Nicholas Cruz, "deamons in my head", chilling video confession.. how should our society procede/ 2A?


VIP Member
Mar 2, 2018
Nikolas Cruz punches own face, rambles about demons in chilling confession video ⋆ The Savage Nation


This is tragic on so many levels, however, there are some smug SOB's sitting comfy in their chairs after overtly letting sick, depraved & manifestly violent perpetrators, such as Cruz, to skate through the LE system for the sake of financial & personal gain & acclaim.

What are y'all doing in your states since this FL tragedy and how's it going so far? What practical solutions / propositions have bubbled to the surface, that y'all care to share? this Is a damn epidemic, young kids medicated from childhood, in ways that my generation 'X/Y' never was. I do blame the medical community & big pharma for the last two decades of collusion, and the psychologically damaged children that served as laboratory trials for impatient / busy parents and obliging doctors! (U want to talk about collusion... Start here)! take that collusion and multiply it by the collusion of law enforcement w/ the educational system (set up under Obama) and you have an unholy 'Quad-fecta'... some accountability, ramifications & draconian change would be nice!
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He should be executed in the public square on live tv.

That is how we proceed.

All this bullshit about getting off because you're retarded has to stop.

Can I go rob a bank and get off if I have terminal cancer?

Being stupid is not a free pass to commit crimes.
I had posted a link around here some place indicating that darned near all of these mass shooters were in psychotropic drugs. It's buried beyond recovery now. It was a long list.

The funny part about it? The forum platform wouldn't let me post the names of the prescription drugs they were on. It exxed them out.

The reality is that the truth is censored. If even inadvertently.

We're kind of forced to debate the topic in loaded terms of controversy and stuck in the silly left-right paradigm by default.

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Chattahoochee. Where he should and would have been before a bunch of kids got killed.

Too bad liberals closed down state Mental Hospitals.

"Oh, chemical restraints". Fuck you with that. That shit doesn't work. Walls and rooms and straightjackets do.

That shit never would have happened in the 60s.
He should be executed in the public square on live tv.

That is how we proceed.

All this bullshit about getting off because you're retarded has to stop.

Can I go rob a bank and get off if I have terminal cancer?

Being stupid is not a free pass to commit crimes.
U are right, however, shouldn't those that abused the PROMISE program to artificially pad their numbers and benefited by state grants on "low arrest rates" be tarred and feathered!... ?
He should be executed in the public square on live tv.

That is how we proceed.

All this bullshit about getting off because you're retarded has to stop.

Can I go rob a bank and get off if I have terminal cancer?

Being stupid is not a free pass to commit crimes.
U are right, however, shouldn't those that abused the PROMISE program to artificially pad their numbers and benefited by state grants on "low arrest rates" be tarred and feathered!... ?

Yes! Or wrapped in bloody pig guts and thrown out into the Everglades. Scott Israel that is.

Drag 'im behind the airboat, bubba!
Ted Cruz All this answers a lot of questions about Ted Cruz. With his father involved in killing JFK, and his younger cousin being a school shooter, who knows what Ted might do

A clear message needs to be sent.

27 years from now it might happen.

If I had my way, he'd be publicly hanged next week.

I have a friend who has a son like that. I reckon he's not as violent, but he's off..for sure.

I've done what I could with the boy.
If he is legitimately suffering from a disability, how can we hold him accountable? It's difficult to watch some pos who committed such a crime get a life of a mental ward rather than a prison or a chair, but we must be honest about it if it's the case that he does not have his faculties. As far as I am concerned, if someone has a mental disability and provided all the warning signs, there is plenty of blame to go around.

However, if he was just enraged, angry and lashing out, randomly slaying people in the way he did, certainly deserves the toughest sentence that the law provides.

Let's not forget how convinced so many were that he was going to snap. None of the kids were surprised he did it, many knew it was him before they even knew it was him. That says alot. Something wasn't right with this guy. Now was it just emotional rage, or actual mental deficit? Very different situations.
Ted Cruz All this answers a lot of questions about Ted Cruz. With his father involved in killing JFK, and his younger cousin being a school shooter, who knows what Ted might do
Well since he got passed over for SCJOTUS (my 1st pick) I'll assume that the good constituents in TX will hazard to gamble that he'll be have 'Senatorially'.. lol
If he is legitimately suffering from a disability, how can we hold him accountable? It's difficult to watch some pos who committed such a crime get a life of a mental ward rather than a prison or a chair, but we must be honest about it if it's the case that he does not have his faculties. As far as I am concerned, if someone has a mental disability and provided all the warning signs, there is plenty of blame to go around.

However, if he was just enraged, angry and lashing out, randomly slaying people in the way he did, certainly deserves the toughest sentence that the law provides.

Let's not forget how convinced so many were that he was going to snap. None of the kids were surprised he did it, many knew it was him before they even knew it was him. That says alot. Something wasn't right with this guy. Now was it just emotional rage, or actual mental deficit? Very different situations.

I blame it on the closing of Mental Institutions.
Nikolas Cruz punches own face, rambles about demons in chilling confession video ⋆ The Savage Nation


This is tragic on so many levels, however, there are some smug SOB's sitting comfy in their chairs after overtly letting sick, depraved & manifestly violent perpetrators, such as Cruz, to skate through the LE system for the sake of financial & personal acclaim.

What are y'all doing in your states since this FL tragedy and how's it going so far? What brilliant propositions have bubbled to the surface of your cognizance. this Is a damn epidemic of young kids medicated from childhood in ways that my generation 'X' never was. I do blame the medical community & big pharma for the last two decades of collusion and psychologically damaged children! (U want to talk about collusion... Start here)!

The true hell of it is nothing we as a society do to this young man will restore a single one of the lives he took or of the survivor lives he shattered, forever. That being said, society must enforce personal responsibility and consequence to the fullest measure for each of us. No matter how many hearts bleed for him, he must be put to death if for no other reason than out of respect for the lives he violently ended. Their last moments on earth were ones of worrying about their school day, peer pressure and being lost in dreams of their futures--all mutilated suddenly into final seconds of panic, fear, terror and shock and pain. He must be punished equal to the loss of their futures among the living and breathing.

Despite the truth of what must happen to this young man, he is a victim of a corrupt system--a medicate and put in the corner and forget policy of dealing with young, troubled minds, and he is also a victim of a modern culture that venerates extreme violence--one that misleads and exploits those who might not fully understand the difference between make believe and consequences of real actions. Too bad his future must end as well but it must as he is less victim than calculating, premeditating killer.
The kid is obviously crazy
Everyone knew he was crazy
When he approached the school, they comes that crazy kid

Yet, he still has no problem getting access to guns
The kid is obviously crazy
Everyone knew he was crazy
When he approached the school, they comes that crazy kid

Yet, he still has no problem getting access to guns
And why was that? Why did he have no arrest record, despite the fact that he had been bashing his mothers head in to the point of her teeth coming out; on another occasion holding a loaded gun to his mother's head spouting off Jihadist BS. Death threats to class mates, electronically logged by LE. All of this being addressed by LE, yet NO arrest, hens NO Arrest record, NO NICS check strikes when he walked into a gun shop and bought his firearms... U ask who is to blame? Are U FUCKING daft R-Winger? Sorry, I'm easily triggered by ineptitude when it comes to some issues...
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He should be executed in the public square on live tv.

That is how we proceed.

All this bullshit about getting off because you're retarded has to stop.

Can I go rob a bank and get off if I have terminal cancer?

Being stupid is not a free pass to commit crimes.

I have to agree. If someone is so mentally damaged that they kill - end them. It's cruel to extend their suffering and we have too many good people in need to waste our treasure coddling homicidal maniacs.
If he is legitimately suffering from a disability, how can we hold him accountable? It's difficult to watch some pos who committed such a crime get a life of a mental ward rather than a prison or a chair, but we must be honest about it if it's the case that he does not have his faculties. As far as I am concerned, if someone has a mental disability and provided all the warning signs, there is plenty of blame to go around.

However, if he was just enraged, angry and lashing out, randomly slaying people in the way he did, certainly deserves the toughest sentence that the law provides.

Let's not forget how convinced so many were that he was going to snap. None of the kids were surprised he did it, many knew it was him before they even knew it was him. That says alot. Something wasn't right with this guy. Now was it just emotional rage, or actual mental deficit? Very different situations.

There are LOADS of groups who would have helped him had he but asked. He CHOSE not to. I feel no compassion for the little shit at all. Or as one of my favorite quotes reads, "to show compassion to a murderer, is an insult to his victims" - Mike Resnick.

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