NIH Admits To Funding Gain-Of-Function Research In Wuhan Lab

No and no. I understand your ideological bias and the need to exonerate your savior.
But picking on the public servants?...won't get you there. Trump's legacy is sealed.
That public servant just flip flopped an all kinds of previous claims. Fauci is the one whos legacy is sealed. Meanwhile, Trump will be our next president, so i guess its official... you suck at these predictions. :dunno:
And you feel free to chase your boogeymen. Remember, it's someone else's fault. I can feel the just and righteous alt-right outrage seeping through your keyboard. :)
Remember when you claimed we were "chasing bogeymen"? Are you embarrassed for that now?
Fauci is an American hero, Joe Biden is your President, and Trump is going to prison.

You Magats are getting more desperate by the minute.
Actually, Fauci finally admitted to doing gain of function, so you were wrong about him. Biden is the one who is actually headed for prison and Trump is your next president. Get out of the prediction business, you suck at it, dipshit retard..

Remember when you claimed we were "chasing bogeymen"? Are you embarrassed for that now?
Not at all. You have yet to definitively prove your "gain-of-function" argument...or even that this virus originated in a lab.
Not at all. You have yet to definitively prove your "gain-of-function" argument...or even that this virus originated in a lab.
Its right here. He admitted to it yesterday. You were wrong, we were right....
According to House Select Committee on Coronavirus, Dr Fauci denied remembering key details of the response ‘more than 100 times’. The GOP also said he backtracked on his earlier insistence that the US did not fund experiments that could make viruses more transmissible or dangerous, known as ‘gain of function’ research. Dr Fauci’s marathon testimony has been a long time coming.
Its right here. He admitted to it yesterday. You were wrong, we were right....
Kindly link a full story from a reputable source. Not a thumbnail synopsis.

You still have yet to prove your assertion. And there is no evidence this virus originated in a lab.

NIH Admits to Funding Gain-of-Function Research in Wuhan,​

Says EcoHealth Violated Reporting Requirements​

A top NIH official admitted in a Wednesday letter that U.S. taxpayers funded gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses in Wuhan and revealed that EcoHealth Alliance, the U.S. non-profit that funneled NIH money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, was not transparent about the work it was doing.

In the letter to Republican Representative James Comer, Lawrence A. Tabak of the NIH cites a “limited experiment” that was conducted to test if “spike proteins from naturally occurring bat coronaviruses circulating in China were capable of binding to the human ACE2 receptor in a mouse model.” The laboratory mice infected with the modified bat virus “became sicker” than those infected with the unmodified bat virus.

The revelation vindicates Republican Senator Rand Paul, who got into heated exchanges with National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease Director Dr. Fauci during his May and July testimonials before Congress over the gain-of-function question. At the second hearing, Paul accused Fauci of misleading Congress by denying that the U.S. had funded gain-of-function projects at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Dr. Richard Ebright, biosafety expert and professor of chemistry and chemical biology at Rutgers University, had previously rebutted Fauci’s claim that the NIH “has not ever and does not now fund gain of function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology [WIV]” as demonstrably false.”

In addition to his admission that gain-of-function research was being conducted with NIH money, Tabak also revealed that EcoHealth failed to comply with its reporting responsibilities under the grant. EcoHealth was required to submit to a “secondary review” in the event of certain developments that might increase the danger associated with the research. So, when Wuhan researchers successfully bound a natural bat coronavirus to a human AC2 receptor in mice, they were supposed to inform the NIH, but they didn’t.

Fauci should be charged with Felony Perjury, fired at a minimum.
Hey, just so you know, Fauci finally admitted to gain of function research yesterday. People in this thread called you kooky for it, but you were right and they were wrong. Figured youd want to know.
Kindly link a full story from a reputable source. Not a thumbnail synopsis.

You still have yet to prove your assertion. And there is no evidence this virus originated in a lab.
Pfff, fuck off. Thats the exact same shit that was being said at the beginning of this thread. You guys deny EVERYTHING thats true!!!! You were wrong, we were right.
Pfff, fuck off. Thats the exact same shit that was being said at the beginning of this thread. You guys deny EVERYTHING thats true!!!! You were wrong, we were right.
You...still...haven't...proved...your...point...after two years.

Interesting the Republican pussies in the House won't have these hearings out in the open. Probably worried about the amount of egg they'll be wiping off their faces (ala Jordan and Comer). :)

You...still...haven't...proved...your...point...after two years.

Interesting the Republican pussies in the House won't have these hearings out in the open. Probably worried about the amount of egg they'll be wiping off their faces (ala Jordan and Comer). :)

I completely proved it by posting the article that says Fauci admitted to it.
Not at all. You have yet to definitively prove your "gain-of-function" argument...or even that this virus originated in a lab.
What evidence do you have that it WASNT from a lab? You gonna float that theory about the gross Chinese public who eat bats? :laugh:

The FBI and CIA both believe it came from a lab, so... :dunno:
What evidence do you have that it WASNT from a lab? You gonna float that theory about gross Chinese people who eat bats? :laugh:

The FBI and CIA both believe it came from a lab, so... :dunno:
I'm not the one making the assertion. You are. So it is up to you to provide the evidence, not me. And you so far have failed to provide anything other than conspiracy theories from largely right wing political figures and alt-right media figures.
That..does not constitute evidence.

And you might want to actually open a history book. There are quite a few viruses that made the jump from animals to humans and then back to animals again. :)
I'm not the one making the assertion. You are. So it is up to you to provide the evidence, not me. And you so far have failed to provide anything other than conspiracy theories from largely right wing political figures and alt-right media figures.
That..does not constitute evidence.

And you might want to actually open a history book. There are quite a few viruses that made the jump from animals to humans and then back to animals again. :)
My evidence is the FBI and CIA. What evidence do YOU have for YOUR assertions that were plainly spelled out in this thread?
My evidence is the FBI and CIA. What evidence do YOU have for YOUR assertions that were plainly spelled out in this thread?
What evidence has either of these organizations presented...answer..nothing outside of speculation.
Again, that..does..not..constitute..fact! :)
What evidence has either of these organizations presented...answer..nothing outside of speculation.
Again, that..does..not..constitute..fact! :)
Well, Director Wray testified under oath that the FBI believes the lab leak theory is the most likely scenario. As for the CIA, I just heard it on the news that their team of scientists also believes the lab leak theory now, but good luck finding anything about that because, your Google feed will get buried with stories about the CIA trying (and failing) to pay off that team of scientists to say that it WASNT a lab leak. :laugh:
Well, Director Wray testified under oath that the FBI believes the lab leak theory is the most likely scenario. As for the CIA, I just heard it on the news that their team of scientists also believes the lab leak theory now, but good luck finding anything about that because, your Google feed will get buried with stories about the CIA trying to pay off that team to say that it WASNT a lab leak. :laugh:
He is speculating. He said so himself. That he didn't have any direct evidence. And unless you can link a credible article quoting someone from the CIA directly, I'll assume that's speculation as well.

If it originated in a lab, there's no way the Chinese would have ever let it out to ruin their economy and kill their people.
They would have exported it to other countries straight away.
He is speculating. He said so himself. That he didn't have any direct evidence. And unless you can link a credible article quoting someone from the CIA directly, I'll assume that's speculation as well.

If it originated in a lab, there's no way the Chinese would have ever let it out to ruin their economy and kill their people.
They would have exported it to other countries straight away.
Director Wray doesnt speculate. That guy is careful as fuck with his words. There is no way that he would say that unless they were VERY sure of their findings.
If it originated in a lab, there's no way the Chinese would have ever let it out to ruin their economy and kill their people.
They would have exported it to other countries straight away.
They didnt "let it out", it escaped. :cuckoo:
Director Wray doesnt speculate. That guy is careful as fuck with his words. There is no way that he would say that unless they were VERY sure of their findings.
Just plucking the tune that the conspiracy theorists want to hear to get em off his back. Still speculation.
Here's your sign.

"Wray’s comments come just days after news of the Department of Energy’s “low-confidence” assessment that Covid-19 most likely originated from a laboratory leak in China, underscoring a divide in the US government as the majority of the intelligence community still believes that Covid either emerged naturally in the wild, or that there is still too little evidence to make a judgment one way or another"

“You’re talking about a potential leak from a Chinese government-controlled lab that killed millions of Americans,” Wray said of the coronavirus, “and that’s precisely what that capability was designed for.”
Smells like speculation to me. :)

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