News media bias against Guns, and gun owners.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I notice every time there is a mass shooting, the News Media goes all out on a media blitz, to demonize guns, assault rifles, and gun owners. It happens all the time, and is very obvious. Your thoughts. They never talk about the person mental health, or state of mind.!?They just focus on the Gun, or assault rifle.!? Your thoughts.
I notice every time there is a mass shooting, the News Media goes all out on a media blitz, to demonize guns, assault rifles, and gun owners. It happens all the time, and is very obvious. Your thoughts. They never talk about the person mental health, or state of mind.!?They just focus on the Gun, or assault rifle.!? Your thoughts.
Yes that is true. Why you ask? Because the Democrats own the media. Sure we own FOX but they got sued and are a shadow of what they were. The Democrats went after them.
Yes that is true. Why you ask? Because the Democrats own the media. Sure we own FOX but they got sued and are a shadow of what they were. The Democrats went after them.
Fucking ridiculous.
You need a NAP.
Fucking ridiculous.
You need a NAP.
I pointed my fingers at the Democrats and you said to me once that you do not favor them.

Here you are lying.
I pointed my fingers at the Democrats and you said to me once that you do not favor them.

Here you are lying.
What does me, supporting or NOT supporting a particular party, have to do with you lying about this quote by you.

Because the Democrats own the media.
There is plenty of Right Wing Media, you clowns post that BS all the time.
Oh, I forgot to mention, the Left wing media is terrible too,

but let's quit pretending that the media is "Owned by the Democrats"

You've heard of these ^^^^^^ right?
I notice every time there is a mass shooting, the News Media goes all out on a media blitz, to demonize guns, assault rifles, and gun owners. It happens all the time, and is very obvious. Your thoughts. They never talk about the person mental health, or state of mind.!?They just focus on the Gun, or assault rifle.!? Your thoughts.
These people are criminals and Marxists.

The only way they can get what they want is first disarm us, then they send out bands of foreign terrorists to murder us.


I notice every time there is a mass shooting, the News Media goes all out on a media blitz, to demonize guns, assault rifles, and gun owners. It happens all the time, and is very obvious. Your thoughts. They never talk about the person mental health, or state of mind.!?They just focus on the Gun, or assault rifle.!? Your thoughts.
The news media has "always" had the policy of, "If it bleeds, it leads," in the headlines, so naturally their first stories will be the ones involving violence, add in that China has publicly said that they disapprove of American citizens owning firearms and the China puppet Biden Administration is bending over to please their overlords.
If your adversarial nation makes it clear that your public should be disarmed, that's when you should do like Switzerland and ensure that most homes have firearms in them.
The news media has "always" had the policy of, "If it bleeds, it leads," in the headlines, so naturally their first stories will be the ones involving violence, add in that China has publicly said that they disapprove of American citizens owning firearms and the China puppet Biden Administration is bending over to please their overlords.
If your adversarial nation makes it clear that your public should be disarmed, that's when you should do like Switzerland and ensure that most homes have firearms in them.
I also noticed that Switzerland was one of the countries that the Nazis did not attempt to invade.!!? I also hear that the Swiss require that its citizens have fully automatic assault rifles in their homes.
I also noticed that Switzerland was one of the countries that the Nazis did not attempt to invade.!!? I also hear that the Swiss require that its citizens have fully automatic assault rifles in their homes.
I think the Swiss are the only country that states in their constitution , that all Swiss citizens must be ready to defend the Swiss nation, and be armed for such defense of the Swiss nation. Not like many Communist nations, that wants their citizens to be unarmed slaves, and property of the Communist State. I see where this disarming the citizens is going in many countries. They want to disarm the citizens, then attempt to take everything that the citizens own, and then enslave the entire population.?!! I think that is the states ultimate goal.?!??

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