Newt Gingrich: Three generations of brainwashing are paying off for the left

It's interesting left assholes want freedom of speech and right of assembly...until the right exercises it.
It’s also interesting that the right who claims to be for liberty and freedom of speech, but wants Donnie to bring in the military to silence the protesters.

Apparently, both sides are hypocrites and Fascistic. Not at all surprising.
lmao "protesters"
NOBODY was intimidated for wanting to stand for the National Anthem. I quit reading right there. People were intimidated for kneeling during the National Anthem.

If you can't be honest, I have no desire to hear what you have to say.
That is laughable on its face.

There were intimidated for speaking out against the clown with the fro because it was disrespectful to kneel for the anthem. If you cannot be honest, I have no desire to hear what you have to say.

You can change the argument if you wish. It's not really an honorable rebuttal but whatever.
It helps the Left that the alternative has become so ugly.

Somehow that isn't noticed.
the left aint exactly pretty mac.....and that helps the right......
Absolutely. And neither wants to see it.

But politics is about contrast. So if something isn't working, the first place to look is in the mirror. Gingrich doesn't want to do that.
there isnt a politician alive that would do that......
An interesting read. Will any of this resonate with voters when they are casting their vote in 2020?

Newt Gingrich: Three generations of brainwashing are paying off for the left

As we watch radicals tear down statues, deface monuments, intimidate people who want to stand for the national anthem, and demand the firing of people who write or say something deemed inappropriate to the Leftist Anti-American Theology, it is utterly clear that many Americans today hate America.

People ask me how we’ve gotten to this point. All of this is the result of three generations of brainwashing going back at least to Herbert Marcuse, the German-born University of California, San Diego professor who taught young Americans the philosophical foundation of Marxism in the 1960s. As early as 1972, Theodore White was warning that the liberal ideology was becoming a liberal theology and dissent was less and less acceptable to the left.

We have watched the hard left, the America-hating totalitarians who want to define acceptable speech, as they took over the academic world. The college boards – made up of supposedly sound community leaders – refused to fight. Public universities and colleges continued to hire vehement anti-American professors, the state legislatures and governors refused to fight. Alumni continued to give to schools, which were teaching their own children and grandchildren to despise them.
Independent voter's will break for Trump. They won't tell pollsters that but they want law and order and not pro-crimminal Democrats.
Yes, good ol' Newt. Wants children to scrub toilets. Has affair with Martian Gal Callista while wife in hospital with cancer. Had to admit another affair while impeaching Clinton over a blowjob. Got blowjobs in cars while children were nearby. Republicans: The Party of Family Values - He did it for 'Murica! :auiqs.jpg:

Kip Carter, his former campaign treasurer, remembers a football game in Gingrich’s district. She was walking Gingrich’s two daughters back from the game and cut across the parking lot when she spied the Congressman’s car.​
“As I got to the car, I saw Newt in the passenger seat and one of the guys’ wives with her head in his lap going up and down,” Carter says. “Newt kind of turned and gave me this little-boy smile. Fortunately, Jackie Sue and Kathy were a lot younger and shorter then.”​
I worked for Gingrich in 1992, raising money for GOPAC, his political action committee. During fundraisers at homes in the Washington area, he would whisper something in the ear of a sweet young thing and they would disappear for 30-45 minutes.​
“Newt has her on her knees for oral sex,” a female GOPAC staffer told me. “He likes that.”​
At the Republican National Convention in Houston in 1992, a GOPAC volunteer was assigned to escort young women to a hotel room for quickie oral sex and stand guard outside to make sure the Congressman was not disturbed. I found one of those women crying in the hotel bar afterwards.​
“He’s a pig,” she said. “He made me get down on my knees and fellate him and then turned his back to me and told me to leave as soon as he came.”​

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NOBODY was intimidated for wanting to stand for the National Anthem. I quit reading right there. People were intimidated for kneeling during the National Anthem.

If you can't be honest, I have no desire to hear what you have to say.
That is laughable on its face.

There were intimidated for speaking out against the clown with the fro because it was disrespectful to kneel for the anthem. If you cannot be honest, I have no desire to hear what you have to say.

You can change the argument if you wish. It's not really an honorable rebuttal but whatever.
Colin Kapernick is why I stopped watching NFL. Anyone who intentionally does not stand for the flag is a piece of shit. Whatever team Kapernick plays for I hope the owners plane crashes with the Commissioner on board and all them fuckers die!
It's interesting left assholes want freedom of speech and right of assembly...until the right exercises it.
It’s also interesting that the right who claims to be for liberty and freedom of speech, but wants Donnie to bring in the military to silence the protesters.

Apparently, both sides are hypocrites and Fascistic. Not at all surprising.

Their are two types of protests, peaceful assembly and violently rioting, looting, attempted murder and even murder

Ask yourself who's doing which
Matthew 25: 14-30, all about Newt and the GOP, "Thy Kingdom Come. . . ."

Obama claimed to know nothing about economics, but put into statute more market-friendly arithmetic: Equal amounts regardless if the taxpayer was owed any refundable or not. Liberals could note that when Bill Clinton was elected, "These people have the bomb!" Later on, GOP was claiming that actually it was in Iraq(?). The government's money is spendable, even accepted in France, most likely. And as for Israel. . . .Actual American even send it to them(?). Matthew 20: 1-16, including the Catholic editions: Creates a rectangle-like kind of payment plan. It is equal amounts parallel to the top and the bottom of the box, extending to an outcome on the right side. A diagonal from the lower left corner, to the upper right, then exposes the usury flaw. The foaled--with basis in penis entry into twats--those at the bottom get less and insufficient to stick with the middle, and nowhere near as much as the rich. Into the ground it might as well go, what they get. They prosper when arithmetic gets applied to a shrinking market, and it all collapses.

Saving for a rainy day is not about that.

There is something anyone can put into the textbooks(?)!

"Crow, James Crow, Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Clearly, Teaching is not possible at any grade level, without the doctoral degree: Unless it is believed that some kids are better than other kids and that all the other kids are not worth the extra effort.)

Ears was and is an economic illiterate, much like his handlers and idiot followers
Colin Kapernick is why I stopped watching NFL. Anyone who intentionally does not stand for the flag is a piece of shit. Whatever team Kapernick plays for I hope the owners plane crashes with the Commissioner on board and all them fuckers die!

Wishing death by plane crash for "all them fuckers". Sounds exactly like something George HW Bush might have said! :D
Yes, good ol' Newt. Wants children to scrub toilets. Has affair with Martian Gal Callista while wife in hospital with cancer. Had to admit another affair while impeaching Clinton. Got blowjobs in cars while children were nearby. Republicans: The Party of Family Values - He did it for 'Murica! :auiqs.jpg:

Kip Carter, his former campaign treasurer, remembers a football game in Gingrich’s district. She was walking Gingrich’s two daughters back from the game and cut across the parking lot when she spied the Congressman’s car.​
“As I got to the car, I saw Newt in the passenger seat and one of the guys’ wives with her head in his lap going up and down,” Carter says. “Newt kind of turned and gave me this little-boy smile. Fortunately, Jackie Sue and Kathy were a lot younger and shorter then.”​
I worked for Gingrich in 1992, raising money for GOPAC, his political action committee. During fundraisers at homes in the Washington area, he would whisper something in the ear of a sweet young thing and they would disappear for 30-45 minutes.​
“Newt has her on her knees for oral sex,” a female GOPAC staffer told me. “He likes that.”​
At the Republican National Convention in Houston in 1992, a GOPAC volunteer was assigned to escort young women to a hotel room for quickie oral sex and stand guard outside to make sure the Congressman was not disturbed. I found one of those women crying in the hotel bar afterwards.​
“He’s a pig,” she said. “He made me get down on my knees and fellate him and then turned his back to me and told me to leave as soon as he came.”​

She was probably a prostitute that he didn't pay. They work conventions you know. If that happened why would she tell you? If you were so upset and she's upset why not go to media? You could have made $100,000. Hence, I doubt your story. Not unless they bought her silence.
Colin Kapernick is why I stopped watching NFL. Anyone who intentionally does not stand for the flag is a piece of shit. Whatever team Kapernick plays for I hope the owners plane crashes with the Commissioner on board and all them fuckers die!

Wishing death by plane crash for "all them fuckers". Sounds exactly like something George HW Bush might have said! :D
Nope, but I did. What's your point? If Pope John Paul II was my avatar I would say the same goddamn thing.
It still begs the question, when people are lining up to vote and they think of Trump promoting America First and wanting America to win again and then the same voters think of Biden, Obama, AOC and The Squad and many others who have bent to their demands. Will they be thinking about what Newt has written or will they say , "meh, it doesn't matter?"

Trump wins on confronting China, it's his most powerful argument in 2020 in my estimation because EVERY working person in America faces a threat from them. So does the military or those looking to open up a business or keep their kids away from poisons they import to America.

He piggybacks from that to America First, patriotism, protecting U.S sovereignty with a wall, making life easier for people with less taxes etc. This particular article in my estimation is what many view his opposition and embracing. There is simply no way around it.
It still begs the question, when people are lining up to vote and they think of Trump promoting America First and wanting America to win again and then the same voters think of Biden, Obama, AOC and The Squad and many others who have bent to their demands. Will they be thinking about what Newt has written or will they say , "meh, it doesn't matter?"

Trump wins on confronting China, it's his most powerful argument in 2020 in my estimation because EVERY working person in America faces a threat from them. So does the military or those looking to open up a business or keep their kids away from poisons they import to America.

He piggybacks from that to America First, patriotism, protecting U.S sovereignty with a wall, making life easier for people with less taxes etc. This particular article in my estimation is what many view his opposition and embracing. There is simply no way around it.

Translation: I'm sad that my Donnie has f'd up everything he's tried and that his xenophobic, misogynistic, racist messaging isn't resonating for any but 20%-ers. :confused:
People ask me how we’ve gotten to this point.
It's complicated. But boiled down to its essence we got here because people like Gingrich caused a radicalization of right wing politics in the 80's. The result......the rise of white nationalism, a fondness for autocracy, the rejection of compromise, the denial of science and fact based policy positions, and the belief in an unyielding ideological extremism.
An interesting read. Will any of this resonate with voters when they are casting their vote in 2020?

Newt Gingrich: Three generations of brainwashing are paying off for the left

As we watch radicals tear down statues, deface monuments, intimidate people who want to stand for the national anthem, and demand the firing of people who write or say something deemed inappropriate to the Leftist Anti-American Theology, it is utterly clear that many Americans today hate America.

People ask me how we’ve gotten to this point. All of this is the result of three generations of brainwashing going back at least to Herbert Marcuse, the German-born University of California, San Diego professor who taught young Americans the philosophical foundation of Marxism in the 1960s. As early as 1972, Theodore White was warning that the liberal ideology was becoming a liberal theology and dissent was less and less acceptable to the left.

We have watched the hard left, the America-hating totalitarians who want to define acceptable speech, as they took over the academic world. The college boards – made up of supposedly sound community leaders – refused to fight. Public universities and colleges continued to hire vehement anti-American professors, the state legislatures and governors refused to fight. Alumni continued to give to schools, which were teaching their own children and grandchildren to despise them.
Maybe it started when Newt condemned a president for having an affair while Newt was having an affair?
An interesting read. Will any of this resonate with voters when they are casting their vote in 2020?

Newt Gingrich: Three generations of brainwashing are paying off for the left

As we watch radicals tear down statues, deface monuments, intimidate people who want to stand for the national anthem, and demand the firing of people who write or say something deemed inappropriate to the Leftist Anti-American Theology, it is utterly clear that many Americans today hate America.

People ask me how we’ve gotten to this point. All of this is the result of three generations of brainwashing going back at least to Herbert Marcuse, the German-born University of California, San Diego professor who taught young Americans the philosophical foundation of Marxism in the 1960s. As early as 1972, Theodore White was warning that the liberal ideology was becoming a liberal theology and dissent was less and less acceptable to the left.

We have watched the hard left, the America-hating totalitarians who want to define acceptable speech, as they took over the academic world. The college boards – made up of supposedly sound community leaders – refused to fight. Public universities and colleges continued to hire vehement anti-American professors, the state legislatures and governors refused to fight. Alumni continued to give to schools, which were teaching their own children and grandchildren to despise them.
Newt Gingrichis a pill and is a disgusting filthy pig in my opinion

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