arab Air Force’s (SAAF) Hind Helicopter’s targeted their fleeing militants with a number of airstrikes near the ISIS stronghold of Deir Hafer.

According to a military source in the Aleppo Governorate, the Syrian Armed Forces defending the Kuweires Military Airport killed 21 enemy combatants from ISIS, including ‘Abdullah Zaid Hakim, Yousif Waleed Barakat, Iyad Hussein Al-Jawad, and Mohammad Fouad Khashab."

ISIS Storms the Gates of the Kuweires Military Airbase in East Aleppo
Second Round of the ISIS Offensive at the Kuweires Airbase Yields Little Progress

"Day two of the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham’s (ISIS) offensive at the Kuweires Military Airbase did not go as planned for the aforementioned terrorist group, as they found themselves in the same position as their previous assaults, yielding little progress while sustaining heavy casualty figures at this airport in the Aleppo Governorate’s eastern countryside.

The ISIS assault began when a large contingent of armed combatants stormed the southern perimeter of the Kuweires Military Airbase from their positions at Tal Al-Ahmar, attempting to break-through the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) frontline defenses near the small village of Karkeez to the south of the airport.

Following their initial assault on the southern perimeter, another wave of ISIS combatants carried out an attack on the Kuweries Airbase, but this time from their positions at the village of Rassim Al-‘Abboud, where they attempted to infiltrate past the Syrian Arab Army’s defensive frontlines at the eastern guard post.

According to a military source in the Aleppo Governorate, ISIS withdrew their assault after sustaining over 20 casualties on Saturday, marking the second time in two days that they have failed to bypass the Syrian Armed Forces’ defenses at the Kuweires Military Airbase.

The battle for the Kuweires Military Airbase has intensified as of recently; so much so, that the casualty figures for both the Syrian Armed Forces and ISIS have sky-rocketed over the two weeks.

While the Kuweires Military Airbase holds no strategic value to either party involved, nevertheless, the ISIS militants besieging the airport view this battle as an imperative endeavor to rid the area of “infidels” (kuffar)."

Second Round of the ISIS Offensive at the Kuweires Airbase Yields Little Progress
Al-Qaeda Militants Detonate Tunnel Bomb Before Storming the Al-Zahra Quarter of West Aleppo

"On Monday evening, the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” – in coordination with Jaysh Al-Mujahiddeen and Jund Al-Aqsa – detonated a tunnel bomb underneath the dilapidated Aleppo Orphanage inside the Al-Zahra Association Quarter of west Aleppo, wounding 4 soldiers from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the process.

Following the detonation of their tunnel bomb, the Al-Qaeda affiliates that form a group called “Ansar Al-Shari’ah” stormed the Syrian Arab Army’s positions at the western perimeters of the Air Force Intelligence building and the Aleppo Orphanage, where they attempted to bypass the latter’s frontline defenses after they advanced from the Great Mosque of Aleppo.

Despite a powerful assault, the Al-Qaeda factions of Ansar Al-Shari’ah were overpowered by the Syrian Armed Forces at the Air Force Intelligence building; and by another contingent from the SAA, the National Defense Forces (NDF) and the predominately Palestinian “Liwaa Al-Quds” (Jerusalem Brigades) at Building 11, the Aleppo Courthouse, and the Aleppo Orphanage on Monday evening.

According to a military source in Aleppo, the militants of Jabhat Al-Nusra, Jaysh Al-Mujahiddeen, and Jund Al-Aqsa suffered over 20 casualties during their assault on the Al-Zahra Association Quarter; meanwhile, the Syrian Armed Forces reported 8 soldiers killed-in-action and 9 others wounded during these intense clashes.

Jabhat Al-Nusra and their allies have repeatedly attempted to capture this decrepit building in the Al-Zahra Association Quarter; however, they have been unsuccessful on every attempt."

Al-Qaeda Militants Detonate Tunnel Bomb Before Storming the Al-Zahra Quarter of West Aleppo
August Proves to be the Bloodiest Month at the Kuweires Military Airbase

"The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) has relentlessly targeted the isolated Kuweires Military Airbase for the last two years; however, as of recently, the terrorist group has launched some of their fiercest attacks on the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) positions, emulating their first assault on this airport in late 2013 when they took complete control of the Deir Hafer Plains in the Aleppo Governorate’s eastern countryside.

Despite the repeated attempts to break-through the Syrian Armed Forces’ frontline defenses at the Kuweires Military Airport, ISIS has been consistently unsuccessful in this military endeavor that has cost them well-over 175 armed combatants since the advent of the month of August when they first announced this full-scale offensive.

While the death toll for ISIS is rather high – given it is only three weeks into the fighting – the Syrian Arab Army’s casualty figures have also caused great concern for the soldiers entrenched inside the Kuweires Military Airbase, as they have a limited number of men (est. 750) to combat the terrorist group’s large forces that continue to replenish their lost combatants.

According to a military source in the Aleppo Governorate, 71 Syrian Arab Army soldiers have been reportedly killed in the month of August; this number is double the total number of soldiers killed at the Kuweires Military Airport all year.

In fact, these soldiers inside the Kuweries Military Airport were once cadets that were undergoing a rigorous training regiment to be inducted into the Syrian Arab Army’s “Air Defense Corps’; however, in 2011, this changed when the violence led to a brutal civil war.

For four years, the soldiers at the Kuweries Military Airbase have not left the parameters of the airport; they have been confined to the dilapidated barriers that protect the airport from the encroaching enemy combatants.

The three year long defense of the Kuweries Military Airbase has been remarkable; however, the question remains “how long can they hold” – there are no supply lines to the airport and no path to retreat for the soldiers.

Any hope of lifting the siege of the Kuweires Military Airbase rests on the shoulders of the Syrian Arab Army soldiers entrenched to the east of the Al-Safira District; if they are unable to break-through ISIS’ defensive corridor, then the month of September could be potentially bloodier than August."

August Proves to be the Bloodiest Month at the Kuweires Military Airbase
Jabhat Al-Nusra Surprise Attack in West Aleppo Fails; Syrian Army in Full Control of Al-Zahra

"The Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” – in coordination with their allies from Jaysh Al-Mujahiddeen and Jund Al-Aqsa – detonated a tunnel bomb at the Aleppo Orphanage inside the Al-Zahra Association Quarter of Aleppo City on Monday morning, wounding four soldiers from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) before clashes broke-out between the opposing parties.

Following the detonation of the tunnel bomb, the Al-Qaeda affiliates captured the Great Prophet Mosque of Aleppo in northwest Al-Zahra, resulting in their subsequent advance to the dilapidated Air Force Intelligence building located to the east of the mosque; however, this advance did not go as planned for Jabhat Al-Nusra and company, as the Syrian Armed Forces proved unwilling to concede any ground to them.

Firefights between the Syrian Armed Forces and the Islamist rebel factions that make up “Ansar Al-Shari’ah” (Jabhat Al-Nusra is the largest unit) engulfed the Air Force Intelligence building, Aleppo Orphanage, Aleppo Courthouse, and Building 11, leaving a number of dead fighters on both sides.

Unfortunately for Jabhat Al-Nusra and company, their surprise assault was eventually repelled by the Syrian Arab Army, National Defense Forces (NDF), and the predominately Palestinian “Liwaa Al-Quds” (Jerusalem Brigades) after six hours of non-stop fighting inside the Al-Zahra Association Quarter.

Not long after the Al-Qaeda affiliates withdrew from the Al-Zahra Association Quarter, the Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAF) pounded their positions at the Al-Layramoun District, destroying a number of armored vehicles used by the Islamist rebel forces."

Jabhat Al-Nusra Surprise Attack in West Aleppo Fails; Syrian Army in Full Control of Al-Zahra
Islamist Rebels Attack Aleppo City at Midnight

"The Islamist rebel factions of Jabhat Al-Shamiyah (Levantine Front) and the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” launched a late night assault on the provincial capital of the Aleppo Governorate, targeting the Syrian Armed Forces’ defensive positions at Mail Street and Jamiyat Salahiddeen inside the Al-Ashrafiyah District.

According to a military source, the Islamist rebels of Jabhat Al-Shamiyah and Jabhat Al-Nusra stormed the Syrian Arab Army’s frontline defenses at midnight on Monday, when a large joint contingent of the aforementioned Islamist factions attempted to capture the contested Mail Street inside the Al-Ashrafiyah District of central Aleppo.

Unfortunately for the Islamist rebel factions, they ran into the Syrian Armed Forces’ stiff defenses at the northern sector of the Al-Ashrafiyah District; this resulted in a high casualty number for Jabhat Al-Shamiyah and Jabhat Al-Nusra, as the Syrian Arab Army swept through this street block after fierce clashes with the Islamist rebel fighters.

In addition to the intense clashes at the Al-Ashrafiyah, the Islamist rebels and the Syrian Armed Forces engaged one another in a series of fierce firefights at the Al-Hikmat School, where the militants of Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham attempted to bypass the SAA’s defensive positions at this site inside the provincial capital of Aleppo."

Islamist Rebels Attack Aleppo City at Midnight
Syrian Army Launches Fresh Offensive to Lift the Two Year Long Siege of the Kuweires Airbase

"On Monday morning, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) – in cooperation with the National Defense Forces (NDF) and the Al-Ba’ath Battalion – launched a fresh offensive inside the Aleppo Governorate’s southeastern countryside in order to lift the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham’s (ISIS) two year long siege of the isolated Kuweires Military Airbase.

The Syrian Armed Forces have started this southeast Aleppo offensive from two different axes, as the aforementioned is targeting the terrorist group at the Jabboul Lake front and the town of ‘Ayn Sabil; this is meant to spread out the ISIS fighters in the Deir Hafer Plateau.

It did not take the Syrian Armed Forces very long to get their offensive in southeastern Aleppo going; in fact, within two hours of launching their assault, the Syrian Arab Army and National Defense Forces took control of the two hilltops at Tal Na’am and Tal Sab’in, which are located just north of Jabboul Lake.

While the Syrian Armed Forces would prefer to reach the Kuweires Military Airbases from the Deir Hafer Highway, their current advance leaves them only two villages away from the southwestern corridor of the airport.

The main objective of this offensive is to lift the siege on the Kuweries Military Airport, but this assault also has a positive effect for the Syrian Armed Forces due to the Deir Hafer Plateau’s proximity from the Syrian Government’s main supply route to the Aleppo Governorate.

According to a military source in the Aleppo Governorate, the Syrian Armed Forces killed the following identified ISIS fighters on Monday: Mahmoud Abu ‘Aamer Dandashi, Hajj Ibrahim Al-Turki, ‘Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-‘Akrabousi, Ghazi Al-Nawaf, Jamaal Al-Jada’an, Abu Fahd Al-Iraqi, Saleh Al-Salmawi, Abu Al-Farouq Al-Iraqi, Mahmoud Abu Hassan Al-Muradi, and Abu As’ad Al-Sudani."

Syrian Army Launches Fresh Offensive to Lift the Two Year Long Siege of the Kuweires Airbase
Looks like Turkey´s anti-ISIS zone becomes an ISIS-zone as Turkey and the US did - in fact - nothing while al-Nusra withdrew its forces. Now, the Syrian army is taking advantage of the Islamist-on-Islamist clashes and moves in...

Syrian Army’s Northern Aleppo Offensive Forthcoming as the Islamists Fight Each Other

"Nine months ago, the Syrian Armed Forces launched a surprise offensive in northern Aleppo that was geared to capture the villages of Duwayr Al-Zeitoun and Bashkoy; instead, the undisciplined National Defense Forces (NDF) decided to push all the way to the isolated Shi’i towns of Al-Zahra’a ad Nubl.

Much to their surprise the next day, hundreds of Islamists crossed into Syria from Turkey in order to help drive back the NDF and Al-Ba’ath Battalion soldiers that shockingly captured the villages of Hardatineen, Rityan, Bashkoy, and Duwayr Al-Zeitoun after intense firefights with the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” and Harakat Ahar Al-Sham.

Unfortunately for the NDF and Al-Ba’ath Battalion soldiers, they were swarmed by the Islamist fighters of Jabhat Al-Nusra and Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham, while they attempted to evade the aforementioned Islamist groups in the open fields of Hardatineen, Rityan, and Al-Malaah; it ended badly for them, as they were attempting to withdraw in the wide-open without any air cover.

Since this offensive, the Syrian Armed Forces have been on the defensive all over the Aleppo Governorate, as the Islamist factions like Jabhat Al-Nusra, Jund Al-Aqsa, Jaysh Al-Mujahiddeen, Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham, the Free Syrian Army, and Harakat Nour al-Deen Al-Zinki repeatedly attack their positions.

In August, Jabhat Al-Nusra withdrew from northern Aleppo, leaving the area to the Free Syrian Army and Jabhat Al-Shamiyah, despite the looming threat from the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) that was growing in the eastern countryside.

In a matter of three weeks, ISIS was able to capture large swathes of territory from the Free Syrian Army and Jabhat Al-Shamiyah, pushing their way to the imperative towns of Tal Rifaat and Mar’e that sit along the Syrian rebels main supply route from the Turkish city of Gaziantep.

Now, it is time for the Syrian Armed Forces to strike northern Aleppo and there is no better time than now, as the Islamist militants are busy fighting one another near the Turkish border.

According to sources from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), a large convoy of Iraqi militiamen from Harakat Al-Najaba’ were prepping to lift the siege on Al-Zahra’a and Nubl.

The sources could not reveal too much about the coming offensive; however, the attack is specifically focused on the main road leading to Al-Zahra’a and Nubl’s eastern flank."

Syrian Army's Northern Aleppo Offensive Forthcoming as the Islamists Fight Each Other
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Reinforcements Arrive in Aleppo as the Syrian Army Restart Operations at the Scientific Research Facility

"On Tuesday morning, two dozen tanks and over 900 fighters from the civilian-led “National Defense Forces” (NDF) in the Hama Governorate have arrived to the tense battlefront inside the provincial capital of the Aleppo Governorate, amid the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) prepared assault on the strategically located Scientific Research Facility in the Al-Rashideen Quarter.

The National Defense Forces’ reinforcements are believed to be the first wave of pro-government fighters to arrive to the Aleppo Governorate; however, their location and objective is still unknown, as these militiamen are only 1/3 of the scheduled reinforcements that are set to arrive to this volatile front in northern Syria.

According to a military source in the Aleppo Governorate, the recent reinforcements traveled from their positions in the Hama Governorate’s southwestern countryside to the only government supply route along the Khanasser Highway; these men make-up half of the scheduled Syrian reinforcements to Aleppo, while a large contingent of Iraqi militiamen are set to arrive any day now.

Meanwhile, inside Aleppo City, the Syrian Arab Army – in coordination with the predominately Palestinian militia “Liwaa Al-Quds” (Jerusalem Brigades) – have restarted their operations at the Scientific Research Facility in the Al-Rashideen Quarter.

If the Syrian Armed Forces are successful in recapturing this strategic building in west Aleppo, they will be in a prime position to reverse the gains made by the Islamist rebel fighters of Jabhat Al-Shamiyah (Levantine Front) and the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” in the months of June and July."

Reinforcements Arrive in Aleppo as the Syrian Army Restart Operations at the Scientific Research Facility
Syrian Army Recaptures Two Villages En Route to the Kuweires Military Airbase in East Aleppo

"On Tuesday afternoon, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) and Kata’eb Al-Ba’ath (Al-Ba’ath Battalions – countered the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham’s (ISIS) recent gains in the Aleppo Governorate’s eastern countryside with an assault of their own that focused on the recapture of the villages of Tal Rayman and Al-Salihiyah.

The Syrian Armed Forces conducted their counter-assault in east Aleppo after the ISIS failed to break-out of the Deir Hafer Plains’ western countryside into the Al-Safira Plains; this left the aforementioned terrorist group in a position where they were spread too thin, which opened a gap for the Syrian Armed Forces to reenter Al-Salihiyah.

Following a volatile morning of non-stop firefights, the Syrian Arab Army regrouped at the outskirts of Al-Salihiyah, where they were joined by reinforcements from the National Defense Forces and the Al-Ba’ath Battalion, who helped them break-through ISIS’ frontline positions and recapture the village after a brief engagement on Tuesday afternoon.

With Al-Salihiyah under their control, the Syrian Armed Forces were in a prime position to launch an assault on Tal Rayman in order to recapture this village from the terrorist group.

Not long after the Syrian Armed Forces captured Al-Salihiyah, the Syrian Arab Air Force (SAAF) conducted a series of airstrikes above Tal Rayman; this paved the way for the counter-assault on the ground and the eventual recapture of Tal Rayman from the ISIS terrorists.

Tal Rayman and Al-Salihiyah are located along the route to the besieged Kuweires Military Airport that is currently being attacked by ISIS militants from all flanks."

Syrian Army Recaptures Two Villages En Route to the Kuweires Military Airbase in East Aleppo

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