Newly released video shows J6 DC cops shooting casually into peaceful crowd

Video 1. appears to be cops firing rubber bullets or something into the crowd. Nothing lethal, otherwise you'd have a mass casualty event afterwards.

Video 2., we can't see why the guy was being tazed.
This video access thing isn't going to turn out the way MAGATs think it will.

#LOLGOP #TooFunny #CLASSIC #AllRepublicansHaveForAmericaIsMORECultureWarBS

I'm beginning to notice a pattern here.

Permit me to use Malcolm Dense as an example:

Ever since this thousands of additional hours of J6 footage being released has triggered every piss pants Lefty on this message board; all we get are generic non sequiturs. No actual rebuttals or logical arguments, just the mass equivalent of hiding under the bed; closing one's ears, and speaking in tongues.

I mean, if you wanna turn the entire Left side of this website into "NUH UH, CUZ MAGA!" then okey dokey - but don't expect anyone to take you seriously who has an IQ in excess of 75.

Wait, who am I kiddin'?

That horse already left the barn after, destroying it beyond all recognition.
He was getting tazed to provoke the Patriots.

That's a response that dodges the actual question. What did he do to provoke it? If he truly did nothing, we'd know about it....

These people although are treated badly, should not have been there.

Honestly, I'm at the point that if they were stupid enough to be there, they deserve whatever fate befalls them.
Jack-booted thug....Fuckin' christ the protestors were just milling about with cups of coffee in their hands.

Holy crap didn't you see them get tazed? They must have done something wrong!!!
Who is this MF Thau? Give him the firing squad if treason he damned near started a civil war. #ArrestThau


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