Nice Going Biden: China, Brazil strike deal to ditch U.S. dollar for trade.

BULLSHIT! Prove that!
CIPS said it processed 135.7 billion yuan ($19.4 billion) a day in 2019. As of end-June, about 980 financial institutions in 96 countries and regions have used the system.

They include 30 banks in Japan, 23 banks in Russia and 31 banks from African nations receiving yuan funds via infrastructure projects under Beijing’s Belt and Road Initiative, according to a survey by Nikkei newspaper in 2019.

You're welcome!
China and Russia is not China and Russia and anyone in the Western hemisphere or Europe, you fucking retard!

And why is Japan dealing with them?
China and Russia is not China and Russia and anyone in the Western hemisphere, you fucking retard!
You asked for proof China has been making such deals for years, including under Trump.

I provided it.

Sorry to make your ignorant ass hurt.
This was very poor timing....bur maybe not if it's far future dates and done slowly.

The dollar is getting too strong...which makes imported goods less expensive but exported goods hard to sell.

Currently most economies are in a period of inflation. People are having to spend more and more to get the same goods. So those with lots of currency exchange it for US dollars because the USA usually has the lowest inflation of any economy.

So most countries have reserve deposits to back up their currencies....most use US dollars.

Brazil produces a TON of groceries....everything from sugar to ethanol to corn...wheat and coffee. Most comes to America.
Biden is showing he has no business savvy like Trump on the international stage. His whole goal is to weaken the US and its currency.

The Pentagram has long been associated with evil and Satanic rites and rituals.

Is it coincidence that the very HUB of US power and might resides inside a Pentagram shaped building?

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Meh.......they play on the same team.
And if you haven't figured this out yet then the fool is in the mirror.
You asked for proof China has been making such deals for years, including under Trump.

I provided it.

Sorry to make your ignorant ass hurt.
None were with western countries, retard.

Surprised Japan wasn't sanctioned.

I do not understand why you cheer on the degradation of all Americans' wealth.
"The world no longer using our currency"...............tell us, whenever did the world use our currency?
Since after WW2, you stupid fat dyke. Prepare to has less groceries. (and money, and home value)

Since 1945. This is how bad Biden has fucked things up for Americans.

Your point-?

How stupid are you? If the world moves away from the petrodollar, everyone in America gets 15-20% poorer, instantly.

Did you not know that? It's a FACT.

Hillary assassinated Gaddafi to stop a 9% drop. That's The African Union.

Post some moar tone deaf memes without knowing what the fuck is going on!
Your point-?

How stupid are you? If the world moves away from the petrodollar, everyone in America gets 15-20% poorer, instantly.

Did you not know that? It's a FACT.

Hillary assassinated Gaddafi to stop a 9% drop.

Hate to tell ya lil Bubba.......
It's happening and whining ain't gonna stop it.

Like I "Done" said many times.......the cost of doing "nuttin".
Are you beginning to understand the cost of doing nothing yet?

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