Newsweek Editor At Large, MSNBC Founder, Biden Supporter - "It's Time to Freak Out: Donald Trump Is Very Likely Our Next President"

Lemme Guess, those are the same facts as the Big Lie that led to Rump being indicted on multiple felonies? Yah, I guess those would be the facts.
Your ilk has to twist the facts to create a crime. Jack is famous for that and has been called out in the courts and had his BS overturned.
Embrace your Marxist world, vrenn.
Your ilk has to twist the facts to create a crime. Jack is famous for that and has been called out in the courts and had his BS overturned.
Embrace your Marxist world, vrenn.

The reason Grifty is under indictment/investigation in numerous jurisdictions?

It ain't Grifty....HELL NO!

It's Marxism.
Marxism has never existed so what you are saying means nothing. But Fascism has existed and YOU are supporting an attempted Fascist Coup where the US Constitution is thrown away.
Um…you are calling someone a fascist and wanting to throw the Constitution away for claiming someone is innocent until proven otherwise…I’d call that ironic, but i believe you’re so deeply caught up on the demafasict cult you can’t even see that
That's part of his stupid would you have to be, how shitty would your lawyers have to be, to have a presiding judge state AS A MATTER OF FACT that you are a rapist.......WITHOUT A CONVICTION FOR RAPE!!!!!!!

It's brilliant.
Well, John Kelly said that Trump is the most evil bastard he's ever known. He should know.
As we hurdle inexorably onward toward what promises to be a monumentally dramatic Presidential Election, the upper echelons of the Leftist intelligentsia are beginning to see an ugly reality forming.

This guy helped found CNBC and MSNBC.

His corporate globalist credentials are second to none.

So you can disagree with him all you want, but you can't question his motivations.

He absolutely despises Trump, as he makes clear from the very beginning of this column:

My prediction?

Not one Lefty on this forum will take any heed....until more guys like this keep raising the red flag.
As the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump leaves behind a complex and divisive legacy. Here are some of the key legacies of his presidency:

1. Economic Policies: One major legacy of the Trump administration is its emphasis on deregulation and tax cuts. Trump implemented significant tax reforms, including reducing the corporate tax rate, which aimed to boost economic growth and attract businesses. While these policies stimulated economic growth and led to low unemployment rates pre-pandemic, they also generated concerns about income inequality.

2. Foreign Policy: Trump's "America First" foreign policy approach reshaped the US position on international issues. He pursued an aggressive stance on trade, renegotiating deals such as NAFTA and initiating a trade war with China. Additionally, he exerted pressure on NATO allies to increase defense spending and withdrew from global agreements like the Paris Climate Agreement and the Iran Nuclear Deal.

3. Immigration Policies: Trump's administration implemented controversial policies aimed at restricting immigration. This included the zero-tolerance policy that resulted in family separations at the southern border, as well as attempts to implement travel bans targeting primarily Muslim-majority countries. These policies sparked widespread criticism and legal challenges.

4. Criminal Justice Reform: The Trump administration achieved notable bipartisan success through the passage of the First Step Act, which aimed to reform the federal criminal justice system. This legislation aimed to reduce recidivism rates, improve prison conditions, and promote rehabilitation. It enjoyed support from both Democrats and Republicans.

5. Judicial Appointments: Trump made significant contributions to reshaping the federal judiciary by appointing numerous conservative judges, including three Supreme Court justices. These lifetime appointments have the potential to influence legal decisions and precedents for decades to come.

6. Political Divisions: Trump's presidency exacerbated political divisions in the United States. His unconventional rhetoric and communication style often sparked controversy, polarizing public opinion and widening ideological differences. The aftermath of his presidency saw heightened political polarization and an increase in social and racial tensions.

It is worth saying that public opinion on Trump's legacy is deeply divided, and the full impact of his policies may take years to fully assess.

Only Americans can change & control their own destinies. Will you let the media become your guiding light? lol. :)

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