Newt Gingrich Changes Views on Gay-Marriage, Says 'Deal with Reality'

Logic -->

Young people are for gay marriage.

Old people are against gay marriage.

Old people die before young people.

Therefore, the vast majority of people will eventually support gay marriage.

Therefore, opposing gay marriage is a losing platform long-term for the Republican party. Maybe even short-term.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.
Secularists abort their babies the religious do not.

Therefore gays will be hanging from lampposts long before there is universal acceptance.

Clearly you’re unaware of the fact this makes no sense.
Conservatives would deny two gay men getting married, but they wouldn't deny them the right to own machine guns.

Because, apparently, gay guys with wedding rings are more dangerous than gay guys with machine guns.
Logic -->

Young people are for gay marriage.

Old people are against gay marriage.

Old people die before young people.

Therefore, the vast majority of people will eventually support gay marriage.

Therefore, opposing gay marriage is a losing platform long-term for the Republican party. Maybe even short-term.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.
Secularists abort their babies the religious do not.

Therefore gays will be hanging from lampposts long before there is universal acceptance.



Logic -->

Young people are for gay marriage.

Old people are against gay marriage.

Old people die before young people.

Therefore, the vast majority of people will eventually support gay marriage.

Therefore, opposing gay marriage is a losing platform long-term for the Republican party. Maybe even short-term.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.
Secularists abort their babies the religious do not.

Therefore gays will be hanging from lampposts long before there is universal acceptance.

What do you mean "will be"? They already are, dingbat.

Gays have been out, loud, and proud for decades.

And once universal marriage is made the law of the land, more than likely you won't hear from them much. Did you ever think of that? Now that DADT has been rescinded and once gay marriages are recognized by the federal government, there isn't much left for gays to fight for except the odd discrimination suits here and there. With gay marriage recognition, the gay "agenda" will be complete.

Although I'm sure a ton of brain dead conservatives who are incredibly insecure with their sexuality will still insist gays are trying to make them gay too.
When I was a hiring supervisor with my company. I never hired any homos.

For some reason they were always over qualified or under qualified for the job.

Funny how it always seemed to work out that way. :eusa_angel:

You never hired anyone. Stop lying.
rdean, I see that you are still upset that I didn't hire you. :lol:

The only time you hired anyone was for 20 minutes and you paid in crumpled singles.
Logic -->

Young people are for gay marriage.

Old people are against gay marriage.

Old people die before young people.

Therefore, the vast majority of people will eventually support gay marriage.

Therefore, opposing gay marriage is a losing platform long-term for the Republican party. Maybe even short-term.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.
Secularists abort their babies the religious do not.

Therefore gays will be hanging from lampposts long before there is universal acceptance.

Right wing American Christians say let those babies "starve". They only care about babies BEFORE they are born. Doesn't seem right.

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Logic -->

Young people are for gay marriage.

Old people are against gay marriage.

Old people die before young people.

Therefore, the vast majority of people will eventually support gay marriage.

Therefore, opposing gay marriage is a losing platform long-term for the Republican party. Maybe even short-term.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.
Secularists abort their babies the religious do not.

Therefore gays will be hanging from lampposts long before there is universal acceptance.

Right wing American Christians say let those babies "starve". They only care about babies BEFORE they are born. Doesn't seem right.

What a liar you are. I just listened to your own link. You're the absolute problem in this nation and those like you.. causing anger and division with nothing but lies. The Lt. Governor states those who get help from the government should have to give back. In the free lunch program he noted those children in all districts have the lowest test scores thus parents whose child receives free lunch, should have to attend Parent-teacher conferences.. SOMETHING ALL PARENTS SHOULD DO.. and if they don't?? GUESS WHAT?? They don't give a crap about their own kid.. and as he rightly states, they lose that free lunch until they get involved with their own child's education. ACTUALLY FIXING the problem. You're a liar and you're a problem.. We need real solutions to a failing public education and this is a real solution.
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You're projecting.

Everyone is not as prissy as you.

"disparaging comments about them" = ?

Calm down and get your panties out of a wad: I'm not advocating castration.

NO, you're just trying to make your bigotry sound acceptable so you aren't the one with the problem.

Settle down, stop crying.

It will be OK, sweetie.

Only person I see crying is your sorry ass, that your bigotry is becoming a pariah and the gays are being accepted.
Logic -->

Young people are for gay marriage.

Old people are against gay marriage.

Old people die before young people.

Therefore, the vast majority of people will eventually support gay marriage.

Therefore, opposing gay marriage is a losing platform long-term for the Republican party. Maybe even short-term.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.
Secularists abort their babies the religious do not.

Therefore gays will be hanging from lampposts long before there is universal acceptance.

Every time I think Katzndroppings can't say anything more stupid, she tops herself.

Islam is growing, but most Muslims are secularists. Sorry. To paint all Muslims like the Taliban is like painting all Christians like the Amish.

And religious women are out there having the abortions, too. Usually because they don't want to admit a screw up to their religious families when biology overrules dogma. The secularists have the good sense to practice birth control.

Third, the fact is, Funditards might still be out their teaching their kids to hate gays, but they still have to be out in a world where it's accepted. Just like you have some inbreds out there that are still teaching their kids to be racists, those kids still have to operate in the real world with minorities.
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Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.
Secularists abort their babies the religious do not.

Therefore gays will be hanging from lampposts long before there is universal acceptance.

Right wing American Christians say let those babies "starve". They only care about babies BEFORE they are born. Doesn't seem right.

What a liar you are. I just listened to your own link. You're the absolute problem in this nation and those like you.. causing anger and division with nothing but lies. The Lt. Governor states those who get help from the government should have to give back. In the free lunch program he noted those children in all districts have the lowest test scores thus parents whose child receives free lunch, should have to attend Parent-teacher conferences.. SOMETHING ALL PARENTS SHOULD DO.. and if they don't?? GUESS WHAT?? They don't give a crap about their own kid.. and as he rightly states, they lose that free lunch until they get involved with their own child's education. ACTUALLY FIXING the problem. You're a liar and you're a problem.. We need real solutions to a failing public education and this is a real solution.

So "starving the kid" helps the kid? Don't feed the kid until the parent does what you want them to do????? Did you bother to READ what you just wrote? Idiot. Something is wrong with you.
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Right wing American Christians say let those babies "starve". They only care about babies BEFORE they are born. Doesn't seem right.

What a liar you are. I just listened to your own link. You're the absolute problem in this nation and those like you.. causing anger and division with nothing but lies. The Lt. Governor states those who get help from the government should have to give back. In the free lunch program he noted those children in all districts have the lowest test scores thus parents whose child receives free lunch, should have to attend Parent-teacher conferences.. SOMETHING ALL PARENTS SHOULD DO.. and if they don't?? GUESS WHAT?? They don't give a crap about their own kid.. and as he rightly states, they lose that free lunch until they get involved with their own child's education. ACTUALLY FIXING the problem. You're a liar and you're a problem.. We need real solutions to a failing public education and this is a real solution.

So "starving the kid" helps the kid? Don't feed the kid until the parent does what you want them to do????? Did you bother to READ what you just wrote? Idiot. Something is wrong with you.
Repeating the same lie doesn't make it true. No one is starving any child. We have a failing educational system in this country. Liberals just want to throw money to corrupt Teachers Unions.. they don't want real answers. You're proof of that. When you draw money from hard working Taxpayers, you owe back... Having to attend a parent-teacher conference to keep up with your own child's progress isn't starving any child.. but keep on lying.
God is the same today, tomorrow, and yesterday. His word never changes. Newt is on his own.

Then I guess when the Mormons decided that polygamy was no longer acceptable,

they were effectively abandoning God.

Why blame God for what any Religious ideology does or doesn't do? I said GOD is the same today, yesterday, and tomorrow.. NOT people.

And yet god still has no place in a discussion about legal, civil marriage. Religious marriage and legal marriage are two completely different things.
And yet god still has no place in a discussion about legal, civil marriage. Religious marriage and legal marriage are two completely different things.
^^^^^^ dyke logic............ :cool:

Nothing in that logic has anything to do with sexual orientation. She simply states a true premise; in this country Religious Marriage and Civil Marriage are two separate and distinct entities each independent of the other. When the discussion is about Civil Law, then that only applies to Civil Marriages as Religious Marriages are a function of individual religious organizations and not a function of Civil Law.


A couple can go to a religious organization and be Religiously Married without the civil component. In the eyes of that religious organization they are "married" but in the eyes of civil government they are not.

A couple can go to a County Clerk and be Civilly Married without the religious component. In the eyes of civil government they are "married" but under the doctrine of a religious organization they may not be.


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