Newsom essentially raising taxes on the poor and middle class in Mexifornia. Dems hate the poor now?

The individual mandate doesn’t really affect the upper class but it definitely screws middle to low class workers. The Mexicrats are all over the place....WTF

California’s Individual Mandate: A Fix For A Broken System? Or A Penalty On The Poor?

I despise dimocraps but Republicans are just dead wrong on this topic.

Without a penalty, people won't buy insurance, then they will get hurt or sick, demand care and skip the bill.

Then the Hospitals and Doctors Cost-Shift their bills on to us, the ones that CAN pay.

As far as I'm concerned, you should either buy Insurance or pay a $50,000 fine. And do time at hard labor.

You would be freaking AMAZED at how much your insurance bill would drop if everybody paid their share........ Including the government -- Medicare, Medicaid, etc.

We really need to go to the Swiss system. So simple, so easy, so efficient.

There's no reason for something this simple to be as complicated as it is.

Except that, well..... People are stupid.
The individual mandate doesn’t really affect the upper class but it definitely screws middle to low class workers. The Mexicrats are all over the place....WTF

California’s Individual Mandate: A Fix For A Broken System? Or A Penalty On The Poor?

I despise dimocraps but Republicans are just dead wrong on this topic.

Without a penalty, people won't buy insurance, then they will get hurt or sick, demand care and skip the bill.

Then the Hospitals and Doctors Cost-Shift their bills on to us, the ones that CAN pay.

As far as I'm concerned, you should either buy Insurance or pay a $50,000 fine. And do time at hard labor.

You would be freaking AMAZED at how much your insurance bill would drop if everybody paid their share........ Including the government -- Medicare, Medicaid, etc.

We really need to go to the Swiss system. So simple, so easy, so efficient.

There's no reason for something this simple to be as complicated as it is.

Except that, well..... People are stupid.
The State has fucked up the system so bad that we need The State to take over all of it.

Just shoot me now.
The individual mandate doesn’t really affect the upper class but it definitely screws middle to low class workers. The Mexicrats are all over the place....WTF

California’s Individual Mandate: A Fix For A Broken System? Or A Penalty On The Poor?

I despise dimocraps but Republicans are just dead wrong on this topic.

Without a penalty, people won't buy insurance, then they will get hurt or sick, demand care and skip the bill.

Then the Hospitals and Doctors Cost-Shift their bills on to us, the ones that CAN pay.

As far as I'm concerned, you should either buy Insurance or pay a $50,000 fine. And do time at hard labor.

You would be freaking AMAZED at how much your insurance bill would drop if everybody paid their share........ Including the government -- Medicare, Medicaid, etc.

We really need to go to the Swiss system. So simple, so easy, so efficient.

There's no reason for something this simple to be as complicated as it is.

Except that, well..... People are stupid.

The cost of healthcare is absorbed by we the ‘payers’ either way. The mandate doesn’t fix that. Forcing Gustavo to carry a FREE or basically free policy on himself and his litter of anchors only encourages them to use more services.
Gruesome Newson does not have a clue...he is the biggest idiot in Government today now that Jeff Flake retired....

They should create an individual mandate for housing in Mexifornia so their purchasing pool for housing increases also. I'm sure that'll make those homeless people out there purchase a home.


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The individual mandate doesn’t really affect the upper class but it definitely screws middle to low class workers. The Mexicrats are all over the place....WTF

California’s Individual Mandate: A Fix For A Broken System? Or A Penalty On The Poor?
Not being snarky, but why don't you move?

I oppose socialism so I should move to Cuba?
That makes sense to you?
If California is offensive to you, why don't you move? Say to South Carolina?
The individual mandate doesn’t really affect the upper class but it definitely screws middle to low class workers. The Mexicrats are all over the place....WTF

California’s Individual Mandate: A Fix For A Broken System? Or A Penalty On The Poor?
Not being snarky, but why don't you move?
Why don't you move to fucking Cuba....Michael Moore says the medical care there is the best in the world.
I am happy in Florida, thank you, I just suggest you move if you don't like the area or people-that's why I moved from Connecticut.
The individual mandate doesn’t really affect the upper class but it definitely screws middle to low class workers. The Mexicrats are all over the place....WTF

California’s Individual Mandate: A Fix For A Broken System? Or A Penalty On The Poor?
Not being snarky, but why don't you move?

I oppose socialism so I should move to Cuba?
That makes sense to you?
If California is offensive to you, why don't you move? Say to South Carolina?
I did move and haven't regretted a day of it. You can have the state that
is ranked 57 in quality of life.
The poor are screwed in that state with taxes from a government that fell off the cliff

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