Biden Administration Uses it’s Power to Censor Social Media

View attachment 941826

Yes. An uninformed make it up point of view.
Tell ya what sparkless
Go shove a lightbulb up your ass and drink a cup of clorox
Guarantee you won't get COVID
View attachment 941827

Once again, your inability to read is showing, AGAIN! There was very specific things listed on the pages of the report in the tweet, that were censored, and as I said, most all were true. Like the origins of civid for example. You commies are really pathetic.

The problem was he didn't listen to them, that was the thing.

The government asks people to do stuff all the time, and Trump's administration asked for misinformation to be taken down as well (including misinformation Trump was spreading himself!)

Anything to try to excuse commie misconduct, right?

Once again, your stupidity and inability to read the information contained in the OP is not my problem.

Oh my tiny minded dickwad

There was a web address to the full report, you can get all the context you want there.

Means a clickable LINK dumbass

You are obviously too stupid to participate

Oh my tiny minded dickwad

Means a clickable LINK dumbass

You are obviously too stupid to participate

View attachment 941974 Is a web address, it is not however a clickable link. Poor little commie, sometimes is better to let people think you're stupid, than to open your mouth and prove them correct. ROFLMFAO

Once again, your inability to read is showing, AGAIN! There was very specific things listed on the pages of the report in the tweet, that were censored, and as I said, most all were true. Like the origins of civid for example. You commies are really pathetic.

Facebook lifted their ban on lab leak theories.

They kept policies against antI-vaccine misinformation. People at Facebook genuinely werent interested in conspiracy theories and fringe viewpoints that cause actual harm to people. Is a web address, it is not however a clickable link. Poor little commie, sometimes is better to let people think you're stupid, than to open your mouth and prove them correct. ROFLMFAO

Gee you are really stupid

Look at that. A clickable USMB link


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The government did not force anyone to publish or not publish anything

It is the role of government to protect the public.
These COVID lies killed thousands.
The Covid truths were not allowed to proliferate because they needed a lengthy hoax to best hamper Trump.
Lib Covid stuff is utter fear fantasy
Facebook lifted their ban on lab leak theories.

They kept policies against antI-vaccine misinformation. People at Facebook genuinely werent interested in conspiracy theories and fringe viewpoints that cause actual harm to people.

Much of the information published on the "vaccine" turned out to be true, it was dangerous for many and deadly for some. It was all experimental. Children and teens should have never been given it, covid was no real danger for them.

Gee you are really stupid

Look at that. A clickable USMB link
View attachment 941999

You pathetic POS your use of memes just make you look weak The web address contained in the tweet in the OP isn't clickable, it's in a screenshot. There ya go, proving yourself, beyond all doubt, exactly how stupid your are. Still laughing at your pathetic ass.


Much of the information published on the "vaccine" turned out to be true, it was dangerous for many and deadly for some. It was all experimental. Children and teens should have never been given it, covid was no real danger for them.

No, it really didn’t turn out to be true.

Otherwise I would have died four times over as the fringe weirdos on Facebook said.
No, it really didn’t turn out to be true.

Otherwise I would have died four times over as the fringe weirdos on Facebook said.

Don't know what was said on FB, I've never had an account. Even if I did, it wouldn't be a place I'd look for reliable information.

Don't know what was said on FB, I've never had an account. Even if I did, it wouldn't be a place I'd look for reliable information.

Well, then you really have no idea what the topic is about.

The fact is the vaccine was very effective and tens to hundreds of thousands of people died because they were too scared to get the vaccine due to the misinformation.
Well, then you really have no idea what the topic is about.

The fact is the vaccine was very effective and tens to hundreds of thousands of people died because they were too scared to get the vaccine due to the misinformation.

Yeah, a supposed "vaccine" that isn't a real vaccine. That's why the CDC had to redefine the term to accommodate it. A "vaccine" that didn't prevent infection, didn't prevent transmission, isn't a whole lot of good.

Yeah, a supposed "vaccine" that isn't a real vaccine. That's why the CDC had to redefine the term to accommodate it. A "vaccine" that didn't prevent infection, didn't prevent transmission, isn't a whole lot of good.

The vaccine that prevents you from dying?

Yeah, who would want that.
ALL We Know is that many people caught Covid, most were mild, a small percentage died .
We have no facts on number of lives saved by taking shot and number of lives lost by taking shot . Yet libs loons erroneously constantly throw about-“so many lives were saved by taking and so many died who didn’t take the shots”
The government didn't lie about COVID
EXCEPT for Trump who can't help lying about everything.
The lies are yours and your MAGAT buddies.
And you killed thousands.


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