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Next Target Iran.

look...two things:

1. I am doing what I think is in the best interests of my country. You disagree? Fine.... just because we disagree does not give you the right to say that I am doing what the terrorists want me to do. That is bullshit. The terrorists do not want an America where political debate flourishes. Don't insult me, asshole.

2.Oh, I am not scared of Rudy. You have no fucking idea what I am or am mot scared of so quit putting words in MY mouth.

As a former great military legend in your own mind, what military man would do what the enemy wants them to?

Here is the story form NBC

NBC: Iraqis Want U.S. to Stay and Insurgents Counting on Help from War Opponents
Posted by Brent Baker on March 5, 2007 - 21:25.
Visiting Iraq, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams learned from Army officers that Iraqis want U.S. forces to remain in their country, from NBC News Baghdad reporter Richard Engel that Al-Sadr's insurgents have stepped down and are counting on pressure from anti-war opponents to provide them with victory, and from retired General and NBC News military analyst Wayne Downey that U.S. troops are proud of their mission. Traveling with Lieutenant General Ray Odierno for stories on his Monday newscast, Williams ran a clip of Army Colonel John Charlton proclaiming that Iraqis “do not want us to leave” and a soundbite from Army Lt. Colonel Charles Ferry who asserted: "The people here are very glad to see us.” Williams marveled: "You just said, 'They don't want us to leave.' That's the tenth time today I've heard that. I've got to go back to the States and do a newscast that every night has another politician or 12 of them saying, 'We have got to get out of that godforsaken place

also, how the surge is working and the people of Iraq WANT the troops to stay. Hit the link and watch the video

Williams in Baghdad: New Pockets of Peace, Iraqis Don't Want to See Americans Go
Posted by Mark Finkelstein on March 6, 2007 - 11:14.
Talk about your inconvenient truth . . .

Reporting from Baghdad this morning, and continuing a theme that MRC's Brent Baker spotted last evening, NBC Nightly News host Brian Williams let a cat out of the bag that could leave some serious scratch marks on MSM/DNC calls for stopping the surge and withdrawing US troops from Iraq. Williams said that US troops:

"are also aware, especially in the outposts, that it's the Iraqi people who are very reluctant to see the Americans go, because in many cases that's what's keeping the peace in town."
View video here.

Earlier, and even on a day in which he reported on nine American troops having been killed in two separate explosions, Williams also suggested that the security situation in Iraq is improving in some aspects:

"Six [US troops killed] in Salahuddin province and three in Diyala province. But note what we're not reporting this morning. We are not reporting another car bomb or suicide bomber, IED has gone off in central Baghdad or in Sadr City, the usual locations where the sad drumbeat of news on morning's like this one normally comes from. This conflict is changing . . . We have a conflict where the tempo may be changing and we have pockets of new peace, but it is still a very dangerous war."

Whoops! Will Williams' observations make it out of NBC, into the MSM at large and onto Capitol Hill?

Dick Cheney Outs Nancy Pelosi
Halliburton Dick Cheney recently made the wild accusation that by calling for the immediate redeployment of our troops away from the battlefield, Democratic leaders only encourage the so-called “enemy”.

Let’s pretend for a moment that he’s right. Does he really need to blab the plan to every terrorist and his Uncle? In his rush to attack Nancy Pelosi’s patriotism, did Cheney even bother to consider that maybe emboldening the so-called terrorists with the illusion of victory is part of a cunning plan to lure them here, to our soil, where they can be easily apprehended and given the kind of emotional counseling they truly need? The idiot cons like to say that it’s better to fight them “over there” than “over here”, but in all honesty where would you rather Bush’s silly war be waged – on the terrorists’ turf where they are familiar with the terrain, or here in the streets of America where our troops have the home field advantage?

The answer is obvious, but it won’t happen until neocons like Cheney learn to keep their big yaps shut and let the Democrats do their business
Dick Cheney Outs Nancy Pelosi
Halliburton Dick Cheney recently made the wild accusation that by calling for the immediate redeployment of our troops away from the battlefield, Democratic leaders only encourage the so-called “enemy”.

Let’s pretend for a moment that he’s right. Does he really need to blab the plan to every terrorist and his Uncle? In his rush to attack Nancy Pelosi’s patriotism, did Cheney even bother to consider that maybe emboldening the so-called terrorists with the illusion of victory is part of a cunning plan to lure them here, to our soil, where they can be easily apprehended and given the kind of emotional counseling they truly need? The idiot cons like to say that it’s better to fight them “over there” than “over here”, but in all honesty where would you rather Bush’s silly war be waged – on the terrorists’ turf where they are familiar with the terrain, or here in the streets of America where our troops have the home field advantage?

The answer is obvious, but it won’t happen until neocons like Cheney learn to keep their big yaps shut and let the Democrats do their business

You have avoided my question. I'm just wondering, since you're around high school age, that means you'll be eligible for the military soon. If taking troops out of Iraq is emboldening the enemy, and putting troops in Iraq is defeating the enemy, do you plan on volunteering yourself to go fight in Iraq? Don't you want to go over to Iraq and fight the terrorists, so we don't have to fight them here?
You have avoided my question. I'm just wondering, since you're around high school age, that means you'll be eligible for the military soon. If taking troops out of Iraq is emboldening the enemy, and putting troops in Iraq is defeating the enemy, do you plan on volunteering yourself to go fight in Iraq? Don't you want to go over to Iraq and fight the terrorists, so we don't have to fight them here?

How do you know I have not done my service? With your attitude the troops would welcome you with open arms. Help them during target practice to sharpen their sharp shooting skills
How do you know I have not done my service? With your attitude the troops would welcome you with open arms. Help them during target practice to sharpen their sharp shooting skills

Unlike you, I never presumed to know anything. I just asked you a question, about doing your service. How do you know what my attitudes are, or that I haven't done my service, or that a large part of my family chose the military?
Unlike you, I never presumed to know anything. I just asked you a question, about doing your service. How do you know what my attitudes are, or that I haven't done my service, or that a large part of my family chose the military?

You recite the typical liberal talking points like you are on the fax list from the DNC
not so.

I have no desire to grant constitutional rights to terrorists. I only want to make sure that we treat detainees in a way that we are willing to let our enemies of the future treat captured US troops.

I do not want to block EVERY METHOD...I only object to wiretaps without warrants on US citizens.

I have never gloated when classified documents were published and I have NEVER smeared our troops...

and your suggestion that I would jump for joy when America is hit again enrages me... it frrustrates me beyond belief that you are sitting somewhere behind your computer and not standing in front of me where I could beat on you until the cops pulled me off, or until you stopped moving, whichever came first.

For one, I haven't read every message; but from what you quoted, he never called you a liberal. Being a Democrat doesn't make you liberal. And your view on how to treat detainees is comendable, however, that doesn't help. You can't reason with people that will strap a bomb to themselves to kill 50 people. It doesn't work. Your trying to use finite thinking with infinite thinking individuals. This is where I see that the Democrats and Liberals are gravely mistaken. Your thinking about the situation as YOU see it....Not them. We live in a different world than they do. A much different world. Yeah...Iraq isn't a problem at all for America...That's ridiculous. It's not right now. It will be in the future...If we leave now, you may see no reprocussions for about 5 years. But you will see them. Why do you think Iran is like it is now? I think the Carter Administration should have taught us that. Um...Let's turn our back on the Iraqi administration (Shah of Iran), and let a militant terrorist regime take over(Ayatollah)...See any similarities...The United States DID NOT create the problem in the Middle East. Everyone needs to accept that. Year after year, decade after decade, we are constantly having to deal with some problem in the Mid East. It's time to put an end to it now. It's not easy. It is necessary though...If you don't believe that....Then I suggest you don't have children. I would hate a new generation of Americans to put up with the crap we have had to endure in our generation. The Middle East has to change. If not...I think a Nuclear showdown is only a "when"....not a "maybe".
For one, I haven't read every message; but from what you quoted, he never called you a liberal.

you're right...you haven't read every message

Being a Democrat doesn't make you liberal.

I am both and proud of it

And your view on how to treat detainees is comendable, however, that doesn't help.

in your opinion.... which I do not happen to share

You can't reason with people that will strap a bomb to themselves to kill 50 people. It doesn't work.

no more than it would have worked on Timothy McVey

Your trying to use finite thinking with infinite thinking individuals. This is where I see that the Democrats and Liberals are gravely mistaken. Your thinking about the situation as YOU see it....Not them. We live in a different world than they do.

We live in a very similar world to most of them. Most muslims are peaceful, industrious family folks like you and me.

A much different world. Yeah...Iraq isn't a problem at all for America...That's ridiculous. It's not right now. It will be in the future...If we leave now, you may see no reprocussions for about 5 years. But you will see them. Why do you think Iran is like it is now? I think the Carter Administration should have taught us that. Um...Let's turn our back on the Iraqi administration (Shah of Iran), and let a militant terrorist regime take over(Ayatollah)...See any similarities...

Some...but the analogy is flawed by being overly simplistic. To compare the current American puppet administration in Iraq with the dictatorshyip of the Shah of Iran is pointless. The people doing battle with one another in Iraq are sunnis and shiites. Whatever government finally "wins" in Iraq will not be a friend of ours and will align themselves with Iran regardless of what we do

The United States DID NOT create the problem in the Middle East.

I have never said we did. We also cannot SOLVE the problem in the middle east either

Everyone needs to accept that. Year after year, decade after decade, we are constantly having to deal with some problem in the Mid East.

and your mistake is assuming that every problem in the middle east is just the same as the last one and that they all can be "solved" by some American imposed "solution"

It's time to put an end to it now. It's not easy.

and it is not anywhere near as simplistic and black/white..good/bad as you would have it

It is necessary though...If you don't believe that....Then I suggest you don't have children.

I already have three

I would hate a new generation of Americans to put up with the crap we have had to endure in our generation. The Middle East has to change. If not...I think a Nuclear showdown is only a "when"....not a "maybe"

And I believe that if American wants to get muslims to want to stop killing us and our primary method for doing so is to use military might to kill muslims, then we had better be ready to kill all of them.
For one, I haven't read every message; but from what you quoted, he never called you a liberal. you're right...you haven't read every messageBeing a Democrat doesn't make you liberal. And your view on how to treat detainees is comendable, however, that doesn't help. You can't reason with people that will strap a bomb to themselves to kill 50 people. It doesn't work. Your trying to use finite thinking with infinite thinking individuals. This is where I see that the Democrats and Liberals are gravely mistaken. Your thinking about the situation as YOU see it....Not them. We live in a different world than they do. We live in a very similar world to most of them. Most muslims are peaceful, industrious family folks like you and me.A much different world. Yeah...Iraq isn't a problem at all for America...That's ridiculous. It's not right now. It will be in the future...If we leave now, you may see no reprocussions for about 5 years. But you will see them. Why do you think Iran is like it is now? I think the Carter Administration should have taught us that. Um...Let's turn our back on the Iraqi administration (Shah of Iran), and let a militant terrorist regime take over(Ayatollah)...See any similarities...Some...but the analogy is flawed by being overly simplistic. To compare the current American puppet administration in Iraq with the dictatorshyip of the Shah of Iran is pointless. The people doing battle with one another in Iraq are sunnis and shiites. Whatever government finally "wins" in Iraq will not be a friend of ours and will align themselves with Iran regardless of what we doThe United States DID NOT create the problem in the Middle East. I have never said we did. We also cannot SOLVE the problem in the middle east eitherEveryone needs to accept that. Year after year, decade after decade, we are constantly having to deal with some problem in the Mid East. and your mistake is assuming that every problem in the middle east is just the same as the last one and that they all can be "solved" by some American imposed "solution"It's time to put an end to it now. It's not easy. and it is not anywhere near as simplistic and black/white..good/bad as you would have itIt is necessary though...If you don't believe that....Then I suggest you don't have children.I already have three I would hate a new generation of Americans to put up with the crap we have had to endure in our generation. The Middle East has to change. If not...I think a Nuclear showdown is only a "when"....not a "maybe"And I believe that if American wants to get muslims to want to stop killing us and our primary method for doing so is to use military might to kill muslims, then we had better be ready to kill all of them.

This is very hard to read. Did you mean to post it like this?
It is late.... I woke up at 3AM this morning in Rome (which was really 9PM last night) and am on my way to bed..... form took a back seat to content

Well I can no longer 'fix.' You might wish to tomorrow afternoon, when you get your feet. I'm glad you had such a great trip and returned safe and sound. Well, safe anyways. ;)
You recite the typical liberal talking points like you are on the fax list from the DNC

You don't know how ridiculous you look. You just posted two cut and paste articles of talking points on the last page. Do you think we all have really short memories or something? I haven't posted a single cut and paste job like you do all the time. Thanks for the laugh :lol:.

Do you also think that people can't see you've been evading the original question? I'm just wondering, since you're around high school age, that means you'll be eligible for the military soon. If taking troops out of Iraq is emboldening the enemy, and putting troops in Iraq is defeating the enemy, do you plan on volunteering yourself to go fight in Iraq? Is there some reason that this question is particularly hard for you to answer?
You don't know how ridiculous you look. You just posted two cut and paste articles of talking points on the last page. Do you think we all have really short memories or something? I haven't posted a single cut and paste job like you do all the time. Thanks for the laugh :lol:.

Do you also think that people can't see you've been evading the original question? I'm just wondering, since you're around high school age, that means you'll be eligible for the military soon. If taking troops out of Iraq is emboldening the enemy, and putting troops in Iraq is defeating the enemy, do you plan on volunteering yourself to go fight in Iraq? Is there some reason that this question is particularly hard for you to answer?

You are showing your liberal superiorty complex. By reading posts on a message board you know my age and background.

To libs, if you have not served in the military you cannot comment on the war. Nice ploy to duck the issues

Bottom line is the libs and Defeatocrats are doing exactly what the terrorists in Iraq want them to do and it does not seem to bother you
You are showing your liberal superiorty complex. By reading posts on a message board you know my age and background.

No, since you said "I as in high school" I took that as "am" instead of "was."

To libs, if you have not served in the military you cannot comment on the war. Nice ploy to duck the issues

Bottom line is the libs and Defeatocrats are doing exactly what the terrorists in Iraq want them to do and it does not seem to bother you

I never said anything of the sort. I'm just wondering, if you think that we need more troops in Iraq, and you are of age, why you don't want to serve for our country? Why is that question so hard for you to answer? Are you embarrassed by your answer? I never claimed you couldn't comment on anything.

So now you can see in the mind of terrorists too eh? Were your teachers or girlfriend a terrorist? Are a lot of your friends terrorists, since you keep your friends close and enemies closer? Have you ever lived in the middle east? Perhaps you should ask before every action, "is this good for the USA" rather than "is this what the terrorists would want?"
No, since you said "I as in high school" I took that as "am" instead of "was."

I never said anything of the sort. I'm just wondering, if you think that we need more troops in Iraq, and you are of age, why you don't want to serve for our country? Why is that question so hard for you to answer? Are you embarrassed by your answer? I never claimed you couldn't comment on anything.

So now you can see in the mind of terrorists too eh? Were your teachers or girlfriend a terrorist? Are a lot of your friends terrorists, since you keep your friends close and enemies closer? Have you ever lived in the middle east? Perhaps you should ask before every action, "is this good for the USA" rather than "is this what the terrorists would want?"

All you need to know about terrorists and the peaceful followers of Islam


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