Biden attacks President Trump for "failing to act" on Jan 6

I know it's all he has but maybe Tater the Putz should act on the current border crisis rather than parroting the MSM about old news.....Just sayin'. 😐
You are known for who and what you are, dawgpoop; and in your case, that’s being an asshole.

And you also misquoted Popeye. “Yam” was singular.
I wasn't quoting Popeye. I, personally, have always used the plural of yam, because I happen to like them, and I've always wanted more than one.

Is this where I call you BackEnd? I'm trying to learn how to be nastier than fuck on the message boards, It's quite a learning curb for a good person like me.
I guess that technically she did act--Ashlii Babbitt was summarily executed for trespass.
The Left Wingers used to say that shooting unarmed protesters was a major civil rights violation.
Remember the Kent State massacre, they have never forgotten that.
But, Pelosi and her Capital Police investigated themselves and then they cleared officer Byrd of any wrongdoing.
BTW, who authorized the opening of the doors and then the shooting of protesters?
My apologies. I didn't realize I was dealing with Trump's closest advisor!

You think you know more than Trump's staff, attorneys, political allies, media allies and family!

I'm so sorry to have offended you!


You're talking about the ones who agreed to be on your Reality Show for Idiots.

But do tell me more about the time you believe Trump carjacked the Secret Service. Your delusions are fascinating to me.

You're talking about the ones who agreed to be on your Reality Show for Idiots.

But do tell me more about the time you believe Trump carjacked the Secret Service. Your delusions are fascinating to me.

You keep saying that, and I never said that. Not even close. Ever.

I don't think you are tethered to reality. Sorry.
I wasn't quoting Popeye. I, personally, have always used the plural of yam, because I happen to like them, and I've always wanted more than one.
Popeye is the one who said “I yam what I yam and that’s all that I yam!” You plagiarist dog.
Is this where I call you BackEnd?

If that floats your boat, go for it. Zero points for originality, but hey! You do you.
I'm trying to learn how to be nastier than fuck on the message boards, It's quite a learning curb for a good person like me.
No worries. You’ve got it down, my bitch.
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Piglosi. She refused the NG that was offered prior to Jan 6 in anticipation of just such a problem.
Boss Hogg Trump wanted the riot, moron.

If Boss Hogg decides not to run or gets his ass beat in the primaries what are you slack jawed Trumptards going to do besides stand there with your hand on your dick? Cry? Haven't you done enough of both already?
Boss Hogg Trump wanted the riot, moron.

If Boss Hogg decides not to run or gets his ass beat in the primaries what are you slack jawed Trumptards going to do besides stand there with your hand on your dick? Cry? Haven't you done enough of both already?
Leave it to clap to worry about our dicks. 🙄
What did you want him to do? Put on a flak jacket, grab an M-60 and go Rambo? Capitol police belong to PIglosi, moron.
Awwww! The POTUS when the Capital with his VP & members of Congress inside was as helpless as a new born baby to do anything when they were under attack.

Where was Trump all that time? Hiding in his bunker?
Where was Trump all that time? Hiding in his bunker?
You are thinking of Biden. It is clear that you know NOTHING of chains of command and pay grades which anyone with above 30 IQ knows is below the pay grade of the POTUS. Try again Skippy.
Xiden refused to end. acknowledge the existence of the demafasict brownshirts that were attacking, rioting, killing,and assaulting police for nearly 4 years during the 2020 campaign

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