"Newsom has shown what courageous leadership looks like” - Cory Booker, who joins Warren, Bernie, Abrams & Katie Porter in defending Gavin from recall

this year it's gonna be fun in the california sun!

i bet you have never even been to California.....
i have been to all 49 states

oh right...Hawaii...never been there, but they're not really Americans, are they?
Damn that’s the one state you don’t want to miss goimg to.with the way the world is now it may be too late to there and enjoy it now.
this year it's gonna be fun in the california sun!

Why is the federal government fighting against the people of a state? This is a state issue, a right of the people, and most of these senators aren't even from California. The fact that members of the u.s. congress are fighting against the people of California is disturbing.

If the people of California have decided that Newsome has to go, its not up to congress to deny them.
Communist democrats in other states don't want the recall option to spread. California elections have been fraudulent and rigged for years. Gavin Newsom is being recalled. So is George Gascon recently elected in another phony election. Recall has spread to San Francisco and Chesa Boudin.

We can't stop the phony elections. We can go back and recall. Now spread that to all 50 states.

We might just have a revolution yet. And that's why the communists are so worried.
B-b-b-b-ut this is one time where signature verifications are vital....


You stupid fucking animals.

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