Nidal Hassan guilty.

Ft. Hood shooter Nidal Hasan found guilty on all counts

Ft. Hood shooter Nidal Hasan found guilty on all counts - Pittsburgh Political Buzz |

August 23, 2013Nidal Hasan, the confessed shooter in Fort Hood, Tx., was found guilty on all 13 counts of premeditated murder, and 32 counts of premeditated murder today. The first step toward closure for the victims and their families was taken, after the unprecedented November 2009 attack on the Army Base.

As reported by NBC-5 Dallas/Fort Worth, Monday will be the start of the sentencing phase for Hasan, who had offered no defense in the case. Neal Sher and Reed Rubinstein, attorneys for the victims, released the following statement:

“"Today's guilty verdict, rendered almost four years after the attack, is only a first, small step down the path of justice for the victims.

“In light of this verdict, we again call on DOD and DOJ to stop their cynical "workplace violence" charade - a charade carried on despite Hasan's confessions and the mountain of evidence demonstrating that the attack was the work of an Islamic jihadist, working on behalf of al-Qaeda, who killed Americans for his "brothers" in the Middle East - and to stop denying the Fort Hood victims the Purple Hearts and medical and other benefits to which they are rightfully due. We call on Congress and the Executive Branch to fairly compensate the Fort Hood terror victims, in all respects, as the 9/11 Pentagon attack victims were compensated. And, we call on the government, finally, to accept responsibility for the harm done by its political correctness, spin and cover-up and to provide the victims and the American people with the truth, decency and accountability that they deserve.

“The terrorist Hasan's conviction and sentencing is only the beginning, not the end of this story. Justice for the victims of Fort Hood will be done only when the government admits its mistakes, keeps its promises to 'make the victims whole' and comes clean about Fort Hood. The victims, and the American people, are owed nothing less."

Hasan, who represented himself in the trial, characterized himself early on as an individual that "switched sides" to become a shooter. He described the attack as something that was done for his jihadist brothers. Attorneys that were assigned to Hasan, but have been on standby throughout the proceedings have indicated that he wishes to be put to death.

Reactions were quick, with Twitchy offering a group of Twitter posts shortly after the verdict was read. Former Congressman and retired Lt. Col. Allen West quickly chimed in on Facebook:

“Nidal Hasan found guilty on all charges -- no brainer there! Now Obama and Hagel, do the right thing and classify this as an act of terrorism, not workplace violence. As for Hasan, I say simply, thumbs down. And if not, put him in the same cell with Chelsea Manning.

It remains to be seen if Hasan will end up getting what he wants - presumably the status of martyr through a death penalty - or if the sentencing phase will result in life-long imprisonment.
UCMJ 13 Articles 118, 32 Articles 134..murder and attempted murder....somebody get a rope. :eusa_eh:
Good. Fry him up

No!!! Let him live.
This monster WANTS the death penalty so that he can fulfill his dream of martyrdom.
Let him serve the rest of of his miserable life at hard labor in Leavenworth.
Let him feel the pain and insufferable conditions. Let him be mentally tortured knowing he will never be satisfied as a martyr.
Good. Fry him up

No!!! Let him live.
This monster WANTS the death penalty so that he can fulfill his dream of martyrdom.
Let him serve the rest of of his miserable life at hard labor in Leavenworth.
Let him feel the pain and insufferable conditions. Let him be mentally tortured knowing he will never be satisfied as a martyr.

Can't they force feed him some pork beforehand or something like that?
Good. Fry him up

No!!! Let him live.
This monster WANTS the death penalty so that he can fulfill his dream of martyrdom.
Let him serve the rest of of his miserable life at hard labor in Leavenworth.
Let him feel the pain and insufferable conditions. Let him be mentally tortured knowing he will never be satisfied as a martyr.

Can't they force feed him some pork beforehand or something like that?

That would be cruel and unusual punishment. :cuckoo:
Good. Fry him up

No!!! Let him live.
This monster WANTS the death penalty so that he can fulfill his dream of martyrdom.
Let him serve the rest of of his miserable life at hard labor in Leavenworth.
Let him feel the pain and insufferable conditions. Let him be mentally tortured knowing he will never be satisfied as a martyr.

Can't they force feed him some pork beforehand or something like that?

Sure. Why not.
No!!! Let him live.
This monster WANTS the death penalty so that he can fulfill his dream of martyrdom.
Let him serve the rest of of his miserable life at hard labor in Leavenworth.
Let him feel the pain and insufferable conditions. Let him be mentally tortured knowing he will never be satisfied as a martyr.

Can't they force feed him some pork beforehand or something like that?

That would be cruel and unusual punishment. :cuckoo:
Did not Nadal exact 'cruel and unusual' punishment to his victims?
Now they could stop paying him. There will be a series of hearings and appeals. As much as he tried, "Hasan could not defend himself by arguing that he carried out the killings to protect Taliban leaders in Afghanistan". Work place violence my eye!!:eusa_hand:
Good this murderer was found guilty.

Guilty of terrorism though..... not of work violence. Stop with this ridiculous political correctness once and for all!
Good this murderer was found guilty.

Guilty of terrorism though..... not of work violence. Stop with this ridiculous political correctness once and for all!

because I do not know---

if it is workplace violence would it be more likely that dp could apply?

I thought 'terrorism' was not allowed because ??? of the decision to make this a military trial---and I don't know...

I can guess that it is going to life--w/o parole perhaps served in a medical unit?

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