Newsweek Editor At Large, MSNBC Founder, Biden Supporter - "It's Time to Freak Out: Donald Trump Is Very Likely Our Next President"

Yeah dude, you need to expand your vocabulary. There are 3 tiers, not two - and you have the tiers mixed up.

Here's how it goes:

Tier 1 - liberals. Thomas Jefferson was a liberal. So was Ben Franklin.

Tier 2 - leftists. This would include the Chairman Mao's of the world, but also the two individuals you mentioned, and various and sundry social movements.

Tier 3 - leftards. Which is mostly what populates this forum. Most of these people are incredibly stupid and easily manipulated, which is a bad combination. Leftards are lemmings of the first order, they're the reason the Tier 2 types succeed.

The index of stupidity increases with the tier. Liberals are usually pretty smart. Lefties are sometimes smart, there are definitely some smart ones. Leftards, are completely devoid of intelligence. There's not a brain cell between the whole lot of them. They keep voting to destroy themselves, just because they don't like some guy's personality.
Says the guy who is still wondering why trump isnt in the White House.
Liberal, not leftist.

Stop shooting yourself in the foot.

And there are only two leftists here, at least one of whom will be voting for Trump.

BUB! No difference. If you vote vote to destroy America.

lightfoot hell.jpg
No, you lying twat..

This is what the judge said

“The finding that Ms. Carroll failed to prove that she was ‘raped’ within the meaning of the New York Penal Law does not mean that she failed to prove that Mr. Trump ‘raped’ her as many people commonly understand the word ‘rape,’ ” Kaplan wrote.

He added: “Indeed, as the evidence at trial recounted below makes clear, the jury found that Mr. Trump in fact did exactly that.”

You're either a fool or a liar.

How is this germane to the thread ?

This is about someone worried Trump could win.

Is this supposed to refute that ?
If Biden stepped down, the “Kamala conundrum” would resolve itself, as she would have to be a primary candidate for President, and would probably lose, freeing the elected candidate to choose her or another as V.P. running mate.
Funny shit she had to drop out of the race before the first primary

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