Trump Is Lying About Project 2025

Why's that? You asked for dem commies and I gave you two.......undoubtedly more, BTW. Noticed she's advising Biden these days......damn, just like the good old days.
No, you gave me character assassination based solely an offhand comment in a speech 15 years ago without knowing any of the context. You’re a monkey trained by conservative media to repeat the lines you’re given.
Kinda looks more like Biden is so desperate, with his donors closing their checkbooks. Last gasps of a dying party?
Biden still has a hundred some days to shit the bed.
You clowns screaming about it is funnier than all hell
And yet here you guys are running away from Project 2025 because you know that if the public knew the truth about your party, they’d be horrified.
No, you gave me character assassination based solely an offhand comment in a speech 15 years ago without knowing any of the context.
It worked didn't it?

And yet here you guys are running away from Project 2025 because you know that if the public knew the truth about your party, they’d be horrified.
You've read the entire book or are you relaying leftist propaganda. again?
You’re a monkey trained by conservative media to repeat the lines you’re given.
Actually, I'm one of the trainers.
Here is a speech he gave at the Heritage Foundation back in 2022.

He knew all about their plans then and approved of them

Now claims to know nothing about any of it

HAHAHAHA!! - hilarious.
He was a keynote speaker at a fundraiser sponsored by Heritage Foundation.
Gee - so surprising he would have something good to say about them :D
And - he never mentions Project 2025.

So - the clip shows nothing other than a keynote speaker saying something good about a fundraiser that benefits him!

Well the platform He has doesn't reflect your 2025 nightmare.
convicted felon Trump is lying about his platform.
Lying is what he does. You should know that by now.
They're a conservative think tank which espouses conservative views.
What they espouse is anti-Americanism.
Your clowns are trying to conflate it and tie it to Trump.
Not hard to do since Trump IS tied to it.
Your clowns have even gone as far as creating a fake website and got caught doing it.
Prove it.
Dem's, Marxists, socialists, communists, libertarians all have similar sites with their views.
Care to link to one and we can discuss these (supposed) similairities?
convicted felon Trump is lying about his platform.
Lying is what he does. You should know that by now.
Sure has your underwear in a tizz......LOL

What they espouse is anti-Americanism.
Your side are the ones espousing anti- Americanism.......everyday.
Not hard to do since Trump IS tied to it.
Being a conservative..................duh. I guess this doesn't happen in democrat land does it?
Care to link to one and we can discuss these (supposed) similairities?
Never said anything about similarities. Only said they all have similar sites where they express their ideological views.
Here is a speech he gave at the Heritage Foundation back in 2022.

He knew all about their plans then and approved of them

Now claims to know nothing about any of it

Funny how they had to edit a 28 second clip to propagandize it. You commies are so predictable.

Trump saying shit is far more worrisome when he has actual people making a plan for how to do it.

Your statement here only adds to the alarm. He’s trying to distance himself from the plan he inspired.
How is truthfully saying that he hadn't heard of Project 2025 an attempt to distance himself from it?

It's a conspiracy, not a theory. The conservatives had not been shy about promoting it until the general public finally heard about if from Tariji P. Henson at the BET Music Awards. Suddenly, they are playing coy about it.
I hope Trump does adopt Project 2025, it has lots of good ideas:


Central to Trump’s fascist agenda is to populate the Federal government with Trump loyalists who like Trump have contempt for sound, responsible governance, the Constitution, and our democratic institutions.
Is that any different than what has happened under Obama and now Biden?

He inspired the project.

So he’s distancing himself from himself.
Conservative values and people like you and others inspired it.

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