NFL Week 8 Predictions

It's delusional behavior where these guys are willing to give it all up for just 1 more game! Sick AF; esp. Brady!:icon_cry:
I will agree Brady should have went out on top. But that's me. He may want to leave it all out there on the field before he leaves.

I think it's weird Giselle wanted him to quit. Usually the spouse is worried too much hubby being at home all the time is going to be too much. And he's young. If they weren't getting along, why would she care that he is gone? Except for the kids. But come on! It's only 1 more year.

Also, Brady is only 1 game out of first place still.

Not just one more game. One more championship. The rest of your life you will wonder if maybe you had one more in you. If you crash your last year then you know you overstayed your welcome.

The Lakers finally won a game. LOL
Wonder what shockers await us this week? Lessee the schedule...

Thursday Night Game
at Buccaneers - Bucs out several starters. I wouldn't count them out, but I think Ravens win this one.

Sunday Games
Bears at Cowboys - Think the Cowpies defense should be able to bottle up Fields. Pies at home.

Steelers at Eagles - I read somewhere that the Steelers haven't won in Philly since the 60's. Too lazy to look it up, but I think that trend continues. Steelers suck now and Eagles stay unbeaten.

Broncos at Jags - Not really a Jags home game as it takes place in London. Both teams at 2-5. Guess I'll go with the Broncos even though Wilson is playing like ass.

Patriots at Jets - Pats looked like crap against the Bears, while the Jets have been playing pretty good lately. Jersey Jets win at home.

Raiders at Saints - Who dat says they gonna beat the Saints? Just about everybody. Not that the Raiders are doing well either. I'll go with the Raiders this week.

Dolphins at Lions - Think the Fish beat the hapless Kitties.

Panthers at Falcons - Panthers trade away CMC, basically announcing they are tanking, then they go on to whup the Bucs with a RB committee. Think the Falcons beat them at home though.

Titans at Texans - Titans should run it all up and down the Texassans.

Giants at Seahawks - The Jints have been a real surprise this season going 6-1 so far. I think they continue winning this week against the Seachix.

Cardinals at Vikings - Vikes should eke out another win at home against the Cards.

Commanders at Colts - Matty Ice got benched. More the fault of the Colt's porous offensive line. Commies coming off huge upset of the Pukers. I'll go with the Commies.

49ers at Rams - Both teams performing under expectations. I'll go with the rested Rams at home.

Packers at Bills - Pukers coming off huge losses against the Jets and Commies. Bills one of the best teams in the league right now. I don't give the Pukers much of a chance.

Monday Night Game
at Browns - Bengals getting their shit together and playing well lately.
So Russell Wilson won a game.
Bears suck
Raiders suck
Jets suck
Giants suck

Come on Bengals

If they win tonight I will be 10 for 15. Not bad. Usually I do much worse. I can't believe Jets and Giants both lost this weekend.
I believe they were the Oakland Raiders in the SB vs the Eagles and in 2002 against the Bucs. They were in LA when they beat the Redskins, IIRC.

some people are dense and dont know those facts when saying it was the LA Raiders that played in those superbowls against the Eagles and Bucs.:rolleyes-41: You also forgot to mention they were the Oakland Raiders in the superbowl against your vikings they won.Im surprised he didnt claim it was the LA Raiders in the second superbowl game played against the packers the way he doesnt know the true facts of history of the NFL.:cuckoo:

what do you expect out of a vegas Raiders fan though. More than likely fake raiders fan candyass thought the same thing.:auiqs.jpg:
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Well, Bills won 27-17. Not the blowout I was hoping for, but a loss is a loss. That's 4 losses in a row for the Pukers. Hopefully many more to come. So I'm 10-4 going into Monday Night's game between the Bengals and Browns.
yeah from what you were telling me i figured it would be a blowout as well,dissapointed it wasnt.
yeah from what you were telling me i figured it would be a blowout as well,dissapointed it wasnt.

Rodgers is still Rodgers! It's not like anyone should feel sorry for him, but he did it to himself! His salary is the biggie & as a result, GB hasn't been able to attract receiver talent! The ones they had have left! Poor Aaron! 🥱
Yeah, it’s as if the Bills just coasted in the second half and didn’t even try hard. That kind of performance may come back and bite them in the ass if they try that against a team capable of a comeback.
You mean like KC? Just give them 13 seconds and you're in trouble! :stir: :p:heehee::D:p
Rodgers is still Rodgers! It's not like anyone should feel sorry for him, but he did it to himself! His salary is the biggie & as a result, GB hasn't been able to attract receiver talent! The ones they had have left! Poor Aaron! 🥱
The Pukers trading Davante Adams has been disastrous for their offense. Kind of funny that Adams hasn't really been a big impact for the Raiders. Now both teams suck.
Tonight has definitely been a Halloween horror show for the Bengals. Looks like they are really missing Chase. Looks like I'll be 10-5 this week with the Bungles not coming through for me.
Amazing how the Bungles same as my Rams are not the same team they were last year,neither are going to make the playoffs.
Amazing how the Bungles same as my Rams are not the same team they were last year,neither are going to make the playoffs.
I dunno. The Bungles are only a game behind the Ravens in the AFC-N. The Rams are only a couple games behind the Seachix in the NFC-W. There's still time to turn things around. Nobody in these two divisions have looked especially good, at least consistently. They could still make the playoffs, although I wouldn't give them much chance to go anywhere.
Speaking of going far assuming the Bills go to the Super Bowl and win it all like a lot of people believe me being one of them,they look like the first legit team sense the broncos who could repeat,notice I said legit so that rules the cheatriots out.unlike the Rams they don’t let multiple injury’s to many starters affect their play,their backups step up and they don’t miss a beat.they will be more healthy in the second half so they should get home field advantage.
Speaking of going far assuming the Bills go to the Super Bowl and win it all like a lot of people believe me being one of them,they look like the first legit team sense the broncos who could repeat,notice I said legit so that rules the cheatriots out.unlike the Rams they don’t let multiple injury’s to many starters affect their play,their backups step up and they don’t miss a beat.they will be more healthy in the second half so they should get home field advantage.
The Bills should win a championship this year. BUT, the best team doesn't always win. Remember Brady had a perfect record going to the Superbowl and Eli beat him?

If the best team always won, why would we watch? Of course number one ranked team is going to win it all. NOT. That's why we love the game.

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