Nick Sandmann case against NBC goes to Discovery Phase

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
As predicted, today Judge Bertelsman entered an order allowing the Nickolas Sandmann case against NBCUniversal to proceed to discovery...

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Let6 hope Nick's lawyers can SCALP THE FUCKING LYING PEACOCK!!!
As predicted, today Judge Bertelsman entered an order allowing the Nickolas Sandmann case against NBCUniversal to proceed to discovery...

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Let6 hope Nick's lawyers can SCALP THE FUCKING LYING PEACOCK!!!

Interestingly I laid out a challenge right here, last January, for anyone to show any evidence of this alleged defamation --- from NBC or from anywhere else in the so-called "mainstream media", including any and every entity in his McConnell-subsidized silly lawsuit.

Doubly interestingly I have yet to get even a single example of any such evidence in response.

Literally not one.

By the way how's that Sean Spicer "lawsuit" coming, speaking of frivolous legalistic posturing? Anything yet? Anything at all?
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Thinks Tweeter is a source :laugh2:

By the way you DO know no lawsuit can even begin without Discovery, right? And you think that's a "prediction"?

Or do you think it's going to be broadcast on the Discovery Channel?

Here ya go, I "predict" the sun is about to set in the west. Watch, I'll do it in a few minutes.
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This is the part where we discover what pricks run NBC.

Ummmmmmmm nnnnnnnnnnno. That's easily looked up.

What we discover is what evidence there is. The same question I put up here ten months ago.

I'm betting they get the same answer I did.
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Thinks Tweeter is a source :laugh2:

By the way you DO know no lawsuit can even begin without Discovery, right? And you think that's a "prediction"?

Or do you think it's going to be broadcast on the Discovery Channel?

Here ya go, I "predict" the sun is about to set in the west. Watch, I'll do it in a few minutes.
^^^^^BLACK, LIBERAL Hater poster....3 strikes you are OUT and irrelevant!
As predicted, today Judge Bertelsman entered an order allowing the Nickolas Sandmann case against NBCUniversal to proceed to discovery...

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Let6 hope Nick's lawyers can SCALP THE FUCKING LYING PEACOCK!!!

Doesn't this catholic peon have anything else to do but see who he can sue!!
As predicted, today Judge Bertelsman entered an order allowing the Nickolas Sandmann case against NBCUniversal to proceed to discovery...

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Let6 hope Nick's lawyers can SCALP THE FUCKING LYING PEACOCK!!!

Doesn't this catholic peon have anything else to do but see who he can sue!!
Ah, the muslim terrorist supporter HATES Catholics....thanks for letting us know how hateful you are!.....and biased
.....these jackass MSM bastards need to be taught a lesson---NBC needs to be taken out! sue them out of business
NBC top execs tried to kill Ronan Farrow's reporting on Weinstein...he had to go to a different outlet to publish it...this sparked the #metoo movement that I am sure you trumpers are fans of...

NBC top execs also covered for Matt Lauer and also tried to sit on Epstein reporting...just like Fox News tried to cover for O'Reilly, Ailes, etc etc etc....all of these folks are scum, that is how they get to the a cutthroat business, sociopaths usually do well....

So no one should have any sympathy for these folks.....I doubt this kid gets 275 million, but hopefully he will force them to settle for a few million....not a bad day's work for those financing him, hopefully he gets some of it without him having to sue them too....
This is the part where we discover what pricks run NBC.
Well, I thought the Epstein case has made it pretty clear that all the major networks are led by pervs and pedos.
Fake news will always be fake news
I just wonder why it took some liberal broad journalist to break the Epstein case and not some brave conservative patriot like Glenn Beck or someone.....

I am still going to pretend that conservatives broke the story anyway tho...makes me feel better
This case should be a slam dunk for Sandman. NBC has a consistent history of slandering conservatives. Any reasonable court that is looking to dispense justice will realize that NBCs tyrannical ways need to be checked. Give Sandman 10 mil and all his buddies 1 mil apiece. Let the good guys win.
You can't just "sue". You have to have a basis.

What would it be?

A humble suggestion for a new and more appropriate avatar pic:

As predicted, today Judge Bertelsman entered an order allowing the Nickolas Sandmann case against NBCUniversal to proceed to discovery...

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Let6 hope Nick's lawyers can SCALP THE FUCKING LYING PEACOCK!!!

Doesn't this catholic peon have anything else to do but see who he can sue!!
Does the media have anything else to do. Other than trying to destroy a boys life, for wearing a magna hat. How tolerant they are.

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