Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney demand that Fiorina is on upcoming ABC debate stage

Well another major screw-up in the GOP debates. Carly Fiorina came in ahead of Chris Christie and John Kasich in Iowa. They'll be on the stage but they have excluded her. She is also polling way ahead of Ben Carson in New Hampshire, he'll be on the stage but they have excluded her. So the inevitable crap has hit the fan.

And New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte also chimed in: "Carly Fiorina has campaigned hard in New Hampshire to earn support from voters," Ayotte said in a statement. "ABC News' decision to exclude her from Saturday's debate on the eve of our primary, while she is outperforming one of the other debate participants in New Hampshire polls, undermines our role in the primary process, and I urge ABC to allow Ms. Fiorina to participate."
Romney pushes for Fiorina to be on Saturday debate stage

It's probably NOT a good idea for Republicans to not raise hell about this, thereby (showing their gender bias)--when the 1st woman Presidential nominee will be running for POTUS on the other side of the isle--LOL Especially considering that women rule today as the majority voters in this country.


I saw this and thought, wtf? They seem to intentionally want to exclude the only woman. Good lord even if they have an ironclad reason for doing this they have to know what this will look like to women.

The GOP, even after you tell them "I'm putting this pistol on the counter, its not loaded, and the safety is on. Don't pick it up, don't load it, don't take the safety off, don't point it at someone, don't point it at yourself, and don't pull the trigger".

The GOP then loads it and fires every round into their own foot. I'm glad they do this, but WTF.

It's because the "good Ol' boy" network of the Republican party is dumber than shit, is why--LOL

Already on Fiorina's boards--they're changing party status, cancelling all their Republican party status's & memberships and some are threatening to vote for Hillary Clinton.

Even the men on her boards are PISSSSED. In fact they're raising hell.

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The network announced Thursday night that Fiorina had failed to meets its criteria for the debate in Manchester, New Hampshire, making her the one major candidate still in the running to be excluded from the stage. On Friday, ABC News sources told CNN that despite the incoming criticism, they have no intention of changing their plans.

"There is little desire to revisit that conversation," one ABC News source said.

One of the network's primary justifications for that decision is that altering its criteria would be unfair to candidates who have already dropped out of the race. Rand Paul, who received more than twice as much support in the Iowa caucuses as Fiorina, dropped out of the race on Wednesday -- in part, his campaign manager Doug Stafford told reporters, because they didn't anticipate that he would be allowed into the New Hampshire debate.

ABC: No last-minute invite for Carly Fiorina to debate -

The point is Ted Cruz won in Iowa--and if by some obscure (God knows whatever poll) other candidates were ahead of him, and ABC excluded him from being on the debate stage--the Roof of the NationalRepulican Headquarters would have been blown off. And the Republican Party headquarters would have made dam certain he was on the debate stage.

This is the Republican Party that is basically stating it's O.K. to "cheat" Carly Fiorina out of her rightful place on the stage, fully aware that she beat Kasich & Chrisite in Iowa. They're on the debate stage, she isn't. They're trying to point blame at ABC--but it is the Republican Party's primary RESPONSIBILITY to see that all candidates are treated equally and fairly. So the blame lies squarely with them.

IOW --it's a CROCK OF BULLSHIT--and there's more to this than just adding another podium on the stage. It's the Republican Party that doesn't want her on the stage. I think they're afraid of her--and what she could do. With less candidates she has more time to talk, and that may make people change their minds on voting for one of their selected favorites. Or they just can't stand the thought of a woman President and want to crush her attempts as quickly as possible. Take your pick.

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If Carly had won Iowa, she would be debating. She didn't...she got 1.9 percent.

If you get a case of the redass over it with your "I'm going home and taking my ball home with me" be it.

Don't let the doorknob hit-cha where the Good Lord split-cha.
I know they had a bitter primary battle but I feel like the two of them working together on something would make an interesting duo. Reports went around saying Romney met with Newt and got his thoughts when Romney was considering 2016
If Carly had won Iowa, she would be debating. She didn't...she got 1.9 percent.

If you get a case of the redass over it with your "I'm going home and taking my ball home with me" be it.

Don't let the doorknob hit-cha where the Good Lord split-cha.

She beat KASICH & CHRISTIE with REAL VOTES in Iowa. She deserves to be on this stage. They're on it, she's not. She is polling higher in New Hampshire than Christie & Carson right now. They're on the stage, she's not.

WTF does that tell you? It's rigged against her, is what it's saying. And it's the Republican Party, not ABC that's doing it.

This is why Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney & Ted Cruz have all stated she needs to be on the stage.

Well another major screw-up in the GOP debates. Carly Fiorina came in ahead of Chris Christie and John Kasich in Iowa. They'll be on the stage but they have excluded her. She is also polling way ahead of Ben Carson in New Hampshire, he'll be on the stage but they have excluded her. So the inevitable crap has hit the fan.

And New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte also chimed in: "Carly Fiorina has campaigned hard in New Hampshire to earn support from voters," Ayotte said in a statement. "ABC News' decision to exclude her from Saturday's debate on the eve of our primary, while she is outperforming one of the other debate participants in New Hampshire polls, undermines our role in the primary process, and I urge ABC to allow Ms. Fiorina to participate."
Romney pushes for Fiorina to be on Saturday debate stage

It's probably NOT a good idea for Republicans to not raise hell about this, thereby (showing their gender bias)--when the 1st woman Presidential nominee will be running for POTUS on the other side of the isle--LOL Especially considering that women rule today as the majority voters in this country.


I saw this and thought, wtf? They seem to intentionally want to exclude the only woman. Good lord even if they have an ironclad reason for doing this they have to know what this will look like to women.

The GOP, even after you tell them "I'm putting this pistol on the counter, its not loaded, and the safety is on. Don't pick it up, don't load it, don't take the safety off, don't point it at someone, don't point it at yourself, and don't pull the trigger".

The GOP then loads it and fires every round into their own foot. I'm glad they do this, but WTF.

It's because the "good Ol' boy" network of the Republican party is dumber than shit, is why--LOL

Already on Fiorina's boards--they're changing party status, cancelling all their Republican party status's & memberships and some are threatening to vote for Hillary Clinton.

Even the men on her boards are PISSSSED. In fact they're raising hell.


Yes I don't like her but it is so blatantly rigged that I do not blame not only her followers but women in general and Republicans in general saying WTF you think you are doing. Let the process run itself out.

Certainly no other Republican is as good at hitting Hillary as Fiorina is.

The GOP is bizarre.
Well another major screw-up in the GOP debates. Carly Fiorina came in ahead of Chris Christie and John Kasich in Iowa. They'll be on the stage but they have excluded her. She is also polling way ahead of Ben Carson in New Hampshire, he'll be on the stage but they have excluded her. So the inevitable crap has hit the fan.

And New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte also chimed in: "Carly Fiorina has campaigned hard in New Hampshire to earn support from voters," Ayotte said in a statement. "ABC News' decision to exclude her from Saturday's debate on the eve of our primary, while she is outperforming one of the other debate participants in New Hampshire polls, undermines our role in the primary process, and I urge ABC to allow Ms. Fiorina to participate."
Romney pushes for Fiorina to be on Saturday debate stage

It's probably NOT a good idea for Republicans to not raise hell about this, thereby (showing their gender bias)--when the 1st woman Presidential nominee will be running for POTUS on the other side of the isle--LOL Especially considering that women rule today as the majority voters in this country.


I saw this and thought, wtf? They seem to intentionally want to exclude the only woman. Good lord even if they have an ironclad reason for doing this they have to know what this will look like to women.

The GOP, even after you tell them "I'm putting this pistol on the counter, its not loaded, and the safety is on. Don't pick it up, don't load it, don't take the safety off, don't point it at someone, don't point it at yourself, and don't pull the trigger".

The GOP then loads it and fires every round into their own foot. I'm glad they do this, but WTF.

It's because the "good Ol' boy" network of the Republican party is dumber than shit, is why--LOL

Already on Fiorina's boards--they're changing party status, cancelling all their Republican party status's & memberships and some are threatening to vote for Hillary Clinton.

Even the men on her boards are PISSSSED. In fact they're raising hell.


Yes I don't like her but it is so blatantly rigged that I do not blame not only her followers but women in general and Republicans in general saying WTF you think you are doing. Let the process run itself out.

Certainly no other Republican is as good at hitting Hillary as Fiorina is.

The GOP is bizarre.

The only thing this can be--is Republican Gender Bias--and you see it through-out the party not just at the higher levels of the party. The Tea Party bounced all around from Trump, Carson, Cruz, and never once looked at her.

Even though she is much more qualified to be President than any of them are. She definitely has the executive experience, she is more articulate, actually answers questions, knows foreign policy inside out--and they ignored her, because she is a woman.

If she was wearing pants and had a scrotum--they would have gone nuts over her, and people would be saying "Donald" who right now. It's RNC gender bias. You don't only see it with men, but older women in the party--that just can't get past the thought of a woman President. Many of them just cannot stand the thought of the 1st woman POTUS.

But they're probably going to get the 1st woman President after this. Hillary Clinton has just been given the gift of the century, and she will be campaigning on it.

Women being the majority voting block in this country at 54%--are not ones to mess around with--LOL

Can't hang it on ABC, the GOP hasn't raised an issue with it. They are the ones that control their own nomination process, they could easily cancel the ABC debate unless she is present. They haven't.

Where is the hard hitting ad against the GOP.

She's hurt her own image now. Better to attack the messenger than the party. She now appears as another political hack.
On a trivial note, I just figured out who Carly Fiorina really reminds me of: the Sen. Martin character from Silence of the Lambs. They look like they could be related.
On a trivial note, I just figured out who Carly Fiorina really reminds me of: the Sen. Martin character from Silence of the Lambs. They look like they could be related.

She should do an ad with trump on the dolly and in the hannibal mask, "take this thing back to Baltimore".
When were the NH participants selected? Was this before or after some dropped out? If before, why not include Fiorina as as substitute whose poll numbers would now be likely to rise?
On a trivial note, I just figured out who Carly Fiorina really reminds me of: the Sen. Martin character from Silence of the Lambs. They look like they could be related.

She should do an ad with trump on the dolly and in the hannibal mask, "take this thing back to Baltimore".

That would be hilarious. I'm a Trump supporter and even I think that would make great political satire.
the knives are definitely drawn out for the Republican outsiders.......if the establishment succeeds in pushing on us their new choice....the Rube....there might be some real Party splitting ahead....
Well another major screw-up in the GOP debates. Carly Fiorina came in ahead of Chris Christie and John Kasich in Iowa. They'll be on the stage but they have excluded her. She is also polling way ahead of Ben Carson in New Hampshire, he'll be on the stage but they have excluded her. So the inevitable crap has hit the fan.

And New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte also chimed in: "Carly Fiorina has campaigned hard in New Hampshire to earn support from voters," Ayotte said in a statement. "ABC News' decision to exclude her from Saturday's debate on the eve of our primary, while she is outperforming one of the other debate participants in New Hampshire polls, undermines our role in the primary process, and I urge ABC to allow Ms. Fiorina to participate."
Romney pushes for Fiorina to be on Saturday debate stage

It's probably NOT a good idea for Republicans to not raise hell about this, thereby (showing their gender bias)--when the 1st woman Presidential nominee will be running for POTUS on the other side of the isle--LOL Especially considering that women rule today as the majority voters in this country.


I saw this and thought, wtf? They seem to intentionally want to exclude the only woman. Good lord even if they have an ironclad reason for doing this they have to know what this will look like to women.

The GOP, even after you tell them "I'm putting this pistol on the counter, its not loaded, and the safety is on. Don't pick it up, don't load it, don't take the safety off, don't point it at someone, don't point it at yourself, and don't pull the trigger".

The GOP then loads it and fires every round into their own foot. I'm glad they do this, but WTF.

It's because the "good Ol' boy" network of the Republican party is dumber than shit, is why--LOL

Already on Fiorina's boards--they're changing party status, cancelling all their Republican party status's & memberships and some are threatening to vote for Hillary Clinton.

Even the men on her boards are PISSSSED. In fact they're raising hell.


Yes I don't like her but it is so blatantly rigged that I do not blame not only her followers but women in general and Republicans in general saying WTF you think you are doing. Let the process run itself out.

Certainly no other Republican is as good at hitting Hillary as Fiorina is.

The GOP is bizarre.

The only thing this can be--is Republican Gender Bias--and you see it through-out the party not just at the higher levels of the party. The Tea Party bounced all around from Trump, Carson, Cruz, and never once looked at her.

Even though she is much more qualified to be President than any of them are. She definitely has the executive experience, she is more articulate, actually answers questions, knows foreign policy inside out--and they ignored her, because she is a woman.

If she was wearing pants and had a scrotum--they would have gone nuts over her, and people would be saying "Donald" who right now. It's RNC gender bias. You don't only see it with men, but older women in the party--that just can't get past the thought of a woman President. Many of them just cannot stand the thought of the 1st woman POTUS.

But they're probably going to get the 1st woman President after this. Hillary Clinton has just been given the gift of the century, and she will be campaigning on it.

Women being the majority voting block in this country at 54%--are not ones to mess around with--LOL


That's a a fairly unattractive photo of Sec. Clinton you have there. I wonder why you'd feel the need to put that in our post? Is it a commentary on her appearance?
Does the OP feel that Carly Fiorina was misrepresenting the facts regarding the Planned Parenthood videos?
Its baffling that she beat Christie and Kasich yet she isn't on the stage. I think its just as she said..."The game is rigged." She clearly out debated half of them and plus she polls higher than Carson In New Hampshire...

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