News Stories Too Strange To Ignore


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth

Charlie Sheen, who played Charlie Harper on Two and a Half Men who was perennially stalked by his Malibu neighbor, now in real life has his neighbor, a woman named Electra Schrock(?), break into his real Malibu house, and attack and try to choke him. She has been charged with assault. Reports that she also super-glued his testicles to his thigh are so far unconfirmed. Supposedly, both Jon Cryer and Angus Jones will appear as character witnesses. :smoke:


In a more tragic turn of holiday events, a woman in Belgium was killed by a falling Christmas tree of all things on the eve of the Christmas weekend. Talk about irony. Not that her dying is funny but you have to appreciate the irony! Apparently the tree was 65 feet tall and a storm came up somehow blowing the tree loose as she stood nearby totally unaware, which then fell on the woman fatally injuring her. Lessons learned: do not stand next to 65 foot Christmas trees with pointy icicles in the middle of gale force wind storms.


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