NEWS AND COMMENTARY Trump Doctor: Pfizer Offered Hush Money To Help Cover Up For Jab Dangers [VIDEO]

You have yet to provide ANY evidence of your claims of danger from the vaccine. You're just claiming the mere fact of some reactions is enough to remove the vaccine.

As a young woman, I was told that taking birth control pills had a 1/1000 chance of causing blot clots. That's a whole lot higher risk that the risk of myocarditis from the covid vaccine. And yet birth control pills weren't pulled from the market.

You claims that this risk is too high is ridiculous and has no basis in reality. You've posted NOTHING to back up your claims that this risk is unacceptable at all.

People didn't even know the risks--were not allowed to know because EAU. If you were rational about this topic you could admit the shots (not vaccines) have done next to nothing.
Was it the same doctor who said trump was the healthiest president ever, or the one who lied about his bone spurs
They're gonna believe what they're supposed to believe, get it off of some random MAGA media source, not wonder for one (1) moment what the other side of the story might be or if the interpretation of the source is fair, or if they're getting the whole picture, and sprint over to post it here.

At least we know where they get it.
Apologize for length upfront. This is not a debate that can be solved with memes or bad media or slogans or ad hominins.

The story could possibly be true. I watched his interview in the trash link you originally selected. I tend to BELIEVE he was contacted and offered a job. The relevance of that - if true - is questionable. Because Pfizer of all entities should know that scientists are some of the biggest egos and primadonnas to ever walk the earth and you cant KEEP THEM "as domesticated cattle" feeding on bribes.

It's hard to separate that from the bogus title claims about being "Trump Doctor" or the fact that this source didn't mention A WORD about him being dismissed from his "advisory role" in the Trump Admin OR the emails in which he boldly implied that Americans should "just GET COVID" rather than take the vaccines.

I over-reacted a bit because of the LIES and sins of OMISSIONS in your garbage link. NOW -- I'm worried that statements like this from Dr. Alexander WILL NEVER BE COVERED in the general media and let everyone DEBATE the validity. So MAYBE -- in the near future -- we'll all be digging thru tabloids and garbage media to find stuff.

STILL tho -- this doctor is anti-vax about 1250 or so deaths tied to the Covid vaccines and doesn't want to acknowledge the BENEFITS of lives saved and hospitals crashing under the load. 1250 out of 160 million (times the number of shots) is really in the noise. ESPECIALLY since the ELDERLY and nursing home patients took the brunt of the PROVEN "serious reactions". LARGE % of those folks could be pushed to death by any kind of mild infection, gastric upset or missing or late drug administration. They are FRAIL enough to be under constant medical supervision.

He BRIEFLY was "an advisor" to the Trump Admin, not a govt employee. And BRIEFLY is because he was RELEASED from the job for "disagreements". Details MATTER. NOT a "Trump Doctor" as your headline read.

And there's NOTHING WRONG with recognizing herd immunity EXCEPT when you OWN GOVT wont acknowledge the fact or keeps moving the goalposts to ENCOURAGE vaccination. That's the diff between SCIENCE which CLEARLY CDC/NIH/HHS/SurgeonGeneral has butchered or ignored in order to make PUBLIC HEALTH statements that always about simplistic slogans/messaging and COMPLIANCE.

But Dr. Alexander MADE those statements BECAUSE he's full AGAINST the vaccines AND wants people "to contract Covid to achieve herd immunity.

BOTH "SIDES" of this issue are patently wrong "on the science" and on weighing risks. Both YOURS and our Federal/state/local govts..

I'm NOT ON EITHER SIDE. When you weigh the TRUTH of what the science ACTUALLY SAYS -
The answer was ALWAYS - -- PROTECT the elderly and folks with pre-existing conditions -- and allow EVERYONE ELSE the freedom to take or NOT take the vaccine along with RECOGNIZING the benefits of NATURAL immunity to fend off the persecution of those who got Covid and refused the vax. That's "the science".. But govt essentially always went with "public health compliance" with one size fits all.

So -- you could MANDATE vaccines for those endangered demographics and anyone CARING for them. And THAT WOULD SAVE LIVES and medical crises -- up until about Omicron variant. And maybe GENERAL rules for abatement in the public spacing on masking (REAL MASK GUIDANCE) and distancing.

The problem then arises -- how do you STOP violence in public spaces from the Nancys that think ANYBODY is "trying to kill them" if they are unvaxxed. TELL THEM ABOUT NATURAL IMMUNITY. MAKE IT OFFICIAL.. BE HONEST ABOUT THE SCIENCE -- but they didn't.

Even if you had to mandate MASKING for the UNVAXXED and could not really ENFORCE THAT without tatooing people's foreheads -- that's what the science said.

The govts involved WILL PAY A PRICE in credibility when this is over. They need to be held accountable for butchering and "purifying" the science for public consumption. ESPECIALLY on being mum about natural immunity, ignoring distinguished panels at the FDA RECOMMENDING AGAINST vaccinating 12 and under or maybe even pregnant women (like witchdoctor Walinsky DID !!! ) and the TERRIBLE messaging on masks and QUALITY required and the SUPPRESSION of therapeutics so that VACCINATION would be the ONLY priority. Not to mention how poorly, the CDC has kept and cooked the books on the "data".

But OTHand -- IF YOUR side and Malone/Alexander and all those ultra-vocal anti-vax folks got THEIR WAY and put holds on vaccines every time a VAEReport got filed -- ALL OF YOU would be responsible for violence in the streets and humongeous CIVIL UNREST as folks resorted to accosting each other about their "vax status" and "natural immunity".

Science is orderly, generally SLOW, and not CONCERNED about public opinion or compliance. THUS -- there's always some kind of "public health messaging" required in situations like we've been thru,...

The problem is that the vaccines offer a very limited benefit with a very high risk profile ESP the younger you go. All these college mandating the vaccinations and boosters? horrible move.
They're gonna believe what they're supposed to believe, get it off of some random MAGA media source, not wonder for one (1) moment what the other side of the story might be or if the interpretation of the source is fair, or if they're getting the whole picture, and sprint over to post it here.

At least we know where they get it.

Mac brings MAGA into the vaccine thread. Because poor Mac is obsessed of course.
The problem is that the vaccines offer a very limited benefit with a very high risk profile ESP the younger you go. All these college mandating the vaccinations and boosters? horrible move.

The benefit was NOT limited for the original strain. It DID perform against severe infections, hospitalizations and death. The problem with mRNA vax is that it trains the immune system to attack just the spike proteins. And ALL viruses quickly mutate to survive and with each variant, that training to identify the virus gets weaker.

There's risk. It can not be called "very high". We've administered something like 500MILLION doses to maybe 200MILLION people and the VERIFIED links to death are in the noise. That might rise as researchers have the time to analyze more of the REPORTED deaths and sort that out, It's almost impossible to establish CLEAR links to deaths in the elderly/infirmed tho.

Wallinsky at CDC is TOTALLY responsible (I would hope even criminally) for IGNORING FDA panel recommendations for kids. We can HOPE for something, but NO ONE in govt is ever held responsible anymore. We've seen that dozens of times a year now.

The list of those responsible for all the confusion/misdirection/misinformation is VERY long. And goes BEYOND govt to the media who doesn't do journalism anymore and in particular the HANDY CENSORS of the tech tyrants.

There's even people on the ANTI vax side that should be held to account for THEIR roles.
They're gonna believe what they're supposed to believe, get it off of some random MAGA media source, not wonder for one (1) moment what the other side of the story might be or if the interpretation of the source is fair, or if they're getting the whole picture, and sprint over to post it here.

At least we know where they get it.

You must think the membership is too stupid to do this themselves. This whole dust-up has TWO sides who have BOTH misguided the convo... And you're just yelling from the end zone stands instead of suiting up anymore. Probably 1st -- to be of ANY use you have to give Trump a one week eviction notice from your head.

All this can be sorted out. Dr. Alexander was NOT wrong on everything. In fact, on a LOT of things he was MUCH MORE CORRECT than the central planners, the media, tech tyrants that you admire.
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The entire leadership of Pfizer is 100% treasonous murderous opium pushing Zionist Fascists....

They should all get this

See the source image

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The govts involved WILL PAY A PRICE in credibility when this is over.

but NO ONE in govt is ever held responsible anymore
well there's the real crux of the issue fct

in the broader objective , it all boils down to trusting our government

jokingly i refer to the 3 branches as the executive banksters, supreme oilocracy, and legislative pharmacabal

seriously, i'll point out their influence has resulted in wars & recessions that serve our oligarchs

and all one need do is follow the $$$

allow me to up the ante' on my pharmacabal quip w/ anecdotals

we're a pill poppin' nation , we're led to believe doctors can let us out the door with a magical script , clouds part angels sing.....

now doctors are also on board with this, in the sense that they need to do something for patients other than insist on bed rest & fluids

ergo the old adage is 'amoxicillin elicits the presence of a child' ....followed closely by the antibiotic paradox

and gawd help the other end of the spectrum , where one may have multiple doctors prescribing multiple RX's

one really can't become a senior in the USofA w/out having the pharmacabal do their best to addict you, and so often with useless drugs that are seriously counterproductive.

look up prescription deaths for starters , the Columbian cartels got nuthin' on us , they're pikers by comparison

did you know one of the leading questions in the emergency services evolved to include "Have you had a change in meds" ? when a senior was found 'fallen and cant get up'?

we saw it more often than not in the field

allow me to up the ante' on my pharmacabal quip w/ anecdotals

we're a pill poppin' nation , we're led to believe doctors can let us out the door with a magical script , clouds part angels sing.....

now doctors are also on board with this, in the sense that they need to do something for patients other than insist on bed rest & fluids

ergo the old adage is 'amoxicillin elicits the presence of a child' ....followed closely by the antibiotic paradox

and gawd help the other end of the spectrum , where one may have multiple doctors prescribing multiple RX's

one really can't become a senior in the USofA w/out having the pharmacabal do their best to addict you, and so often with useless drugs that are seriously counterproductive.

look up prescription deaths for starters , the Columbian cartels got nuthin' on us , they're pikers by comparison

did you know one of the leading questions in the emergency services evolved to include "Have you had a change in meds" ? when a senior was found 'fallen and cant get up'?

we saw it more often than not in the field


Sort of like who the bigger robbers are. Meaning, who is the bigger robber? "The one who robs the bank or the actual banking system?" Mark Twain

Always sort of wondered how if the bank holds the deed to your house until you pay off the loan, why isn't the bank responsible for paying the property tax? Hmmmm?

Oh, because of some law.
Sort of like who the bigger robbers are. Meaning, who is the bigger robber? "The one who robs the bank or the actual banking system?" Mark Twain

Always sort of wondered how if the bank holds the deed to your house until you pay off the loan, why isn't the bank responsible for paying the property tax? Hmmmm?

Oh, because of some law.
One gets to the point where the illusion of altruistic values become a deafening crescendo Owl

well there's the real crux of the issue fct

in the broader objective , it all boils down to trusting our government

jokingly i refer to the 3 branches as the executive banksters, supreme oilocracy, and legislative pharmacabal

seriously, i'll point out their influence has resulted in wars & recessions that serve our oligarchs

and all one need do is follow the $$$


That's all spot on. But following the money does not work if the MEDIA ignores stuff and BOTH parties like the mutual "sexual stroking" they condone when govt colludes/favors with corporate America.

MOST Fed Agencies have CONFLICTING mission statements. Dept of Ag for instance is suppose to both REGULATE and PROMOTE American agriculture. Got so warm and cozy that in the 90s the Ag Dept was running commercials for milk, meat, other products.

Same with FAA -- they both REGULATE and PROMOTE American airlines and manufacturers.

AND HERE in COVID land - we see how tight the FDA/CDC/Admin WAS in agreements on "emergency drugs and development".

The ability to MAKE or BREAK players in markets is a HUGE mutual stroking exercise.
That's all spot on. But following the money does not work if the MEDIA ignores stuff and BOTH parties like the mutual "sexual stroking" they condone when govt colludes/favors with corporate America.

MOST Fed Agencies have CONFLICTING mission statements. Dept of Ag for instance is suppose to both REGULATE and PROMOTE American agriculture. Got so warm and cozy that in the 90s the Ag Dept was running commercials for milk, meat, other products.

Same with FAA -- they both REGULATE and PROMOTE American airlines and manufacturers.

AND HERE in COVID land - we see how tight the FDA/CDC/Admin WAS in agreements on "emergency drugs and development".

The ability to MAKE or BREAK players in markets is a HUGE mutual stroking exercise.
yes, yes, and if you didn't read me right yes FCT

so plz forgive my posting of a popular meme here>>


yes, yes, and if you didn't read me right yes FCT

so plz forgive my posting of a popular meme here>>

View attachment 623629
Consumers are pushing back. The hallowed institutions of Woka-Cola, Disney and others are paying a price. Even the techno-tyrants are getting pressure directly from the people. Facebook re-made itself as Meta to hide their previous corporate sins, but took a 25% haircut on stock/evaluation when ZuckerBird left and put a Che Guevarra wannabee in charge.

So -- it's alright for Nascar to honor the American oligarchy. That's a business deal, not so much a political arrangement -- but even Nascar took a hit after they doubled-down on the fake "noose" story. Bubba Wallace's support was a TRUE sign of racial reconcilation, the OVER reaction from Nascar hurt both Wallace and the sport.

Yeah, that looks like a creditable website for sure.

What gullible fools you conservatives really are.
care to pick one ?

this is just page #1>>>

US Military Doctor Testifies under Oath That She Was ... › us-military-docto...

Jul 24, 2022 — with the United States military, has testified in court that she was ordered by a superior to suppress Covid-19 vaccine injuries following ...

Video resurfaces of military doctor's misleading testimony ... › video-resurfaces-...

Aug 18, 2022 — In a recently resurfaced video clip, a military doctor testifies that she was forced to cover up COVID-19 vaccine injuries.

U.S. Army surgeon in tears: Top brass ordered silence on ... › news › u-s-army-s...

Mar 23, 2022 — An Army flight surgeon testified in federal court that she was ordered ... injuries and illnesses among military personnel when the vaccines ...

Alan Watson on Twitter: "Dr. Theresa Long, Medical Officer ... › dietheartnews › status

Dr Long also testified that the deaths of military members from the vaccines exceed deaths from COVID itself.


[House Hearing, 106 Congress] [From the U.S. Government Printing Office] COMPENSATING VACCINE INJURIES: ARE REFORMS NEEDED?

Alabama-based Army surgeon says she warned of COVID ... › news › 2021/11 › alabama-based-ar...

Nov 4, 2021 — An Alabama-based Army surgeon testified this week the military ignored her warnings about the COVID vaccine.
Missing: government ‎| Must include: government

PA Vaccine Conversations Project › research › vaccineconvers...


Aug 4, 2022 — Anti-Vax messaging includes vaccine hesitancy messages, opinions, questions, policy health and science related information, misinformation, ...

Military Doctor Testifies She Was Ordered to 'Cover Up ... › News

Dr. Theresa Long, a medical officer with the United States military, has testified in court that she was ordered by a superior to suppress Covid-19 vaccine ...

Army brigade surgeon claims in lawsuit vaccines are made ... › well-being › prevention-cures › 57...

Sep 30, 2021 — America's Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) has a lawsuit against the Pentagon's vaccine mandate. Polyethylene glycol is not the active ingredient in ...
Missing: government ‎| Must include: government

H. Rept. 106-977 - The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program ... › house-report

House report on The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: Addressing Needs and Improving Practices. This report is by the Government Reform.
Missing: Testifies ‎| Must include: Testifies


The claim that the MFV "helped" anything is fraud.

It did nothing good at all.

Murderous fraud Vax MFV - deliberate intentional mass murder, Bill gates' plan for population control

The effort to suppress truth about MFV is identical to election fraud - same people doing it
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