Newt Gingrich Changes Views on Gay-Marriage, Says 'Deal with Reality'

Sunni knows that, WorldWatcher. It just gives him a childish thrill to call me a "dyke". As though, after 20 years as a sailor, that's the worse thing I've been called. :D

Oh, it's kind of a tingle up the leg thing. Got it.

Sunni knows that, WorldWatcher. It just gives him a childish thrill to call me a "dyke". As though, after 20 years as a sailor, that's the worse thing I've been called. :D
I am sure you were called incompetent; among other things.

And are a disgrace to your uniform for lying about your homosexuality during your time in the military.
More than that, he blames the Republican party for fostering a corrosive culture that produced Romney as its candidate. The former House Speaker argued that the GOP has grown stale and introverted, putting itself on the wrong side of history on issues like immigration and painting itself into a corner on others, like gay marriage.

Romney's failed candidacy was just the latest illustration of this, the 69-year-old Gingrich said in hour-long interview that dealt, in large part, with the GOP’s problems and what he hopes to contribute to their solution.

"The momentum is clearly now in the direction in finding some way to ... accommodate and deal with reality. And the reality is going to be that in a number of American states -- and it will be more after 2014 -- gay relationships will be legal, period,"

"The reality is going to be that in a number of American states - and it will be more after 2014 - gay relationships will be legal, period," as reported in the Examiner.

SOURCE 1: Newt Gingrich Changes Views on Gay-Marriage, Says 'Deal with Reality' : Law & Society : Lawyer Herald

SOURCE 2: Newt Gingrich Supports "Reality" Of State-Sanctioned Marriage Equality

SOURCE 3: Newt Gingrich On Mitt Romney: 'I Would Have Probably Done Better' Against Obama

Don't really have anything to add here... just want to know what you all think.

Me thinks Newt is getting ready to leave Callista.

He's going to trade up once again. This time, it will be for a short haired blond.

Sunni knows that, WorldWatcher. It just gives him a childish thrill to call me a "dyke". As though, after 20 years as a sailor, that's the worse thing I've been called. :D
I am sure you were called incompetent; among other things.

And are a disgrace to your uniform for lying about your homosexuality during your time in the military.

Nope, that was never one of them. I didn't have to lie to anyone about my sexual orientation while I served. Nobody asked.
Then I guess when the Mormons decided that polygamy was no longer acceptable,

they were effectively abandoning God.

Why blame God for what any Religious ideology does or doesn't do? I said GOD is the same today, yesterday, and tomorrow.. NOT people.

And yet god still has no place in a discussion about legal, civil marriage. Religious marriage and legal marriage are two completely different things.

God created man and woman. God ordained marriage between a man and a woman. As much as you and others want to pretend that somehow God condones homosexuality, it's not true. You can do whatever you want..I don't care but don't tell me I HAVE to accept a sinful lifestyle because you engage in it. If there were nothing but homosexuals left on the planet, the world would die out. There is no gay gene.. blah, blah, blah.. same old tired argument, all meant to cower anyone who won't condone your sin filled lifestyle choice. Too bad. Get over it.
Sunni knows that, WorldWatcher. It just gives him a childish thrill to call me a "dyke". As though, after 20 years as a sailor, that's the worse thing I've been called. :D
I am sure you were called incompetent; among other things.

And are a disgrace to your uniform for lying about your homosexuality during your time in the military.

Nope, that was never one of them. I didn't have to lie to anyone about my sexual orientation while I served. Nobody asked.
There you go lying again.

During the time that you were in the military.

One of the questions all people entering the military were asked, "Are you a homosexual or have you ever been in a homosexual relationship?".

Also, this was a question that was asked of any soldier or sailor getting a "Secret" or "Top Secret" security clearance.

If you were in the military for 20 yrs. like you claim.

You most definitely held at least a "Secret" security clearance; and had to have answered "No" to the homo question.

Otherwise you would have been kicked out of the service. :cool:
Why blame God for what any Religious ideology does or doesn't do? I said GOD is the same today, yesterday, and tomorrow.. NOT people.

And yet god still has no place in a discussion about legal, civil marriage. Religious marriage and legal marriage are two completely different things.

God created man and woman. God ordained marriage between a man and a woman.
No "god" didn't. Marriage has existed long before your god ever left the catacombs in which he was created.

You are conflating issues that have nothing to do with each other. What gays and lesbians are fighting for is equal access to a legal contract, not your religious doctrine. We already have equal access to that. We can find churches willing to marry us anytime we want. It is the legal contract issued by the government that we are fighting for, not your sky fairy's version of marriage.

As much as you and others want to pretend that somehow God condones homosexuality, it's not true.

You don't know that. No man can speak for god. I'll wait to see what he/she has to say on the matter from the horses mouth, thanks. I can wait.

You can do whatever you want..I don't care but don't tell me I HAVE to accept a sinful lifestyle because you engage in it.

No one has ever said you have to accept anything. You do have to tolerate it.

If there were nothing but homosexuals left on the planet, the world would die out.

No it wouldn't. We can still procreate you know. I've done it five times myself. Not that it matters since that is probably one of the stupidest "arguments" I've heard.

There is no gay gene..

There has been no "gay gene" found to date, however the overwhelming majority of scientists do believe that there is a genetic predisposition for sexual orientation. Scientists overwhelmingly reject the "choice" meme that homophobes like to put out.

blah, blah, blah.. same old tired argument, all meant to cower anyone who won't condone your sin filled lifestyle choice. Too bad. Get over it.

Again, I really don't give two shits if you "condone" me or not (and it is NOT a choice, I might add...the only choice is in acting upon my natural inclinations). You don't have to like us, accept us or condone us...just treat us equally under the law.
I am sure you were called incompetent; among other things.

And are a disgrace to your uniform for lying about your homosexuality during your time in the military.

Nope, that was never one of them. I didn't have to lie to anyone about my sexual orientation while I served. Nobody asked.
There you go lying again.

During the time that you were in the military.

One of the questions all people entering the military were asked, "Are you a homosexual or have you ever been in a homosexual relationship?".

Nope. Upon entering I was asked if I had ever engaged in "homosexual activity". Since I had not, I did not lie. It was not until after I joined that there was any "activity". Fortunately, I was never asked again after my enlistment so there was no need to lie.

Also, this was a question that was asked of any soldier or sailor getting a "Secret" or "Top Secret" security clearance.

If you were in the military for 20 yrs. like you claim.

You most definitely held at least a "Secret" security clearance; and had to have answered "No" to the homo question.

Otherwise you would have been kicked out of the service. :cool:

Nope. Question was not asked when I got my TS clearance....which I maintained from 1985 to 2003.

I retired honorably...which is what REALLY gets your sick little goat doesn't it. :lol:
And yet god still has no place in a discussion about legal, civil marriage. Religious marriage and legal marriage are two completely different things.

God created man and woman. God ordained marriage between a man and a woman.
No "god" didn't. Marriage has existed long before your god ever left the catacombs in which he was created.

You are conflating issues that have nothing to do with each other. What gays and lesbians are fighting for is equal access to a legal contract, not your religious doctrine. We already have equal access to that. We can find churches willing to marry us anytime we want. It is the legal contract issued by the government that we are fighting for, not your sky fairy's version of marriage.

You don't know that. No man can speak for god. I'll wait to see what he/she has to say on the matter from the horses mouth, thanks. I can wait.

No one has ever said you have to accept anything. You do have to tolerate it.

No it wouldn't. We can still procreate you know. I've done it five times myself. Not that it matters since that is probably one of the stupidest "arguments" I've heard.

There is no gay gene..

There has been no "gay gene" found to date, however the overwhelming majority of scientists do believe that there is a genetic predisposition for sexual orientation. Scientists overwhelmingly reject the "choice" meme that homophobes like to put out.

blah, blah, blah.. same old tired argument, all meant to cower anyone who won't condone your sin filled lifestyle choice. Too bad. Get over it.

Again, I really don't give two shits if you "condone" me or not (and it is NOT a choice, I might add...the only choice is in acting upon my natural inclinations). You don't have to like us, accept us or condone us...just treat us equally under the law.

I'll never condone homosexual marriage nor do I have to. It goes against everything I believe.I don't give a crap what you do or don't do.. FLY AWAY.. I could care less but don't expect me or anyone who has an issue with your chosen behavior to pretend that it's ok and condone it.. NOT going to happen.. any more than you're going to accept what I believe.
God created man and woman. God ordained marriage between a man and a woman.
No "god" didn't. Marriage has existed long before your god ever left the catacombs in which he was created.

You are conflating issues that have nothing to do with each other. What gays and lesbians are fighting for is equal access to a legal contract, not your religious doctrine. We already have equal access to that. We can find churches willing to marry us anytime we want. It is the legal contract issued by the government that we are fighting for, not your sky fairy's version of marriage.

You don't know that. No man can speak for god. I'll wait to see what he/she has to say on the matter from the horses mouth, thanks. I can wait.

No one has ever said you have to accept anything. You do have to tolerate it.

No it wouldn't. We can still procreate you know. I've done it five times myself. Not that it matters since that is probably one of the stupidest "arguments" I've heard.

There has been no "gay gene" found to date, however the overwhelming majority of scientists do believe that there is a genetic predisposition for sexual orientation. Scientists overwhelmingly reject the "choice" meme that homophobes like to put out.

blah, blah, blah.. same old tired argument, all meant to cower anyone who won't condone your sin filled lifestyle choice. Too bad. Get over it.

Again, I really don't give two shits if you "condone" me or not (and it is NOT a choice, I might add...the only choice is in acting upon my natural inclinations). You don't have to like us, accept us or condone us...just treat us equally under the law.

I'll never condone homosexual marriage nor do I have to. It goes against everything I believe.I don't give a crap what you do or don't do.. FLY AWAY.. I could care less but don't expect me or anyone who has an issue with your chosen behavior to pretend that it's ok and condone it.. NOT going to happen.. any more than you're going to accept what I believe.

no one really cares what you "condone"
No "god" didn't. Marriage has existed long before your god ever left the catacombs in which he was created.

You are conflating issues that have nothing to do with each other. What gays and lesbians are fighting for is equal access to a legal contract, not your religious doctrine. We already have equal access to that. We can find churches willing to marry us anytime we want. It is the legal contract issued by the government that we are fighting for, not your sky fairy's version of marriage.

You don't know that. No man can speak for god. I'll wait to see what he/she has to say on the matter from the horses mouth, thanks. I can wait.

No one has ever said you have to accept anything. You do have to tolerate it.

No it wouldn't. We can still procreate you know. I've done it five times myself. Not that it matters since that is probably one of the stupidest "arguments" I've heard.

There has been no "gay gene" found to date, however the overwhelming majority of scientists do believe that there is a genetic predisposition for sexual orientation. Scientists overwhelmingly reject the "choice" meme that homophobes like to put out.

Again, I really don't give two shits if you "condone" me or not (and it is NOT a choice, I might add...the only choice is in acting upon my natural inclinations). You don't have to like us, accept us or condone us...just treat us equally under the law.

I'll never condone homosexual marriage nor do I have to. It goes against everything I believe.I don't give a crap what you do or don't do.. FLY AWAY.. I could care less but don't expect me or anyone who has an issue with your chosen behavior to pretend that it's ok and condone it.. NOT going to happen.. any more than you're going to accept what I believe.

no one really cares what you "condone"

Good! :) Glad to hear it..I'd worry if any leftist condoned what I believed.. that would make me a heathen without morals.
God is the same today, tomorrow, and yesterday. His word never changes. Newt is on his own.

Then I guess when the Mormons decided that polygamy was no longer acceptable,

they were effectively abandoning God.

Why blame God for what any Religious ideology does or doesn't do? I said GOD is the same today, yesterday, and tomorrow.. NOT people.

and yet you have the temerity to pretend you speak for G-d.

you can't even honor a bet... perhaps your own 'morals' need work before you try to impose them on others.
God created man and woman. God ordained marriage between a man and a woman.
No "god" didn't. Marriage has existed long before your god ever left the catacombs in which he was created.

You are conflating issues that have nothing to do with each other. What gays and lesbians are fighting for is equal access to a legal contract, not your religious doctrine. We already have equal access to that. We can find churches willing to marry us anytime we want. It is the legal contract issued by the government that we are fighting for, not your sky fairy's version of marriage.

You don't know that. No man can speak for god. I'll wait to see what he/she has to say on the matter from the horses mouth, thanks. I can wait.

No one has ever said you have to accept anything. You do have to tolerate it.

No it wouldn't. We can still procreate you know. I've done it five times myself. Not that it matters since that is probably one of the stupidest "arguments" I've heard.

There has been no "gay gene" found to date, however the overwhelming majority of scientists do believe that there is a genetic predisposition for sexual orientation. Scientists overwhelmingly reject the "choice" meme that homophobes like to put out.

blah, blah, blah.. same old tired argument, all meant to cower anyone who won't condone your sin filled lifestyle choice. Too bad. Get over it.

Again, I really don't give two shits if you "condone" me or not (and it is NOT a choice, I might add...the only choice is in acting upon my natural inclinations). You don't have to like us, accept us or condone us...just treat us equally under the law.

I'll never condone homosexual marriage nor do I have to. It goes against everything I believe.I don't give a crap what you do or don't do.. FLY AWAY.. I could care less but don't expect me or anyone who has an issue with your chosen behavior to pretend that it's ok and condone it.. NOT going to happen.. any more than you're going to accept what I believe.

Goody goody gumdrops for you. Again for the cheap seats...don't care. I don't give a rats ass if you condone us or not. I'm not asking to be liked, condoned or accepted, but for my family to be treated equally under the law.

You will hold fast to your beliefs and "truths"...until someone in your close family comes to you and tells you they are gay. Then I hope you will have, at least, some time for soul searching. Would you be able to look your gay child in the eyes and say "I love you, but don't think you deserve equal rights"? One wonders...
I am sure you were called incompetent; among other things.

And are a disgrace to your uniform for lying about your homosexuality during your time in the military.

Nope, that was never one of them. I didn't have to lie to anyone about my sexual orientation while I served. Nobody asked.
There you go lying again.

During the time that you were in the military.

One of the questions all people entering the military were asked, "Are you a homosexual or have you ever been in a homosexual relationship?".

Also, this was a question that was asked of any soldier or sailor getting a "Secret" or "Top Secret" security clearance.

If you were in the military for 20 yrs. like you claim.

You most definitely held at least a "Secret" security clearance; and had to have answered "No" to the homo question.

Otherwise you would have been kicked out of the service. :cool:

Show the questionairre with that exact question in it, Sunni. That is NOT how I remember it being asked like that.

And I had a TS clearance eventually and was not asked that in that way.

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