Newly released video shows J6 DC cops shooting casually into peaceful crowd

I've heard of this Q thing.
But only from Democrat Cultists
Do you love him/her?
Sure Q-NUT.

This video access thing isn't going to turn out the way MAGATs think it will.

#LOLGOP #TooFunny #CLASSIC #AllRepublicansHaveForAmericaIsMORECultureWarBS
In the last meeting, they discussed this very thing, and they voted that it will play out this way:

Video will be released, and one group will jump all over it, claiming it proves complete innocence on the part of the J6 demonstrators, while another group will run around frantically screaming, "EDITED!", "FAKE NEWS", "LIES", and sundry other nonsense. Didn't you get the write up? I think it's playing out pretty much as expected.
NO, BOTH were NOT provoked, only the retards that listened the the MAGA retard.


You're FOS, as usual.
The cops invited the retards, so they could fight them?
ONLY, in Trumplandia.
Read the twitter thread. Innocent Americans were attacked on January 6 by the police. It was all a setup by Pelosi.

Where’s the Jan 6 timeline?
In the last meeting, they discussed this very thing, and they voted that it will play out this way:

Video will be released, and one group will jump all over it, claiming it proves complete innocence on the part of the J6 demonstrators, while another group will run around frantically screaming, "EDITED!", "FAKE NEWS", "LIES", and sundry other nonsense. Didn't you get the write up? I think it's playing out pretty much as expected.
How about the jan6 committee show the timelines of flashbombing by cops and breach!!
Where’s the Jan 6 timeline?
And YOU called me

2:00 p.m.​

C-SPAN broadcast of the Senate going into recess after rioters infiltrate the Capitol
  • 2:00 p.m.: The mob removes the last barrier protecting the east side of the Capitol.
  • 2:03 p.m.: The White House switchboard connects with Rudy Giuliani for 8 minutes.
  • 2:05 p.m.: Kevin Greeson is declared dead after suffering a heart attack outdoors on the Capitol grounds.
  • 2:10 p.m.:
    • The mob west of the Capitol chase police up the steps, breaching the final barricade and approach an entrance directly below the Senate chamber.
    • House Sergeant at Arms Irving calls Chief Sund with formal approval to request assistance from the National Guard.

Floorplan of the first floor of the Senate side of the Capitol. "A" indicates the location of the first breach into the building at 2:11 p.m. "B" indicates the location of a Capitol Police officer in a doorway before retreating up stairs at 2:14 p.m.
  • 2:11 p.m.: Rioter Dominic Pezzola breaks a window on the northwest side of the Capitol with a plastic shield.
  • 2:12 p.m.: The first rioter enters the Capitol through the broken window in the Senate wing of the building, opening a door for others.
  • 2:13 p.m.:
    • Entries in a National Security Council chat convey that "2 windows have been kicked in" and "Capitol is breached".
    • Vice President Pence is removed from the Senate chamber by his lead Secret Service agent, Tim Giebels, who brings him to a nearby office about 100 feet from the landing.
    • The Senate is gaveled into recess.
How about the jan6 committee show the timelines of flashbombing by cops and breach!!
Flash bangs and tear gas are routine tools used by police to clear riots and other unlawful protests.
That's a response that dodges the actual question. What did he do to provoke it? If he truly did nothing, we'd know about it....

These people although are treated badly, should not have been there.

Honestly, I'm at the point that if they were stupid enough to be there, they deserve whatever fate befalls them.
If you’re dumb enough to protest your government? You do know that’s in the Constitution.

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