Biden Administration Uses it’s Power to Censor Social Media

I would agree, if there was accountability.

You see, the thing about Legacy Media is that if they got it wrong and posted misinformation, they could be held accountable. They could be sued for libel or slander or damages. Which is why they have teams of lawyers making sure that misinformation isn't spread.

I think this occasionally has problems, in that the media won't say what is obvious to all, such as Trump is losing his ever-loving mind.

The problem with "some guy on Twitter" is that he can post blatantly false information telling someone to take sheep dip to treat Covid, and people die from that.

So simple enough solution, let people sue Facebook and Twitter for libel, slander, etc. It would means some pretty heavy moderation, though.

When they act as agents of the fed govt, they lose all protections and can be sued.

There was a web address to the full report, you can get all the context you want there.

That sentence is almost english.


You didn't link to a website.

That's a lie, most of what they censored turned out to be true.


Yes. An uninformed make it up point of view.
Tell ya what sparkless
Go shove a lightbulb up your ass and drink a cup of clorox
Guarantee you won't get COVID
He wasn't told everything he needed to know from people he was suppose to be able to trust. Would you tolerate that against Biden?

The problem was he didn't listen to them, that was the thing.

From the day they agreed to do what the govt asked, they became govt agents. And the first time they censored a poster IAW that agreement, they violated the 1st Amendment. It's the same principle that the police can't ask a civilian to steal evidence they can't get a warrant for. Anything they get that way is inadmissible in court because the civilian was acting as an agent of the police.

The government asks people to do stuff all the time, and Trump's administration asked for misinformation to be taken down as well (including misinformation Trump was spreading himself!)
He thought he was getting all the information, but all you loons can do is lie.

It's kind of his job to get all the information. The problem was he wasn't interested in the information, he ignored Drs. Fauci and Blix because they were getting more positive coverage than he was. (This is what happens when you elect a malignant narcissist.)
That seems... kind of retarded.

I wouldn’t put it past some in the US for supporting such a leak. Remember, we funded the Wuhan lab. We had contacts and influence there. I know you tend to believe that the government, particularly Democrats, are there to help you, but the reality is they just want to be elected, at all costs. COVID was a God send to Democratic policitians who had done everything to get rid of Trump, including 2 shame impeachments. He was going to win in 2020 pre-COVID. It was a slam dunk. I am not saying this happened, I am just saying that you shouldn’t put anything past a greedy politician.

It's not an issue of free speech. It's an issue of some truly awful stuff that happens on Social Media, because these companies don't bother to engage in even basic moderation. How many horrible stories have we heard of a child predator luring a kid on Social Media?

The problem is that people have different definitions of what is truly awful. I don’t believe putting out information that COVID could have been developed in a lab qualifies, you do. I don’t believe reporting the facts about Hunter’s laptop qualifies, you do. If social media wants to moderate their content, then they lose 203 protection. One thing for sure is that the government should not be bullying them into what content is ”awful” and what isn’t.

Again, you are dodging the point.

Computers are serial numbered and registered.

if this supposed computer had really belonged to Hunter, they should be able to track down which company made it, which wholesaler they sent it to, which store sold it and who paid for it.

But... I never hear anyone make that claim

It is real. I has been verified many times. The data on the laptop matched the data Apple cloud provided the FBI. Again, you are just being intentionally obtuse to protect the low-lifes that you vote for.

I wouldn’t put it past some in the US for supporting such a leak. Remember, we funded the Wuhan lab. We had contacts and influence there. I know you tend to believe that the government, particularly Democrats, are there to help you, but the reality is they just want to be elected, at all costs. COVID was a God send to Democratic policitians who had done everything to get rid of Trump, including 2 shame impeachments. He was going to win in 2020 pre-COVID. It was a slam dunk. I am not saying this happened, I am just saying that you shouldn’t put anything past a greedy politician.

Trump was impeached for crimes and abuses of his office. Your side impeached Clinton over a blow job, you really don't get to complain when he was impeached for shaking down a foreign government or inciting a coup.

Also, Biden was leading Trump in all the polls long before Covid hit.


Covid could have been a big boon for Trump, if he had acted presidential. Shit, 9/11 turned Bush into a hero.

Also, we didn't fund the Wuhan Lab. NAIAD did research through a subcontractor who in turn farmed some work out to the Wuhan Lab (you know, just like everyone else farms out some part of their work to China.)

The problem is that people have different definitions of what is truly awful. I don’t believe putting out information that COVID could have been developed in a lab qualifies, you do. I don’t believe reporting the facts about Hunter’s laptop qualifies, you do. If social media wants to moderate their content, then they lose 203 protection. One thing for sure is that the government should not be bullying them into what content is ”awful” and what isn’t.

I have no problem modifying 203 protections to allow better moderation.

Incidently, I've had posts pulled from Facebook. One time, for using the word "Tranny" to describe a character on Doctor Who. (I probably should have said "Transgender") Another time, because I reposted incorrect information about Kyle Rittenhouse's criminal record. (It turns out there was another Kyle Rittenhouse in IL who had an extensive criminal record, and that got posted around for about a week until they realized it was a different guy.)

It is real. I has been verified many times. The data on the laptop matched the data Apple cloud provided the FBI. Again, you are just being intentionally obtuse to protect the low-lifes that you vote for.

But that doesn't mean ANYTHING. You can copy data. You can also plant data on a cloud account.

Things being spread around about the laptop fall into three categories.

1) Legitimate stuff that was on his account, most of which is not really incriminating.
2) Stuff that was added by third party actors (ie. Russians)
3) Stuff that was never on the laptop, but is being shopped around like it was.

This is why after five years of investigating, all they've been able to prove is that Hunter didn't get his taxes right.
Trump was impeached for crimes and abuses of his office

No, they were not crimes. Trump didn’t collude with Russia and there was no quid pro quo. Those are just lies made up by Democrats to justify their lawfare.

Also, we didn't fund the Wuhan Lab. NAIAD did research through a subcontractor who in turn farmed some work out to the Wuhan Lab (you know, just like everyone else farms out some part of their work to China.)

We knew exactly how that was working. The US knew that this research that they funded was being performed in China. We had contacts at Wuhan, even if via Eco-Health, the organization to which we gave money.

But that doesn't mean ANYTHING. You can copy data. You can also plant data on a cloud account.

Yeah, you can scam anything, including serial number manipulation, but you have to use some common sense. The pictures of crack-head Hunter aren’t just Photoshopped images of somebody else. The emails are absolutely verifiable as there is a long electronic paper trail. Again, you know it is real, but just don’t like it. You know exactly what “10% for the big guy” means, but you don’t want to admit it.
No, they were not crimes. Trump didn’t collude with Russia and there was no quid pro quo. Those are just lies made up by Democrats to justify their lawfare.
Trump wasn't impeached for Russian Collusion (He should have been). He was impeached for shaking down the Ukraine to get dirt on BIden.
We knew exactly how that was working. The US knew that this research that they funded was being performed in China. We had contacts at Wuhan, even if via Eco-Health, the organization to which we gave money.

Um, kind of meaningless, as all the labs that do this kind of research are interconnected.

What I haven't seen- any evidence that this was a manufactured virus or that it escaped from that lab.

Yeah, you can scam anything, including serial number manipulation, but you have to use some common sense. The pictures of crack-head Hunter aren’t just Photoshopped images of somebody else. The emails are absolutely verifiable as there is a long electronic paper trail. Again, you know it is real, but just don’t like it. You know exactly what “10% for the big guy” means, but you don’t want to admit it.
1) Some of the pictures are fakes.
2) Nothing in those pictures is actually a crime.
The government did not force anyone to publish or not publish anything

It is the role of government to protect the public.
These COVID lies killed thousands.
Yes they did and yes they do. It's illegal fpr government to do this.
Yes they did and yes they do. It's illegal fpr government to do this.
That is a lie.
But you think you're telling the truth because you are woefully and willfully uninformed.
Maybe turn off your TV and use websites that aren't selling you survivor gear.


Show us a single US person vaccinated at the point of a gun.

"The U.S. Supreme Court lifted restrictions Friday imposed by lower courts on the ability of President Joe Biden's administration to encourage social media companies to remove content deemed to be misinformation, including about elections and COVID-19.

The Biden administration has argued that officials did nothing illegal and had sought to mitigate the hazards of online misinformation, including about the pandemic, by alerting social media companies to content that violated their own policies."

It's kind of his job to get all the information. The problem was he wasn't interested in the information, he ignored Drs. Fauci and Blix because they were getting more positive coverage than he was. (This is what happens when you elect a malignant narcissist.)
No he thought he was getting it.
Again you hold your orange bag O' shit accountable to nothing. You're in a CULT, weirdo. :rolleyes:
No it proves you loons will do anything to destroy America.

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