Nicholas Cruz, "deamons in my head", chilling video confession.. how should our society procede/ 2A?

He should be executed in the public square on live tv.

That is how we proceed.

All this bullshit about getting off because you're retarded has to stop.

Can I go rob a bank and get off if I have terminal cancer?

Being stupid is not a free pass to commit crimes.

I have to agree. If someone is so mentally damaged that they kill - end them. It's cruel to extend their suffering and we have too many good people in need to waste our treasure coddling homicidal maniacs.
Even the most cognitively challenged among us know what good is and what bad is, right and wrong, moral and immoral; some of the most simplistically beautiful souls that God has ever created, imho.
For this reason, I submit that "impairment" is not an excuse. Some may have read my assertions (another post) on why crimes of humanity should be meted out in the public square. IMHO Cruz should, with solemnity, be put to death in Parkland, FL in their town square.
He should be executed in the public square on live tv.

That is how we proceed.

All this bullshit about getting off because you're retarded has to stop.

Can I go rob a bank and get off if I have terminal cancer?

Being stupid is not a free pass to commit crimes.
U are right, however, shouldn't those that abused the PROMISE program to artificially pad their numbers and benefited by state grants on "low arrest rates" be tarred and feathered!... ?

Yes! Or wrapped in bloody pig guts and thrown out into the Everglades. Scott Israel that is.

Drag 'im behind the airboat, bubba!
Until the "David Hogg's, Bloomberg's, Feinstein's"... ilk etc. go down to Scott Israel's office and do a 'die in' protest; NONE of us should lend a scintilla of credence to their anti 2A cause. (PERIOD)
Even if they did.. I still wouldn't lend them any credence... just saying, lol.
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Florida is still a death penalty state. Get on with it.
Fuck No! The crime was perpetrated openly, striking at the core of what Parkland, FL is; Grandmother's & G-father's, Mother's & Father's, Brother's and sister's lives irrevocably shattered in a matter of an instant! Does the status quo of ... "O, FL has the death penalty.. get on with it" suffice! NO, the very fabric of Parkland, FL.. & our Nation shuttered at what occurred. Cruz's death should be publicly viewed by all!

IMHO, this incident (among others) should be the impedes for the under girding of our 2A! (another time, another OP perhaps).
The kid is obviously crazy
Everyone knew he was crazy
When he approached the school, they comes that crazy kid

Yet, he still has no problem getting access to guns
And why was that? Why did he have no arrest record, despite the fact that he had been bashing his mothers head in to the point of her teeth coming out; on another occasion holding a loaded gun to his mother's head spouting off Jihadist BS. Death threats to class mates, electronically logged by LE. All of this being addressed by LE, yet NO arrest, hens NO Arrest record, NO NICS check strikes when he walked into a gun shop and bought his firearms... U ask who is to blame? Are U FUCKING daft R-Winger? Sorry, I'm easily triggered by ineptitude when it comes to some issues...

It seems common with a majority of these mass shootings
It is never.......I never would have suspected

It is usually the whole community and school was afraid of the kid and knew he was a time bomb

But still.......they get unlimited access to the guns of their choice
The kid is obviously crazy
Everyone knew he was crazy
When he approached the school, they comes that crazy kid

Yet, he still has no problem getting access to guns
And why was that? Why did he have no arrest record, despite the fact that he had been bashing his mothers head in to the point of her teeth coming out; on another occasion holding a loaded gun to his mother's head spouting off Jihadist BS. Death threats to class mates, electronically logged by LE. All of this being addressed by LE, yet NO arrest, hens NO Arrest record, NO NICS check strikes when he walked into a gun shop and bought his firearms... U ask who is to blame? Are U FUCKING daft R-Winger? Sorry, I'm easily triggered by ineptitude when it comes to some issues...

It seems common with a majority of these mass shootings
It is never.......I never would have suspected

It is usually the whole community and school was afraid of the kid and knew he was a time bomb

But still.......they get unlimited access to the guns of their choice
U never cease to amaze me R-winger... Does the the # 4473 mean anything to you? Have you ever filled out form 4473 in purchasing a firearm or do you just like to opine on issues out of the breadth of your emotionality without having a clue?
A NICS check doesn't work if publicly elected officials collude in making sure that 'should be' prohibited possessors never get any law enforcement documentation on their record, that would be picked up at a later date by a NICS (background) check... Please stop fomenting platitudes out of your stubborn ignorance...
No one wants to take a hard look at the fact that we are too soft on this country regarding the severely mentally ill. They cannot be socialized with the regular children. They show signs that they are sick because they are permanently sick. Liberals want unrealistic things for these children such as to be vegetarian and for them to just mix in and be accepted by the other children. It is extreme liberal denial that is the problem. These severely mentally ill children are too sick to be included in the regular kids activities.
The kid is obviously crazy
Everyone knew he was crazy
When he approached the school, they comes that crazy kid

Yet, he still has no problem getting access to guns
And why was that? Why did he have no arrest record, despite the fact that he had been bashing his mothers head in to the point of her teeth coming out; on another occasion holding a loaded gun to his mother's head spouting off Jihadist BS. Death threats to class mates, electronically logged by LE. All of this being addressed by LE, yet NO arrest, hens NO Arrest record, NO NICS check strikes when he walked into a gun shop and bought his firearms... U ask who is to blame? Are U FUCKING daft R-Winger? Sorry, I'm easily triggered by ineptitude when it comes to some issues...

It seems common with a majority of these mass shootings
It is never.......I never would have suspected

It is usually the whole community and school was afraid of the kid and knew he was a time bomb

But still.......they get unlimited access to the guns of their choice

Gun this time, truck next time, bomb, the time after that. When will it finally occur to you that it ain't the tool, it's the PERSON! If you have someone who you know is intent on harming people, are you so stupid that you think you can ban every implement that they could possibly use. What an asinine position.
The kid is obviously crazy
Everyone knew he was crazy
When he approached the school, they comes that crazy kid

Yet, he still has no problem getting access to guns
And why was that? Why did he have no arrest record, despite the fact that he had been bashing his mothers head in to the point of her teeth coming out; on another occasion holding a loaded gun to his mother's head spouting off Jihadist BS. Death threats to class mates, electronically logged by LE. All of this being addressed by LE, yet NO arrest, hens NO Arrest record, NO NICS check strikes when he walked into a gun shop and bought his firearms... U ask who is to blame? Are U FUCKING daft R-Winger? Sorry, I'm easily triggered by ineptitude when it comes to some issues...

It seems common with a majority of these mass shootings
It is never.......I never would have suspected

It is usually the whole community and school was afraid of the kid and knew he was a time bomb

But still.......they get unlimited access to the guns of their choice
U never cease to amaze me R-winger... Does the the # 4473 mean anything to you? Have you ever filled out form 4473 in purchasing a firearm or do you just like to opine on issues out of the breadth of your emotionality without having a clue?
A NICS check doesn't work if publicly elected officials collude in making sure that 'should be' prohibited possessors never get any law enforcement documentation on their record, that would be picked up at a later date by a NICS (background) check... Please stop fomenting platitudes out of your stubborn ignorance...
Thanks for agreeing with me

Crazies should not be allowed access to firearms
The kid is obviously crazy
Everyone knew he was crazy
When he approached the school, they comes that crazy kid

Yet, he still has no problem getting access to guns
And why was that? Why did he have no arrest record, despite the fact that he had been bashing his mothers head in to the point of her teeth coming out; on another occasion holding a loaded gun to his mother's head spouting off Jihadist BS. Death threats to class mates, electronically logged by LE. All of this being addressed by LE, yet NO arrest, hens NO Arrest record, NO NICS check strikes when he walked into a gun shop and bought his firearms... U ask who is to blame? Are U FUCKING daft R-Winger? Sorry, I'm easily triggered by ineptitude when it comes to some issues...

It seems common with a majority of these mass shootings
It is never.......I never would have suspected

It is usually the whole community and school was afraid of the kid and knew he was a time bomb

But still.......they get unlimited access to the guns of their choice
U never cease to amaze me R-winger... Does the the # 4473 mean anything to you? Have you ever filled out form 4473 in purchasing a firearm or do you just like to opine on issues out of the breadth of your emotionality without having a clue?
A NICS check doesn't work if publicly elected officials collude in making sure that 'should be' prohibited possessors never get any law enforcement documentation on their record, that would be picked up at a later date by a NICS (background) check... Please stop fomenting platitudes out of your stubborn ignorance...
Thanks for agreeing with me

Crazies should not be allowed access to firearms

We all agree on that. Why then did your vaunted government ALLOW the little monster to get them? All the sheriff had to do was arrest the little prick once, out of those 39 times, and it would have been illegal for the little shit to buy it.

OOOOOPS! Government fucked up again!

Go figure.
Nikolas Cruz punches own face, rambles about demons in chilling confession video ⋆ The Savage Nation


This is tragic on so many levels, however, there are some smug SOB's sitting comfy in their chairs after overtly letting sick, depraved & manifestly violent perpetrators, such as Cruz, to skate through the LE system for the sake of financial & personal gain & acclaim.

What are y'all doing in your states since this FL tragedy and how's it going so far? What practical solutions / propositions have bubbled to the surface, that y'all care to share? this Is a damn epidemic, young kids medicated from childhood, in ways that my generation 'X/Y' never was. I do blame the medical community & big pharma for the last two decades of collusion, and the psychologically damaged children that served as laboratory trials for impatient / busy parents and obliging doctors! (U want to talk about collusion... Start here)! take that collusion and multiply it by the collusion of law enforcement w/ the educational system (set up under Obama) and you have an unholy 'Quad-fecta'... some accountability, ramifications & draconian change would be nice!

If I were advising him or his legal guardians, I'd refer him to Drs. Francis and Judith MacNutt
and their Christian Healing Ministry nonprofit and therapy outreach.
If he doesn't respond to them, I'd also consult Dr. Phillip Goldfedder former neurosurgeon
who focuses his practice on spiritual healing because it cures the root cause of mental disorders
instead of placating or manipulating the symptoms.

Other Death Row inmates with demonic obsessions I would recommend this deeper treatment for
including the Fort Hood Shooter, also James Holmes the Aurora shooter, and the Arizona Shooter
who was also suffering from Schizophrenic type disorders and delusions. Spiritual Healing
has worked to return "incureable" schizophrenics back to normal mindsets where they could
reason again and take full responsibility for their actions, so they are no longer mentally ill but become
legally competent. When these people talk about their past actions, they become humble and
want to take responsibility. For example look up David Berkowitz, former Son of Sam, who
wants to pay back by helping crime victims and society prevent killers like him from acting out of sick demonic obsessions:
My Testimony

You can tell when people are fully healed, because they don't deny what they did,
they are humbled and fully aware, no longer fighting against authority but able to fully cooperate, where they want to do whatever is called for. They are truly sorry and will do what is asked of them.

Karla Faye Tucker was also fully rehabilitated and wanted to help others avoid drugs and crime
that cost her life. Andrea Yates is still in rehabilitation now, and could be cured of her demonic voices and delusions, similar
to Cruz and the other shooters who had voices in their heads.

Dr. Scott Peck wrote "Glimpses of the Devil" about observations he made
while applying spiritual deliverance/exorcism as therapy to cure two Schizophrenic patients.
One was completely cured and returned to normal.
The other patient died of complications and disease resulting from years of abuse
while she went sick without treatment; only after she received the spiritual therapy
was she able to comply with doctors and medical treatment but it was already too late
to save her because her physical condition and damage had progressed too far.

So Peck concluded that this therapy can work in specific cases where patients do
respond and gain their minds back from demonic personalities and delusions/voices;
but it has to be applied sooner to be more effective, and the longer the person goes,
just like cancer, it is more dangerous and deadlier with less chance of saving lives.
He should be executed in the public square on live tv.

That is how we proceed.

All this bullshit about getting off because you're retarded has to stop.

Can I go rob a bank and get off if I have terminal cancer?

Being stupid is not a free pass to commit crimes.

Actually, if the cancer you had was brain cancer, then yeah, you could probably get off.

The law doesn't punish people who are suffering from mental disease or defect.
If he is legitimately suffering from a disability, how can we hold him accountable? It's difficult to watch some pos who committed such a crime get a life of a mental ward rather than a prison or a chair, but we must be honest about it if it's the case that he does not have his faculties. As far as I am concerned, if someone has a mental disability and provided all the warning signs, there is plenty of blame to go around.

However, if he was just enraged, angry and lashing out, randomly slaying people in the way he did, certainly deserves the toughest sentence that the law provides.

Let's not forget how convinced so many were that he was going to snap. None of the kids were surprised he did it, many knew it was him before they even knew it was him. That says alot. Something wasn't right with this guy. Now was it just emotional rage, or actual mental deficit? Very different situations.

I think the real question of the OP was "What are we doing about the people who knew, or were supposed to know, and didn't do a fucking thing to prevent it?"
If he is legitimately suffering from a disability, how can we hold him accountable? It's difficult to watch some pos who committed such a crime get a life of a mental ward rather than a prison or a chair, but we must be honest about it if it's the case that he does not have his faculties. As far as I am concerned, if someone has a mental disability and provided all the warning signs, there is plenty of blame to go around.

However, if he was just enraged, angry and lashing out, randomly slaying people in the way he did, certainly deserves the toughest sentence that the law provides.

Let's not forget how convinced so many were that he was going to snap. None of the kids were surprised he did it, many knew it was him before they even knew it was him. That says alot. Something wasn't right with this guy. Now was it just emotional rage, or actual mental deficit? Very different situations.

There are LOADS of groups who would have helped him had he but asked. He CHOSE not to. I feel no compassion for the little shit at all. Or as one of my favorite quotes reads, "to show compassion to a murderer, is an insult to his victims" - Mike Resnick.

Apparently, he DID ask for help, but was turned down or ignored. Was there more he could have done? Probably, but if he had the mental capacities to do everything he could in his own interests, we wouldn't be talking about him at all, because he wouldn't have shot up a school.
He should be executed in the public square on live tv.

That is how we proceed.

All this bullshit about getting off because you're retarded has to stop.

Can I go rob a bank and get off if I have terminal cancer?

Being stupid is not a free pass to commit crimes.

Actually, if the cancer you had was brain cancer, then yeah, you could probably get off.

The law doesn't punish people who are suffering from mental disease or defect.
It should. The law should be applied equally to all people regardless of life circumstances
He should be executed in the public square on live tv.

That is how we proceed.

All this bullshit about getting off because you're retarded has to stop.

Can I go rob a bank and get off if I have terminal cancer?

Being stupid is not a free pass to commit crimes.

Actually, if the cancer you had was brain cancer, then yeah, you could probably get off.

The law doesn't punish people who are suffering from mental disease or defect.
It should. The law should be applied equally to all people regardless of life circumstances

The law requires responsibility from those who are capable of BEING responsible. That's why we don't prosecute minors as adults. The concept of legally insane and diminished mental capacity has pretty much always been a part of American jurisprudence.

That being said, those who are acknowledged as not capable of average adult competency and responsibility are SUPPOSED to have someone who is as a caretaker, the way children have parents. This little fruitcake should never have been allowed to run around loose at all, and definitely should stay in the mental institution for good.

The question that needs to be addressed is, "Why are we not finding and prosecuting the responsible adults who should have identified his insanity and protected the public from it?"
He should be executed in the public square on live tv.

That is how we proceed.

All this bullshit about getting off because you're retarded has to stop.

Can I go rob a bank and get off if I have terminal cancer?

Being stupid is not a free pass to commit crimes.

Actually, if the cancer you had was brain cancer, then yeah, you could probably get off.

The law doesn't punish people who are suffering from mental disease or defect.
It should. The law should be applied equally to all people regardless of life circumstances

The law requires responsibility from those who are capable of BEING responsible. That's why we don't prosecute minors as adults. The concept of legally insane and diminished mental capacity has pretty much always been a part of American jurisprudence.

That being said, those who are acknowledged as not capable of average adult competency and responsibility are SUPPOSED to have someone who is as a caretaker, the way children have parents. This little fruitcake should never have been allowed to run around loose at all, and definitely should stay in the mental institution for good.

The question that needs to be addressed is, "Why are we not finding and prosecuting the responsible adults who should have identified his insanity and protected the public from it?"
Because she is dead. His mother died months before the murders. Having said that he is an adult and responsible for his own actions.

He deserves nothing less than a painful PUBLUC execution.

We either coddle killers for life or do what must be done for the protection of society.
He should be executed in the public square on live tv.

That is how we proceed.

All this bullshit about getting off because you're retarded has to stop.

Can I go rob a bank and get off if I have terminal cancer?

Being stupid is not a free pass to commit crimes.

Actually, if the cancer you had was brain cancer, then yeah, you could probably get off.

The law doesn't punish people who are suffering from mental disease or defect.
It should. The law should be applied equally to all people regardless of life circumstances

The law requires responsibility from those who are capable of BEING responsible. That's why we don't prosecute minors as adults. The concept of legally insane and diminished mental capacity has pretty much always been a part of American jurisprudence.

That being said, those who are acknowledged as not capable of average adult competency and responsibility are SUPPOSED to have someone who is as a caretaker, the way children have parents. This little fruitcake should never have been allowed to run around loose at all, and definitely should stay in the mental institution for good.

The question that needs to be addressed is, "Why are we not finding and prosecuting the responsible adults who should have identified his insanity and protected the public from it?"
Because she is dead. His mother died months before the murders. Having said that he is an adult and responsible for his own actions.

He deserves nothing less than a painful PUBLUC execution.

We either coddle killers for life or do what must be done for the protection of society.

No, he's nuts, and he SHOULD have been in an institution long before he ever got around to shooting up a school.

He is NOT capable of being responsible for his actions.

And locking up hopelessly deranged people is not "coddling". You want so badly to look tough and no-nonsense that you sound just as irrational as people who don't want to prosecute criminals at all.

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