Nice that at least ONE Republican has an ounce of class . . .

I have no problem with morons self-identifying themselves with that bright loser flag.

I have no quarrel over that one:

LOL. Typical uneducated teabagger. Don't you idiots ever tire of embarrassing yourselves?
You almost gotta laugh. The freaking world is falling apart and American Military members are gunned down in freaking Tennessee and the radical progs worry about the Confederate flag and continue to insult Veterans with the equivalent of the "N" word ,"Teabaggers".
Dumb fuckers. Some radicalized Muslim fucker in this country has a bullet with your name on it and you're attacking the GOP and a 150 year old piece of cloth.

Massive facepalm.
Libtards on this board are retards. Obuthole disrespected this country from the start of his first candidacy, payback sucks.
LOL. Typical uneducated teabagger. Don't you idiots ever tire of embarrassing yourselves?
You almost gotta laugh. The freaking world is falling apart and American Military members are gunned down in freaking Tennessee and the radical progs worry about the Confederate flag and continue to insult Veterans with the equivalent of the "N" word ,"Teabaggers".
Libtards are idiots.
LOL. Typical uneducated teabagger. Don't you idiots ever tire of embarrassing yourselves?
You almost gotta laugh. The freaking world is falling apart and American Military members are gunned down in freaking Tennessee and the radical progs worry about the Confederate flag and continue to insult Veterans with the equivalent of the "N" word ,"Teabaggers".
Libtards are idiots.
Damn if you ain't the most intelligent little thang...
There really is a segment of our society that just despises their own country and some of them post here.

Not to mention that they're just plain dumb.

President Obama did not take their silly racist flag down but they're unable to think this through. Many still don't understand the role of SCOTUS in our government.
You are right about that… The good thing is that leftists do respect the office of POTUS, here it is below:
View attachment 44741
Do I see it right? Are they calling to kill the president?
He's not the president anymore so he's fair game. It's legal now to hunt bush. We should have hung him next to Saddam.

If bush was in Europe he'd get arrested and tried for war crimes.

If bush was in Europe he'd get arrested and tried for war crimes.

Who would arrest him? Based on what?
another group of marines killed by a islamo terrorist

and all you can talk about is the confederate flag

which btw is not the confederate flag
I guess there is a lot of butthurt on the liberal side.

They can take the battle flag off of government buildings, I have absolutely no problem with that, but they cant get it off of private property without breaking the law, and they never will be able to.

But, that's good news for the liberals, it means they can keep flying their Nazi flags as well, or their rainbow flags, or their New York Yankees flags.
There really is a segment of our society that just despises their own country and some of them post here.

Not to mention that they're just plain dumb.

President Obama did not take their silly racist flag down but they're unable to think this through. Many still don't understand the role of SCOTUS in our government.
You are right about that… The good thing is that leftists do respect the office of POTUS, here it is below:
View attachment 44741
Do I see it right? Are they calling to kill the president?
That one particular moron is.

But why do you think he's a Liberal, instead of a teabagger/Rand Paul type who is against spending trillions on foreign intervention?

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