NFL hypocrites-idiots

They actually tithe to Soros. Amazing.

Again, always a credible comment when you're running a photoshop in your sigline.

Does this thread have an actual point? :dunno:
if you don't get the point, you need some brains
If you had actually articulated a point it might have been evidence of one. Your title doesn't even involve a verb. What the fuck does it mean? Do you have any idea or do you just spew inchoate emotion?
so the blacks protest --but they don't like it when others protest
how much simpler can it be????
hypocrites !!!??!!

"The blacks"? :dig:

Holy SHIT.

Your title says "NFL". Now you moved on to "the blacks". Which of "the blacks" is anybody's guess.

You have no clue in the world where you're going, do you.
So let me see if I have this right. Hapless Cleveland Browns fans use satire to protest the ineptitude of their team. Modern Conservatives not only see some political point in this, but they remain consistent in misunderstanding the protests of NFL players as they kneel quietly during the National Anthem. Additionally, modern Conservatives chide others for playing the 'victim card' even as they criticized those freezing and disappointed Cleveland Browns fans.

Is that about it?
the NFL players are protesting for criminals being JUSTIFIABLY shot
they are protesting alleged police brutality
there is not a huge problem of police brutality

the huge problems are:
blacks committing at much higher rates:
graduating at lower levels
--the numbers are 100% factual on these
They are not protesting the cops doing their jobs, they are protesting over use of force, unarmed people are not supposed to end up dead. As far as America hating goes that is by the right. Sorry in Am,erica we have the right to protest and to hold our governemnt accountable for thier actions. You obviously do not want this. They have a right to protest if you do not like it get the fuck out of the UNited States you scum bag authoritarian peice of shit.
how come they don't protest when whites are killed by cops--because they are RACISTS

all black criminals--all ARMED!! you said unarmed !!! hgahahahhahahahaha

you have a pistol, and a large person attacks will let them beat the crap out of you or will you shoot them????? ANSWER please
So you are obviously a yellow bellied coward aren't you! Cops have night sticks and back up, if you can not handle a guy on your own you do not engage till back up arrives. No you are not judge,jury and exocutioner.
So let me see if I have this right. Hapless Cleveland Browns fans use satire to protest the ineptitude of their team. Modern Conservatives not only see some political point in this, but they remain consistent in misunderstanding the protests of NFL players as they kneel quietly during the National Anthem. Additionally, modern Conservatives chide others for playing the 'victim card' even as they criticized those freezing and disappointed Cleveland Browns fans.

Is that about it?
the NFL players are protesting for criminals being JUSTIFIABLY shot
they are protesting alleged police brutality
there is not a huge problem of police brutality

the huge problems are:
blacks committing at much higher rates:
graduating at lower levels
--the numbers are 100% factual on these
They are not protesting the cops doing their jobs, they are protesting over use of force, unarmed people are not supposed to end up dead. As far as America hating goes that is by the right. Sorry in Am,erica we have the right to protest and to hold our governemnt accountable for thier actions. You obviously do not want this. They have a right to protest if you do not like it get the fuck out of the UNited States you scum bag authoritarian peice of shit.
how come they don't protest when whites are killed by cops--because they are RACISTS

all black criminals--all ARMED!! you said unarmed !!! hgahahahhahahahaha

you have a pistol, and a large person attacks will let them beat the crap out of you or will you shoot them????? ANSWER please
So you are obviously a yellow bellied coward aren't you! Cops have night sticks and back up, if you can not handle a guy on your own you do not engage till back up arrives. No you are not judge,jury and exocutioner.
we have another TV/movie dreamer...another James Bond, Bruce Lee
he will go against dangerous criminals WITHOUT a pistol he is so badass
he will talk nicely to them!!

ok here we go again:
they tried non-lethal means on ASterling and it didn't work--he kept resisitng

these criminals are NOT thinking like normal rational people!!!!!!!!
Mike Brown was not thinking rationally
you are living in a TV world--where Stacy on TJ Hooker throws her nightstick at the criminal's legs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what if they don't have their nightstick??? these are dynamic situations

STFU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you just didn't answer the question, did you??
you would do the same as these cops --please don't say you wouldn't !!!
you are NOT James Bond or Bruce Lee

AND you will wait for back up--while the criminal runs away??!!!???? !!!? hahah
what if the criminal attacks you BEFORE back up arrives?? or any other dozens pf possibilities???
you are living in TV world--not reality
They actually tithe to Soros. Amazing.

Again, always a credible comment when you're running a photoshop in your sigline.

Does this thread have an actual point? :dunno:
if you don't get the point, you need some brains
If you had actually articulated a point it might have been evidence of one. Your title doesn't even involve a verb. What the fuck does it mean? Do you have any idea or do you just spew inchoate emotion?
so the blacks protest --but they don't like it when others protest
how much simpler can it be????
hypocrites !!!??!!

"The blacks"? :dig:

Holy SHIT.

Your title says "NFL". Now you moved on to "the blacks". Which of "the blacks" is anybody's guess.

You have no clue in the world where you're going, do you.
what a smart reply hahahhahahah
So let me see if I have this right. Hapless Cleveland Browns fans use satire to protest the ineptitude of their team. Modern Conservatives not only see some political point in this, but they remain consistent in misunderstanding the protests of NFL players as they kneel quietly during the National Anthem. Additionally, modern Conservatives chide others for playing the 'victim card' even as they criticized those freezing and disappointed Cleveland Browns fans.

Is that about it?
the NFL players are protesting for criminals being JUSTIFIABLY shot
they are protesting alleged police brutality
there is not a huge problem of police brutality

the huge problems are:
blacks committing at much higher rates:
graduating at lower levels
--the numbers are 100% factual on these
They are not protesting the cops doing their jobs, they are protesting over use of force, unarmed people are not supposed to end up dead. As far as America hating goes that is by the right. Sorry in Am,erica we have the right to protest and to hold our governemnt accountable for thier actions. You obviously do not want this. They have a right to protest if you do not like it get the fuck out of the UNited States you scum bag authoritarian peice of shit.
how come they don't protest when whites are killed by cops--because they are RACISTS

all black criminals--all ARMED!! you said unarmed !!! hgahahahhahahahaha

you have a pistol, and a large person attacks will let them beat the crap out of you or will you shoot them????? ANSWER please
So you are obviously a yellow bellied coward aren't you! Cops have night sticks and back up, if you can not handle a guy on your own you do not engage till back up arrives. No you are not judge,jury and exocutioner.
so you agree the ASterling, KScott, and ASmith shootings were justified because they had weapons??
They actually tithe to Soros. Amazing.

Again, always a credible comment when you're running a photoshop in your sigline.

Does this thread have an actual point? :dunno:

My sigline doesn't change the truth. It is common knowledge that the NFL supports Soros.

Incredible. So you're actually going to triple-down, having begun with a Photoshop Fallacy (a/k/a "lying"), compounded it with ipse dixit, and now you're buring the ipse dixit with the old "Everybody Knows" fallacy.
Can No True Scotsman be far behind?
Most illustrative. :dig:

Meanwhile the thread still has no topic. :dunno:

^ Says the moron with the fake gif...


^There's your topic, dumb ass.
So let me see if I have this right. Hapless Cleveland Browns fans use satire to protest the ineptitude of their team. Modern Conservatives not only see some political point in this, but they remain consistent in misunderstanding the protests of NFL players as they kneel quietly during the National Anthem. Additionally, modern Conservatives chide others for playing the 'victim card' even as they criticized those freezing and disappointed Cleveland Browns fans.

Is that about it?
the NFL players are protesting for criminals being JUSTIFIABLY shot
they are protesting alleged police brutality
there is not a huge problem of police brutality

the huge problems are:
blacks committing at much higher rates:
graduating at lower levels
--the numbers are 100% factual on these
They are not protesting the cops doing their jobs, they are protesting over use of force, unarmed people are not supposed to end up dead. As far as America hating goes that is by the right. Sorry in Am,erica we have the right to protest and to hold our governemnt accountable for thier actions. You obviously do not want this. They have a right to protest if you do not like it get the fuck out of the UNited States you scum bag authoritarian peice of shit.
how come they don't protest when whites are killed by cops--because they are RACISTS

all black criminals--all ARMED!! you said unarmed !!! hgahahahhahahahaha

you have a pistol, and a large person attacks will let them beat the crap out of you or will you shoot them????? ANSWER please
So you are obviously a yellow bellied coward aren't you! Cops have night sticks and back up, if you can not handle a guy on your own you do not engage till back up arrives. No you are not judge,jury and exocutioner.
we have another TV/movie dreamer...another James Bond, Bruce Lee
he will go against dangerous criminals WITHOUT a pistol he is so badass
he will talk nicely to them!!

ok here we go again:
they tried non-lethal means on ASterling and it didn't work--he kept resisitng

these criminals are NOT thinking like normal rational people!!!!!!!!
Mike Brown was not thinking rationally
you are living in a TV world--where Stacy on TJ Hooker throws her nightstick at the criminal's legs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what if they don't have their nightstick??? these are dynamic situations

STFU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you just didn't answer the question, did you??
you would do the same as these cops --please don't say you wouldn't !!!
you are NOT James Bond or Bruce Lee

AND you will wait for back up--while the criminal runs away??!!!???? !!!? hahah
what if the criminal attacks you BEFORE back up arrives?? or any other dozens pf possibilities???
you are living in TV world--not reality
You know absolutely nothing about police work nor military work. I have been deputized several times because of my dogs. I watched small town cops face robbers that had robbed the ice plant with automatic weapons and brought them in alive. I watched a cop and will name him due to his exemplary work (Mike Schilling), show up in a Hardees parking lot at 3 oclock in the morning. When he got there four young men had pulled out chains and knives after talking shit to what they thought were hapless hillbillies. Soon there were over 25 guns pointed at them by drunken Hillbillies. Mike showed up first on the scene and successfully difused the situation and maintained sight on the perps till back up got there. Every one lived! Mike was not a large man and he was in his mid 50's at the time. So no it is not TJ Hokker stuff. Cool trained heads can succeed in most situations. PS if you can not take a beationg or two you have no buisness being a cop. You are an authoritarian scum bag all of this has nothing to do with our right to protest. You dislike it go hang out with some authoritarian scum bag freinds in Iran,Saudi Arabia, and the rest of those back ward ass countries that have no right of protest and get out of my country where we do!
the NFL players are protesting for criminals being JUSTIFIABLY shot
they are protesting alleged police brutality
there is not a huge problem of police brutality

the huge problems are:
blacks committing at much higher rates:
graduating at lower levels
--the numbers are 100% factual on these
They are not protesting the cops doing their jobs, they are protesting over use of force, unarmed people are not supposed to end up dead. As far as America hating goes that is by the right. Sorry in Am,erica we have the right to protest and to hold our governemnt accountable for thier actions. You obviously do not want this. They have a right to protest if you do not like it get the fuck out of the UNited States you scum bag authoritarian peice of shit.
how come they don't protest when whites are killed by cops--because they are RACISTS

all black criminals--all ARMED!! you said unarmed !!! hgahahahhahahahaha

you have a pistol, and a large person attacks will let them beat the crap out of you or will you shoot them????? ANSWER please
So you are obviously a yellow bellied coward aren't you! Cops have night sticks and back up, if you can not handle a guy on your own you do not engage till back up arrives. No you are not judge,jury and exocutioner.
we have another TV/movie dreamer...another James Bond, Bruce Lee
he will go against dangerous criminals WITHOUT a pistol he is so badass
he will talk nicely to them!!

ok here we go again:
they tried non-lethal means on ASterling and it didn't work--he kept resisitng

these criminals are NOT thinking like normal rational people!!!!!!!!
Mike Brown was not thinking rationally
you are living in a TV world--where Stacy on TJ Hooker throws her nightstick at the criminal's legs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what if they don't have their nightstick??? these are dynamic situations

STFU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you just didn't answer the question, did you??
you would do the same as these cops --please don't say you wouldn't !!!
you are NOT James Bond or Bruce Lee

AND you will wait for back up--while the criminal runs away??!!!???? !!!? hahah
what if the criminal attacks you BEFORE back up arrives?? or any other dozens pf possibilities???
you are living in TV world--not reality
You know absolutely nothing about police work nor military work. I have been deputized several times because of my dogs. I watched small town cops face robbers that had robbed the ice plant with automatic weapons and brought them in alive. I watched a cop and will name him due to his exemplary work (Mike Schilling), show up in a Hardees parking lot at 3 oclock in the morning. When he got there four young men had pulled out chains and knives after talking shit to what they thought were hapless hillbillies. Soon there were over 25 guns pointed at them by drunken Hillbillies. Mike showed up first on the scene and successfully difused the situation and maintained sight on the perps till back up got there. Every one lived! Mike was not a large man and he was in his mid 50's at the time. So no it is not TJ Hokker stuff. Cool trained heads can succeed in most situations. PS if you can not take a beationg or two you have no buisness being a cop. You are an authoritarian scum bag all of this has nothing to do with our right to protest. You dislike it go hang out with some authoritarian scum bag freinds in Iran,Saudi Arabia, and the rest of those back ward ass countries that have no right of protest and get out of my country where we do!
so if some has a pistol and you tell them to drop it and they don't --you would let them shoot you??
a cop has every right to shoot someone like that
They are not protesting the cops doing their jobs, they are protesting over use of force, unarmed people are not supposed to end up dead. As far as America hating goes that is by the right. Sorry in Am,erica we have the right to protest and to hold our governemnt accountable for thier actions. You obviously do not want this. They have a right to protest if you do not like it get the fuck out of the UNited States you scum bag authoritarian peice of shit.
how come they don't protest when whites are killed by cops--because they are RACISTS

all black criminals--all ARMED!! you said unarmed !!! hgahahahhahahahaha

you have a pistol, and a large person attacks will let them beat the crap out of you or will you shoot them????? ANSWER please
So you are obviously a yellow bellied coward aren't you! Cops have night sticks and back up, if you can not handle a guy on your own you do not engage till back up arrives. No you are not judge,jury and exocutioner.
we have another TV/movie dreamer...another James Bond, Bruce Lee
he will go against dangerous criminals WITHOUT a pistol he is so badass
he will talk nicely to them!!

ok here we go again:
they tried non-lethal means on ASterling and it didn't work--he kept resisitng

these criminals are NOT thinking like normal rational people!!!!!!!!
Mike Brown was not thinking rationally
you are living in a TV world--where Stacy on TJ Hooker throws her nightstick at the criminal's legs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what if they don't have their nightstick??? these are dynamic situations

STFU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you just didn't answer the question, did you??
you would do the same as these cops --please don't say you wouldn't !!!
you are NOT James Bond or Bruce Lee

AND you will wait for back up--while the criminal runs away??!!!???? !!!? hahah
what if the criminal attacks you BEFORE back up arrives?? or any other dozens pf possibilities???
you are living in TV world--not reality
You know absolutely nothing about police work nor military work. I have been deputized several times because of my dogs. I watched small town cops face robbers that had robbed the ice plant with automatic weapons and brought them in alive. I watched a cop and will name him due to his exemplary work (Mike Schilling), show up in a Hardees parking lot at 3 oclock in the morning. When he got there four young men had pulled out chains and knives after talking shit to what they thought were hapless hillbillies. Soon there were over 25 guns pointed at them by drunken Hillbillies. Mike showed up first on the scene and successfully difused the situation and maintained sight on the perps till back up got there. Every one lived! Mike was not a large man and he was in his mid 50's at the time. So no it is not TJ Hokker stuff. Cool trained heads can succeed in most situations. PS if you can not take a beationg or two you have no buisness being a cop. You are an authoritarian scum bag all of this has nothing to do with our right to protest. You dislike it go hang out with some authoritarian scum bag freinds in Iran,Saudi Arabia, and the rest of those back ward ass countries that have no right of protest and get out of my country where we do!

so if some has a pistol and you tell them to drop it ....

That's an idea. I'll have to remember that next time a cop pulls a pistol on me. Let's see if they comply.
Alton Sterling encounter lasted about 90 SECONDS
they tried MULTIPLE non-lethal means
"The experts noted that the officers also attempted to control Sterling through multiple less-than-lethal techniques before ultimately using lethal force in response to Officer Salamoni’s perception that Sterling was attempting to use a gun."
Why the Justice Department didn't press charges in the Alton Sterling case
cops called for some one with a gun
do they get there and shoot
they tell him to put his hand on a hood, but AS ESCALATES the problem by not complying
do they shoot now?
NO !!
they TASE him, it doesn't work--
do they shoot NOW??????!!
NO !!!!
AS escalates it even MORE by struggling !! they DON'T shoot, but try to tackle him

only after all of this do they shoot as AS has a gun and is CONTINUING to fight back!!!!

AS KNOWS he has a gun, and struggles with the cops---this is insane thinking !!!
these criminals are not thinking like normal humans
Mike Brown was thinking insanely also
Justice Department reveals decision not to charge officers in Alton Sterling case

and the blacks protested!!!???!!! the players are protesting this!!!??
Alton Sterling encounter lasted about 90 SECONDS
they tried MULTIPLE non-lethal means
"The experts noted that the officers also attempted to control Sterling through multiple less-than-lethal techniques before ultimately using lethal force in response to Officer Salamoni’s perception that Sterling was attempting to use a gun."
Why the Justice Department didn't press charges in the Alton Sterling case
cops called for some one with a gun
do they get there and shoot
they tell him to put his hand on a hood, but AS ESCALATES the problem by not complying
do they shoot now?
NO !!
they TASE him, it doesn't work--
do they shoot NOW??????!!
NO !!!!
AS escalates it even MORE by struggling !! they DON'T shoot, but try to tackle him

only after all of this do they shoot as AS has a gun and is CONTINUING to fight back!!!!

AS KNOWS he has a gun, and struggles with the cops---this is insane thinking !!!
these criminals are not thinking like normal humans
Mike Brown was thinking insanely also
Justice Department reveals decision not to charge officers in Alton Sterling case
You are talking armed criminal here. You have a gun and face the cops you may get shot, the problem arises when it is unarrmed people. Unarrmed people should make it to jail and see a judge. All of this still has nothing to do witrh right of protest. We have it and it should be used when needed. That is american law. You either support the constitution or you hate america.
Alton Sterling encounter lasted about 90 SECONDS
they tried MULTIPLE non-lethal means
"The experts noted that the officers also attempted to control Sterling through multiple less-than-lethal techniques before ultimately using lethal force in response to Officer Salamoni’s perception that Sterling was attempting to use a gun."
Why the Justice Department didn't press charges in the Alton Sterling case
cops called for some one with a gun
do they get there and shoot
they tell him to put his hand on a hood, but AS ESCALATES the problem by not complying
do they shoot now?
NO !!
they TASE him, it doesn't work--
do they shoot NOW??????!!
NO !!!!
AS escalates it even MORE by struggling !! they DON'T shoot, but try to tackle him

only after all of this do they shoot as AS has a gun and is CONTINUING to fight back!!!!

AS KNOWS he has a gun, and struggles with the cops---this is insane thinking !!!
these criminals are not thinking like normal humans
Mike Brown was thinking insanely also
Justice Department reveals decision not to charge officers in Alton Sterling case
You are talking armed criminal here. You have a gun and face the cops you may get shot, the problem arises when it is unarrmed people. Unarrmed people should make it to jail and see a judge. All of this still has nothing to do witrh right of protest. We have it and it should be used when needed. That is american law. You either support the constitution or you hate america.
so you agree, the ASmith, ASterling KScott shootings were justified?
Alton Sterling encounter lasted about 90 SECONDS
they tried MULTIPLE non-lethal means
"The experts noted that the officers also attempted to control Sterling through multiple less-than-lethal techniques before ultimately using lethal force in response to Officer Salamoni’s perception that Sterling was attempting to use a gun."
Why the Justice Department didn't press charges in the Alton Sterling case
cops called for some one with a gun
do they get there and shoot
they tell him to put his hand on a hood, but AS ESCALATES the problem by not complying
do they shoot now?
NO !!
they TASE him, it doesn't work--
do they shoot NOW??????!!
NO !!!!
AS escalates it even MORE by struggling !! they DON'T shoot, but try to tackle him

only after all of this do they shoot as AS has a gun and is CONTINUING to fight back!!!!

AS KNOWS he has a gun, and struggles with the cops---this is insane thinking !!!
these criminals are not thinking like normal humans
Mike Brown was thinking insanely also
Justice Department reveals decision not to charge officers in Alton Sterling case
You are talking armed criminal here. You have a gun and face the cops you may get shot, the problem arises when it is unarrmed people. Unarrmed people should make it to jail and see a judge. All of this still has nothing to do witrh right of protest. We have it and it should be used when needed. That is american law. You either support the constitution or you hate america.
so you agree, the ASmith, ASterling KScott shootings were justified?
I have not looked at these cases in totality to form an opinion either way. I will look into the circumstances and evidence and form an opinion when I have time. These cases are irrelivant to the thread. What is relevant is we have a right to protest assured by the constitution. You either support this right or you do not. If you do not you are not a patriot. Even white supremacy people have the right to protest whether I agree with their agenda or not. Hell, devil worshipers have the right to protest. You either support the constition or you do not.
I hope the Bills win. First trip to the playoffs since I was a teen.
Alton Sterling encounter lasted about 90 SECONDS
they tried MULTIPLE non-lethal means
"The experts noted that the officers also attempted to control Sterling through multiple less-than-lethal techniques before ultimately using lethal force in response to Officer Salamoni’s perception that Sterling was attempting to use a gun."
Why the Justice Department didn't press charges in the Alton Sterling case
cops called for some one with a gun
do they get there and shoot
they tell him to put his hand on a hood, but AS ESCALATES the problem by not complying
do they shoot now?
NO !!
they TASE him, it doesn't work--
do they shoot NOW??????!!
NO !!!!
AS escalates it even MORE by struggling !! they DON'T shoot, but try to tackle him

only after all of this do they shoot as AS has a gun and is CONTINUING to fight back!!!!

AS KNOWS he has a gun, and struggles with the cops---this is insane thinking !!!
these criminals are not thinking like normal humans
Mike Brown was thinking insanely also
Justice Department reveals decision not to charge officers in Alton Sterling case
You are talking armed criminal here. You have a gun and face the cops you may get shot, the problem arises when it is unarrmed people. Unarrmed people should make it to jail and see a judge. All of this still has nothing to do witrh right of protest. We have it and it should be used when needed. That is american law. You either support the constitution or you hate america.
so you agree, the ASmith, ASterling KScott shootings were justified?
I have not looked at these cases in totality to form an opinion either way. I will look into the circumstances and evidence and form an opinion when I have time. These cases are irrelivant to the thread. What is relevant is we have a right to protest assured by the constitution. You either support this right or you do not. If you do not you are not a patriot. Even white supremacy people have the right to protest whether I agree with their agenda or not. Hell, devil worshipers have the right to protest. You either support the constition or you do not.
you don't have a right to protest on your workplace time
Alton Sterling encounter lasted about 90 SECONDS
they tried MULTIPLE non-lethal means
"The experts noted that the officers also attempted to control Sterling through multiple less-than-lethal techniques before ultimately using lethal force in response to Officer Salamoni’s perception that Sterling was attempting to use a gun."
Why the Justice Department didn't press charges in the Alton Sterling case
cops called for some one with a gun
do they get there and shoot
they tell him to put his hand on a hood, but AS ESCALATES the problem by not complying
do they shoot now?
NO !!
they TASE him, it doesn't work--
do they shoot NOW??????!!
NO !!!!
AS escalates it even MORE by struggling !! they DON'T shoot, but try to tackle him

only after all of this do they shoot as AS has a gun and is CONTINUING to fight back!!!!

AS KNOWS he has a gun, and struggles with the cops---this is insane thinking !!!
these criminals are not thinking like normal humans
Mike Brown was thinking insanely also
Justice Department reveals decision not to charge officers in Alton Sterling case
You are talking armed criminal here. You have a gun and face the cops you may get shot, the problem arises when it is unarrmed people. Unarrmed people should make it to jail and see a judge. All of this still has nothing to do witrh right of protest. We have it and it should be used when needed. That is american law. You either support the constitution or you hate america.
so you agree, the ASmith, ASterling KScott shootings were justified?
I have not looked at these cases in totality to form an opinion either way. I will look into the circumstances and evidence and form an opinion when I have time. These cases are irrelivant to the thread. What is relevant is we have a right to protest assured by the constitution. You either support this right or you do not. If you do not you are not a patriot. Even white supremacy people have the right to protest whether I agree with their agenda or not. Hell, devil worshipers have the right to protest. You either support the constition or you do not.
yes-we are talking about the NFLplayers' protests which are:
without substantiation
I hope the Bills win. First trip to the playoffs since I was a teen.
Good luck, I know a little about play off drouts. They are hard to deal with. I will be rooting with you unless they meet Pittsburg. Conference pride and all.
Alton Sterling encounter lasted about 90 SECONDS
they tried MULTIPLE non-lethal means
"The experts noted that the officers also attempted to control Sterling through multiple less-than-lethal techniques before ultimately using lethal force in response to Officer Salamoni’s perception that Sterling was attempting to use a gun."
Why the Justice Department didn't press charges in the Alton Sterling case
cops called for some one with a gun
do they get there and shoot
they tell him to put his hand on a hood, but AS ESCALATES the problem by not complying
do they shoot now?
NO !!
they TASE him, it doesn't work--
do they shoot NOW??????!!
NO !!!!
AS escalates it even MORE by struggling !! they DON'T shoot, but try to tackle him

only after all of this do they shoot as AS has a gun and is CONTINUING to fight back!!!!

AS KNOWS he has a gun, and struggles with the cops---this is insane thinking !!!
these criminals are not thinking like normal humans
Mike Brown was thinking insanely also
Justice Department reveals decision not to charge officers in Alton Sterling case
You are talking armed criminal here. You have a gun and face the cops you may get shot, the problem arises when it is unarrmed people. Unarrmed people should make it to jail and see a judge. All of this still has nothing to do witrh right of protest. We have it and it should be used when needed. That is american law. You either support the constitution or you hate america.
so you agree, the ASmith, ASterling KScott shootings were justified?
I have not looked at these cases in totality to form an opinion either way. I will look into the circumstances and evidence and form an opinion when I have time. These cases are irrelivant to the thread. What is relevant is we have a right to protest assured by the constitution. You either support this right or you do not. If you do not you are not a patriot. Even white supremacy people have the right to protest whether I agree with their agenda or not. Hell, devil worshipers have the right to protest. You either support the constition or you do not.
yes-we are talking about the NFLplayers' protests which are:
without substantiation
They are not holding signs that say go ahead and do it to whites. I do not care if you are white, black, hispanic, purple, blue, it does not matter. A cop shoots you unjustified and I will be here calling for the cop to go to prison. Yes , this includes you your self. I want you to make it in front of a judge too.

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