NEWS! Border may get shut down, inculding all immigration (even legal) and all trade with Mexico.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
Trump has said that if Mexico doesn't start cooperating to his satisfaction, he will shut down all immigration, both legal and illegal and suspend trade with Mexico.

He says he is done playing games and being soft on immigration.

"President Donald Trump warned Friday that he would shut down the southern border next week "if Mexico doesn't immediately stop ALL illegal immigration coming into the United States."

"We’ll keep it closed for a long time. I’m not playing games," Trump told reporters during a visit to the Herbert Hoover Dike at Lake Okeechobee, Fla. Asked if that would include trade — Mexico is the country's third-largest trading partner — Trump said "It could be [closed] to all trade."

"Mexico is making absolutely a fortune with the United States. They have a trade surplus of over $100 billion, which is far bigger than anybody understands," he said."

Hopefully, he'll demand Mexico pay for the wall.

Trump threatens border closing next week: 'I'm not playing games'
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The President of the United States has full authority and full power to shut down the border of the United States to protect the nation and the people in the United States. It’s actually enshrined in the United States federal code. It is Title VIII U.S. Code 1181(f). It gives the president the power to suspend the entry of all aliens whenever he finds their entry would be detrimental to the interests of the United States. He can shut it down whenever he wants to, based on those criteria. It is statutory, and nothing can stop him from doing it.

At this point, it's senseless to keep the border open because basically we have no border.
We have no control over who is crossing into this country and are letting them in simply because we feel bad for them, or because the Democrat Party wants to raise some compassion issue.

Shut the fuckin' thing down and I guarantee you Mexico will comply with our demands to quit letting those shitheads cross their country from Guatemala.
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You can't be this stupid.

Why is it stupid?


It's not going to happen. It's far, far too disruptive.

He's playing to his base.

And if you believe it might really happen, you're a rube.

The president is saying it will be a profit making operation in the long run.

"Mexico is going to have to do something, otherwise I’m closing the border. I’ll just close the border," Trump told reporters in Florida on Friday afternoon, according to The Hill. "And with a deficit like we have with Mexico and have had for many years, closing border would be a profit-making operation."

President Trump claims that closing the border with Mexico would be a "profit-making operation"

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If Mexico won’t control their border, we have every right to control ours.

If Americans were flooding across the border to Mexico and demanding welfare benefits and voting rights, there is no way Mexico would just let it happen.
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If Mexico won’t control their border, we have every right to control ours.

If Americans were flooding across the border to Mexico and demanding welfare benefits and voting rights, there is no way Mexico would just left it happen.

Mexico PROFITS from illegals flooding into our country.
Other experts are weighing in as well. Here is a video on Fox News with Former U.S. Army Special Ops Soldier Brett Velicovich.

If Mexico won’t control their border, we have every right to control ours.

If Americans were flooding across the border to Mexico and demanding welfare benefits and voting rights, there is no way Mexico would just left it happen.

Mexico PROFITS from illegals flooding into our country.

The illegals then ship money back into Mexico to their family members. Mexico also saves money on not having to imprison their criminals by letting them flee across the border to the USA.

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