Newly released video shows J6 DC cops shooting casually into peaceful crowd

Video 1. appears to be cops firing rubber bullets or something into the crowd. Nothing lethal, otherwise you'd have a mass casualty event afterwards.

Video 2., we can't see why the guy was being tazed.
Well, we do know that an unarmed woman, who was no threat, was murdered by the Capitol police. If that would have happened to a black woman by the police in BLM riots the left would have been playing it up to the hilt.
And YOU called me

2:00 p.m.​

C-SPAN broadcast of the Senate going into recess after rioters infiltrate the Capitol
  • 2:00 p.m.: The mob removes the last barrier protecting the east side of the Capitol.
  • 2:03 p.m.: The White House switchboard connects with Rudy Giuliani for 8 minutes.
  • 2:05 p.m.: Kevin Greeson is declared dead after suffering a heart attack outdoors on the Capitol grounds.
  • 2:10 p.m.:
    • The mob west of the Capitol chase police up the steps, breaching the final barricade and approach an entrance directly below the Senate chamber.
    • House Sergeant at Arms Irving calls Chief Sund with formal approval to request assistance from the National Guard.

Floorplan of the first floor of the Senate side of the Capitol. "A" indicates the location of the first breach into the building at 2:11 p.m. "B" indicates the location of a Capitol Police officer in a doorway before retreating up stairs at 2:14 p.m.
  • 2:11 p.m.: Rioter Dominic Pezzola breaks a window on the northwest side of the Capitol with a plastic shield.
  • 2:12 p.m.: The first rioter enters the Capitol through the broken window in the Senate wing of the building, opening a door for others.
  • 2:13 p.m.:
    • Entries in a National Security Council chat convey that "2 windows have been kicked in" and "Capitol is breached".
    • Vice President Pence is removed from the Senate chamber by his lead Secret Service agent, Tim Giebels, who brings him to a nearby office about 100 feet from the landing.
    • The Senate is gaveled into recess.
I don’t see the time flashbombs started by cops lazy
As your dear leader said the same thing?

July 25 2018
At a speech in Kansas City to the VFW annual convention on Tuesday, President Donald Trump – amid one of his trademark anti-media rants.

“Stick with us. Don’t believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news. … What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”

Yeah, and Trump was right.

He wasn't referring to raw footage (like the Jan 6th tapes), he was referring to the BS filter over at places like CNN and MSNBC.

But, as usual, you didn't get the memo and don't even understand.
Sure Q-NUT.


The communist breached capitol police barricades, then they wanted to breach the capitol?

They ALL, should have been Ashley Babbitt target practice.
So you'd be in favor of using live ammunitions to suppress BLM and ANTIFA rioters? I will remember that for the next riot.
So you'd be in favor of using live ammunitions to suppress BLM and ANTIFA rioters? I will remember that for the next riot.
If they were trying to overthrow the US election or government at the capitol?
Even trying to overthrow a state government at state capitol.

Not only yes, but HELL YES.
AFTER the Trump's retards, BREACHED their security line?

NOW republicans whine.
Hey dumbshit, Schiffty and Pelosi and the rest of your leftard wrecking crew deliberately withheld the truth from America because THE TRUTH WOULDN'T HAVE LOOKED GOOD IN THEIR SOUND BITES.

And YOU support this stupid shit, just because the liars are from YOUR own party.

What a bunch of retarded scumbags.

Saner heads should take the electoral process out of your hands.
If they were trying to overthrow the US election or government at the capitol?
Even trying to overthrow a state government at state capitol.

Not only yes, but HELL YES.
No one tried to overthrow anything, you stupid fucktard.

Except the truth, which doesn't get much play anyway.
Hey dumbshit, Schiffty and Pelosi and the rest of your leftard wrecking crew deliberately withheld the truth from America because THE TRUTH WOULDN'T HAVE LOOKED GOOD IN THEIR SOUND BITES.

And YOU support this stupid shit, just because the liars are from YOUR own party.

What a bunch of retarded scumbags.

Saner heads should take the electoral process out of your hands.
ANOTHER Q-NUT chimes in?

Tell everyone what the "Truth" is?
A FOX guest, agreeing with their host?

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