Newt sites the main criticism of Winston Churchhill before the war...Temperament...

Yes....Newt Gingrich is on the Mike Gallagher show right now...and he stated that the guys who didn't want Churchhill to be Prime know...before World War 2........was his Temperament.
What happened right after the war?
Gingrinch and Guiliani are both empty souls. They will say absolutely anything.

My personal favorite was Gingrich straight out made the argument that he'd take feelings over facts.

Time for more fear peddling, fellas. As clearly you haven't managed to scare the electorate quite deeply enough to get your people elected.

Unless you Trump supporters *actually* believe that a reality TV star knows 'more about ISIS than the generals do'. Given how eager these poor souls are to repeat whatever hapless horseshit Trump tells them to think (Obama caused the death of Khan's son, anyone?), perhaps they really do believe.

As critical thinking skills apparently inoculate one from supporting Trump.
Gingrinch and Guiliani are both empty souls. They will say absolutely anything.

My personal favorite was Gingrich straight out made the argument that he'd take feelings over facts.

Time for more fear peddling, fellas. As clearly you haven't managed to scare the electorate quite deeply enough to get your people elected.

Unless you Trump supporters *actually* believe that a reality TV star knows 'more about ISIS than the generals do'. Given how eager these poor souls are to repeat whatever hapless horseshit Trump tells them to think (Obama caused the death of Khan's son, anyone?), perhaps they really do believe.

As critical thinking skills apparently inoculate one from supporting Trump.

Jesus Gingrich is just stupid. Ignorant is when you don't know any better, stupid is when you do.

He ACTUALLY tries to argue facts are not relevant. What he did was in essence show how Republicans view their base. They know their base isn't overly interested in fact, they are driven by emotion and it is easy to manipulate them with scary emotions.

Yes....Newt Gingrich is on the Mike Gallagher show right now...and he stated that the guys who didn't want Churchhill to be Prime know...before World War 2........was his Temperament................

Go Trump.
Trump is no Churchill. Gingrich FAIL.

Trump is more like Churchill's predecessor Chamberlain. Trump is ready to cede Crimea to Putin so Putin will like him.


Peace for our time!
Donald Trump is no Winston Churchill.

But keep polishing that turd.

So 50 years after the events of Kung Fu Panda, some Panda wants to study Kung Fu.

He is laughed at because he is a panda, and Panda's cannot do Kung Fu.

The want to be Kung Fu Student could reightfully point out that Po, was a great Kung Fu Master.

The point is that the expressed reason for opposition is not valid. That panda's CAN do Kung Fu.

The new panda is not claiming that he (or she) will be the next Dragon Warrior, just that he (or she) can study Kung Fu, despite being a Panda.

It would be quite a dick move to tell the new Panda, "you are no Po".
Grant was a terrible president.

But an amazing General who was the first to defeat democrat racists.........

He was a butcher who merely rode to victory on the Union's superiority in manpower and industry.

The Repbulicans were losing the war till Lincoln Appointed Grant moron.........and morons like you attacked Grant because he wasn't polished and didn't conform to their standards........then he went on to kick the democrats in the ass and win the war.....

Do you think General Grant would agree that Donald going to military school is more military training that a lot of folks get in the military? Or that Donald would know more about ISIS than professional generals?

Or would General Grant laugh his ass off at the Donald too?

After what Grant saw in the war, would he agree that building a casino is an exercise in personal sacrifice?

Actually, considering his difficulties in business in his civilian life, I think he very much would.
Yes....Newt Gingrich is on the Mike Gallagher show right now...and he stated that the guys who didn't want Churchhill to be Prime know...before World War 2........was his Temperament................

Go Trump.
Trump is no Churchill. Gingrich FAIL.


When you attack a statement that no one made, you reveal that on some level , you know you are in the wrong.

The issue of Trump's "temperament" is valid.

BUT so is the defense of siting an example of a great leader who was heavily criticized for having the same or similar issue.

Would you care to actually address what was said, seriously and honestly?
Donald Trump is no Winston Churchill.

But keep polishing that turd.

So 50 years after the events of Kung Fu Panda, some Panda wants to study Kung Fu.

He is laughed at because he is a panda, and Panda's cannot do Kung Fu.

The want to be Kung Fu Student could reightfully point out that Po, was a great Kung Fu Master.

The point is that the expressed reason for opposition is not valid. That panda's CAN do Kung Fu.

The new panda is not claiming that he (or she) will be the next Dragon Warrior, just that he (or she) can study Kung Fu, despite being a Panda.

It would be quite a dick move to tell the new Panda, "you are no Po".
Um....Trump isn't a panda either. Panda's aren't quite that orange.

And he's certainly no Churchill. Or General Grant.

You guys are raising the false analogy fallacy to an art form.
Gingrinch and Guiliani are both empty souls. They will say absolutely anything.

My personal favorite was Gingrich straight out made the argument that he'd take feelings over facts.

Time for more fear peddling, fellas. As clearly you haven't managed to scare the electorate quite deeply enough to get your people elected.

Unless you Trump supporters *actually* believe that a reality TV star knows 'more about ISIS than the generals do'. Given how eager these poor souls are to repeat whatever hapless horseshit Trump tells them to think (Obama caused the death of Khan's son, anyone?), perhaps they really do believe.

As critical thinking skills apparently inoculate one from supporting Trump.

And running around saying that Trump is a "Hitler" who will start a nuclear war is not "peddling fear"?
Donald Trump is no Winston Churchill.

But keep polishing that turd.

So 50 years after the events of Kung Fu Panda, some Panda wants to study Kung Fu.

He is laughed at because he is a panda, and Panda's cannot do Kung Fu.

The want to be Kung Fu Student could reightfully point out that Po, was a great Kung Fu Master.

The point is that the expressed reason for opposition is not valid. That panda's CAN do Kung Fu.

The new panda is not claiming that he (or she) will be the next Dragon Warrior, just that he (or she) can study Kung Fu, despite being a Panda.

It would be quite a dick move to tell the new Panda, "you are no Po".
Um....Trump isn't a panda either. Panda's aren't quite that orange.

And he's certainly no Churchill. Or General Grant.

You guys are raising the false analogy fallacy to an art form.

The analogy is that one person has question raised about his "temperament" and went on to be a great leader.

Thus, having questions raised about your "temperament" does not mean that a person can't be a Great Leader. And if they can be Great, they could be Good, or Average, or Acceptable.

That is the point. Please stop playing dumb and putting forth Strawmen.

Dare you address the actual point? Or are you too convinced that you are in the wrong to honestly and seriously address the point?
Churchill has something Trump does not. Character.

Your opinion is based on hindsight.

If WWII has not happened for some reason, Churchill would be forgotten except for niche historians would who know him as someone with "temperament" issues.

If Trump wins and his policies are implemented and they have good effect, that is what matters.

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