Next Major War: Civil or World?


Feb 12, 2014
North Carolina
In History, the Major US Wars have been the American Revolution, The Civil War, and WWII. What is interesting is the Wars have each been separated by 80-85 years..

1776, American Revolution
1861, Civil War
1941, World War II
2021-2026 is the next Timing Mechanism that this pattern may follow..

So with the Government buying 1.5 Billion rounds of Ammunition, taking away rights from Americans, Skyrocketing Debt, and spying on Americans(disregarding the 4th Amendment).

Or the National Jihad movement by Radicals, willing to die for their Religion at any cost(even their lives), the Nuclear threat Iran and North Korea pose, and the on-going terrorism seen throughout the world.

War will never end and it has always existed.. Rise of power, Abuse of power, Greed, Religion, Oil, Gold, etc.

What is your prediction? Will it be a Civil War or a World War? When do you believe it may occur and who will be involved??
World War One doesn't count?:eusa_eh:
Total economic disaster is the only way I could see a world war or revolution in a major country happen. But I don't see that coming anytime soon though some people would differ.

Aside from that until there's a way to defend against nuclear weaponry instead of just deterring it I don't see any major wars happening.
World War I was bad, but as far as the most talked about and the most relevant to the USA, I would say it would be those 3 wars right there..

First, for Independence

Second, for Saving the Union and the only Civil War we have had

-Bigger. Included far more people and involved more of society into the action. More geographically widespread.
-More clear-cut ideologically. It's simply easier to see what the war was about. What was at stake.
-The Bomb. For this reason alone it takes the cake.
-Soviet occupation of eastern Europe. In a sense a state of cold war existed with the Soviets prior to WWII.
-The Holocaust. Like the A-bomb this is one of these events that has a Before and an After.
Every major military conflict in the bloody 20th century started during a democrat administration and all were poorly run. The closest thing we had to a civil war since , well, the Civil War was the left wing anarchist movement of the 60's and 70's and today the domestic terrorists are movers and shakers in the democrat party.

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