Newly released video shows J6 DC cops shooting casually into peaceful crowd

Nope , again with your useless word salad
Do you actually speak English? The rioters had already pushed police back through two lines of police and were breaking the third when the video from this thread occurs.
Do you actually speak English? The rioters had already pushed police back through two lines of police and were breaking the third when the video from this thread occurs.
And you continue to ignore my post
In the last meeting, they discussed this very thing, and they voted that it will play out this way:

Video will be released, and one group will jump all over it, claiming it proves complete innocence on the part of the J6 demonstrators, while another group will run around frantically screaming, "EDITED!", "FAKE NEWS", "LIES", and sundry other nonsense. Didn't you get the write up? I think it's playing out pretty much as expected.
The date of the orange babboon god's reinstatement will be moved up, right retard? :abgg2q.jpg:
January 6th: They can’t arrest us all!
January 7th: Oh no! They’re arresting us all!
If you’re dumb enough to protest your government? You do know that’s in the Constitution.

Protest by disrupting a lawful assembly of lawmakers in the process of doing their job? No, I don't think that's allowed. If you yell during a court trial, you get dragged away. There is no outrage in that, is there? I don't see how this situation is any different. They were disrupting a proceeding, and breaking and entering a building they were not allowed to be in at the time. They were stupid to think that they were going to get away with it.
Well, we do know that an unarmed woman, who was no threat, was murdered by the Capitol police. If that would have happened to a black woman by the police in BLM riots the left would have been playing it up to the hilt.

How was the cop to know that she was unarmed? She was part of a large crowd that obviously made the officer feel threatened.
Protest by disrupting a lawful assembly of lawmakers in the process of doing their job? No, I don't think that's allowed. If you yell during a court trial, you get dragged away. There is no outrage in that, is there? I don't see how this situation is any different. They were disrupting a proceeding, and breaking and entering a building they were not allowed to be in at the time. They were stupid to think that they were going to get away with it.
Protesting that delays a congressional activity is not illegal
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How was the cop to know that she was unarmed? She was part of a large crowd that obviously made the officer feel threatened.
Why did over half dozen other armed officers within 15 feet of her choose to not draw and murder?
Why-because they were competent and qualified non agenda.
Why did over half dozen other armed officers within 15 feet of her choose to not draw and murder?
Why-because they were competent and qualified non agenda.
You are hilariously gullible to propaganda, if you think that the officer murdered her because she was a Trump supporter. Face it dude, not all of that crowd was peaceful.
How was the cop to know that she was unarmed? She was part of a large crowd that obviously made the officer feel threatened.
Man you are missing by a mile
Police are Required to KNOW that you are armed and cannot act with a lethal response unless they SEE that your are armed.
This coward never said he knew she was armed. He did say he felt she could be a potential threat to congress. Such congress in the other part of the building and 10 minutes away. Wonder if any other coward would have mowed her down over fear and “could do” if she had made her way closer to Congress??
Anybody else get closer? We’re they shot and killed?
You are hilariously gullible to propaganda, if you think that the officer murdered her because she was a Trump supporter. Face it dude, not all of that crowd was peaceful.

Protests are not polite. Don’t have nervous nellies policing them. I did not say she was a Trump supporter-that’s a typical liberal ploy to make things up and ask you to “defend” the falsehood
I did say the murderer had an agenda.

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