Next 3-4 Weeks Will Be Explosive

That's from a statement by the election official, who showed nothing was missing.

Think of it like the person who in picking up a rental car, claims it's missing. Only to be told that midsize cars are parked in lot B, and he was looking in lot A.
Can't you understand what you read? I agreed it never was deleted.
Can't you understand what you read? I agreed it never was deleted.
They sound like they were looking for a program installed in microsoft windows, and looked in "program files", when they should have been looking in "program files (x86)" for it.

And claimed the files were either missing or moved.
I already told you they moved the data. Shove that fact checker. They are paid shills.

Is this the Friday you were talking about.

Do you have the results of that "Explosive" report?
So all those laws that were clearly broken mean nothing? And you call yourself an American? Please.
You really don't get it, do you?

You are still living in this illusion that we have "democracy," or that it even matters.


I tried to look for information about how Soviet Citizens or Eastern European citizens dealt with this type of situation, but, alas, that sort of thing can no longer be found on the internet. . . gee, I wonder why. :rolleyes:

The folks in charge? They don't give a shit. And the folks that enforce their decrees? Since most of them either work for the state, or are clients of the state at this point? They don't care either. And of course, a good percentage of the rest, since the interlocking directorate, and the private/public partnership of the fascist state has control of most all respected forms of information flows . . . nothing else matters to them.

Reality and facts just don't matter, just the simulation of it.

That’s All Folks!​

". . . In other words, GloboCap is teaching us a lesson. I don’t know how much clearer they could make it. They just installed a new puppet president, who can’t even simulate mental acuity, in a locked-down, military-guarded ceremony which no one was allowed to attend, except for a few members of the ruling classes. They got some epigone of Albert Speer to convert the Mall (where the public normally gathers) into a “field of flags” symbolizing “unity.” They even did the Nazi “Lichtdom” thing. To hammer the point home, they got Lady Gaga to dress up as a Hunger Games character with a “Mockingjay” brooch and sing the National Anthem. They broadcast this spectacle to the entire world.

And the lesson isn’t quite over yet … it won’t be over for a while. The “War on Populism” will simply morph into the “New Normal War on Domestic Terror,” which will become one more theater in the “Global War on Terror,” which has been on hiatus, and which will now resume. As I have pointed out repeatedly over the past four years, we appear to be headed toward a dystopian future in which there will essentially be two classes of people: (a) “normals” (i.e., those who conform to global-capitalist ideology and decrees); and (b) the “extremists” (i.e., those who don’t).

It will make no difference whatsoever what type of “extremists” these “extremists” are … religious-fundamentalist extremists, Islamic extremists, Christian extremists, right-wing extremists, left-wing extremists, white-supremacist or Black-nationalist extremists, virus deniers, anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists, anti-maskers, recalcitrant transphobians, anti-transhumanists, pronoun resisters, defiant oppositionalists, or whatever … the names don’t really matter. The point is, conform or be labelled an “extremist,” a “domestic terrorist,” or some other type of “antisocial person” or “social deviant,” or “potential threat to public health.”

I don’t claim to know every detail, but one thing seems abundantly clear. We are not going back to the way things were. GloboCap has been explaining this to us, over and over, for almost a year. They couldn’t have made it any more explicit. When they warned us to get ready because a “New Normal” was coming, they meant it.

And now … well … here it is."


. . . at this point, as long as the machine can still deliver, folks won't resist.
Think of it like the person who in picking up a rental car, claims it's missing. Only to be told that midsize cars are parked in lot B, and he was looking in lot A.

Precisely. The person notices the car isn't there, the rental agency tells the person for weeks, he is not authorized to look for the car there, giving the agency plenty of time to put an alternative car into lot A, and then gas-lighting him, but telling him, it was in lot A the entire time.

Even though? That was NOT the original car he had contracted to rent. But how would he know? You have told him this is the car that is in the contract all along, right?

You really don't get it, do you?

You are still living in this illusion that we have "democracy," or that it even matters.


I tried to look for information about how Soviet Citizens or Eastern European citizens dealt with this type of situation, but, alas, that sort of thing can no longer be found on the internet. . . gee, I wonder why. :rolleyes:

The folks in charge? They don't give a shit. And the folks that enforce their decrees? Since most of them either work for the state, or are clients of the state at this point? They don't care either. And of course, a good percentage of the rest, since the interlocking directorate, and the private/public partnership of the fascist state has control of most all respected forms of information flows . . . nothing else matters to them.

Reality and facts just don't matter, just the simulation of it.

That’s All Folks!​

". . . In other words, GloboCap is teaching us a lesson. I don’t know how much clearer they could make it. They just installed a new puppet president, who can’t even simulate mental acuity, in a locked-down, military-guarded ceremony which no one was allowed to attend, except for a few members of the ruling classes. They got some epigone of Albert Speer to convert the Mall (where the public normally gathers) into a “field of flags” symbolizing “unity.” They even did the Nazi “Lichtdom” thing. To hammer the point home, they got Lady Gaga to dress up as a Hunger Games character with a “Mockingjay” brooch and sing the National Anthem. They broadcast this spectacle to the entire world.

And the lesson isn’t quite over yet … it won’t be over for a while. The “War on Populism” will simply morph into the “New Normal War on Domestic Terror,” which will become one more theater in the “Global War on Terror,” which has been on hiatus, and which will now resume. As I have pointed out repeatedly over the past four years, we appear to be headed toward a dystopian future in which there will essentially be two classes of people: (a) “normals” (i.e., those who conform to global-capitalist ideology and decrees); and (b) the “extremists” (i.e., those who don’t).

It will make no difference whatsoever what type of “extremists” these “extremists” are … religious-fundamentalist extremists, Islamic extremists, Christian extremists, right-wing extremists, left-wing extremists, white-supremacist or Black-nationalist extremists, virus deniers, anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists, anti-maskers, recalcitrant transphobians, anti-transhumanists, pronoun resisters, defiant oppositionalists, or whatever … the names don’t really matter. The point is, conform or be labelled an “extremist,” a “domestic terrorist,” or some other type of “antisocial person” or “social deviant,” or “potential threat to public health.”

I don’t claim to know every detail, but one thing seems abundantly clear. We are not going back to the way things were. GloboCap has been explaining this to us, over and over, for almost a year. They couldn’t have made it any more explicit. When they warned us to get ready because a “New Normal” was coming, they meant it.

And now … well … here it is."


. . . at this point, as long as the machine can still deliver, folks won't resist.
So all those laws that were clearly broken mean nothing? And you call yourself an American? Please.
There were no laws broken. The election was free & fair. That's never gonna change no matter how crazy you are.
There were no laws broken. The election was free & fair. That's never gonna change no matter how crazy you are.
There were laws broken. Deleting the security logs is breaking federal law you pinhead. Thatelection was run so sloppily and dishonestly there is nothing to do but decertify it. They will take this crap to court and they will win. It is nowhere close to over, traitor.
There were laws broken. Deleting the security logs is breaking federal law you pinhead. Thatelection was run so sloppily and dishonestly there is nothing to do but decertify it. They will take this crap to court and they will win. It is nowhere close to over, traitor.
We don't know yet the logs were deliberately deleted or even deleted at all. Remember, these are the same rank amateurs who once before claimed files had been deleted only to turn out, they weren't deleted, the cybernuts just didn't know where to look. At any rate, Maricopa County says they have backups of all the logs.
Bernie Kerik.

A convicted Felon, he obtained a pardon in 2020 for his numerous convictions for tax fraud, ethics violations, and criminal false statements.

This Bernie Kerik.
This is who is going to break this Explosive Evidence.

What a fucking joke.
And Likewise, a nothing burger as expected.
Bernie Kerik.

A convicted Felon, he obtained a pardon in 2020 for his numerous convictions for tax fraud, ethics violations, and criminal false statements.

This Bernie Kerik.
This is who is going to break this Explosive Evidence.

What a fucking joke.
And Likewise, a nothing burger as expected.
It just keeps coming. This election was a joke. It should have never been certified.
It just keeps coming. This election was a joke. It should have never been certified.
When is tRump going to be reinstated this time?
It just keeps coming. This election was a joke. It should have never been certified.
Did Bernie confirm that for you?
Tell me, all the shit like this that is easily provable happened all over. Why doesn't that bother you?
It doesn't bother me when it's Fake Made Up Bullshit.
Prove it, instead of saying...... "It's being proved."

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