Newly released video shows J6 DC cops shooting casually into peaceful crowd

How was the cop to know that she was unarmed? She was part of a large crowd that obviously made the officer feel threatened.
Oh please. There are a ton of examples where law enforcement shot and killed unarmed black people and you guys never give one crap about the police not knowing if they were armed or not.
Reichminister Pelosi wanted machine gun nests set up to kill peaceful protesters

So basically they were no different than the Army under Hoover, the strike breaking throughout American history, etc. Again we see Democrats merely copying previous Republican behaviors right wingers are proud of, so as usual it's just another distinction without a difference; both Parties are essentially the same as far as most of the public is concerned. They both need to go, along with their beloved big banks and multi-national corporations which more resemble organized crime than 'free market businesses'.
So basically they were no different than the Army under Hoover, the strike breaking throughout American history, etc. Again we see Democrats merely copying previous Republican behaviors right wingers are proud of, so as usual it's just another distinction without a difference; both Parties are essentially the same as far as most of the public is concerned. They both need to go, along with their beloved big banks and multi-national corporations which more resemble organized crime than 'free market businesses'.

J6 was a labor strike and not a peaceful protest perverted by Nancy's and the democrat Party's reichstag Fire?

You have a very high Fake News Rating, my friend
Protests are not polite. Don’t have nervous nellies policing them. I did not say she was a Trump supporter-that’s a typical liberal ploy to make things up and ask you to “defend” the falsehood
I did say the murderer had an agenda.

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Anybody, dumb enough to be in that building, gets what they deserve. Did she deserve death? Probably not, but then again we won't even know what she did to prompt her killing. But did the **** belong there, doing what she was doing? Hell no.

Trump said to Peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. He didn't say anything about marching into the capitol building. The stupid zealots deserve what they got. The real heroes were the ones who listened to Trump, and peacefully protested away from the capitol building, like smart people.
We ain't losing shit, you were just never a part of the conversation. Butt out.
My my, getting testy are we? And here I thought this was a public forum anybody could post on. You lose when you get foul mouthed because it shows that that is best debate point you've got. Bullying others is a losing argument. I'm going to pray for your soul because it looks like you need it. Peace be with you my fellow debater. May the lord heal your hatred.
My my, getting testy are we? And here I thought this was a public forum anybody could post on. You lose when you get foul mouthed because it shows that that is best debate point you've got. Bullying others is a losing argument. I'm going to pray for your soul because it looks like you need it. Peace be with you my fellow debater. May the lord heal your hatred.

Spare me the holier than thou shit. You're no better than me, and I no better than you.
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Spare me the holier than thou shit. You're no better than me, and I no better than you.
My prayers seem to be working as you seem to acknowledge that you are no better than me. That means prayers work and I will continue to pray for your soul. I never said I was better than you but I will pray that you can learn to live life without hating others, or bullying or intimidating them or calling them names. Jesus loves you my friend.

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