NIH Admits To Funding Gain-Of-Function Research In Wuhan Lab

Backhand? Not likely. I hate tennis. I didn’t call you a liar and would admit it if I did. You read into my words, so maybe there is hope you see outside of the box you’ve chosen. I added that last part, “you’ve chosen”, to clarify that I am not indicating you’re mentally lacking. Your choice completely to remain where you are for all time.
Perfect. Thanks.
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NIH Admits To Funding Gain-Of-Function Research In Wuhan Lab.​

I provided documented hx of this same scenario: NIH claiming to be in the dark of the same grantee’s -EcoHealth’s actions. The fact that this has happened before, with these specific players, means it should have NEVER happened again. The previous “intentional incident” of creating a novel virus from bats, happened right before the major outbreak of MERS. This is new information to me, but possibly you’re already aware of it and have financial concerns. Money does “talk” to corruptive types unfortunately.
Indeed, your claims do not match what your Science magazine links say. It's that simple. You're either illiterate or anti-vax-conspiracy addled beyond hope. There's my reply. You're welcome.
You have reached the level of an obvious time waster and lets stop wasting readers’ time. Time is too valuable to repeat truths to posters who are blindly led and won’t read. As per my source, your claim is a lie:

“But to some scientists, another part of EcoHealth’s year five grant progress report was also troubling: results from studies that manipulated a different coronavirus, the one that causes Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). That virus, MERS-CoV, which originated in bats before spreading to camels and then people, is lethal in roughly 35% of diagnosed human cases.”

To be clear, I am calling you a complete waste of time so you have no need to ask /waste time.
I have met many from the research community... made friends with many of them. Even the guy who did Moderna's vaccine works locally.

These people are scientists...they are somewhat passable as instructors at times but not really...they are good at finding clues and understanding the scope of their research and it's implications. What they are exceptionally good at is keeping secrets.... because if a whiff of their current work gets out it is routinely stolen out from under them by another researcher looking for research grants. They are kinda like construction contractors all looking for contracts with the NIH and WHO as the supplier of money. Sometimes it's private enterprise too...and whoever has the idea first usually gets the funding.

What the NIH needs is a good director who is a scientist but they need a spokesman... someone who understands the what, why, and how and then relates it to the public. Who won't get badgered or shook up because the person asking questions is an idiot with idiotic ideas.

Fauci got pressured by headlines and his own press and did the unforgivable. He lied several times....twice knowingly that I'm aware of. Once he spoke instead of saying "I don't know" like he should have.

On any given day there are tens of thousands of research projects in process needing answers from the NIH alone.
Epidemiology, virology, optometry, gastrointestinal, all the sciences dealing with human health and various medicines, indications, trends, and devices. No one is an expert in all those fields. Then there's the mathematicians...experts in calculus who can (and will) walk out for not liking their working environment...quite easily too. Plenty of demand for them these days.

The Wuhan lab flew so far off the radar screens because it was supposed to be a very low impact study. Most of the money for Corona class viruses had dried up and they were supposed to be working with low infectious/virulent rate viruses. GOF is routinely used for figuring out vaccines and antiviral focuses. It's not to create a super bug and infect the whole planet.

Protocols are for cage droppings and carcases to be incinerated instead of thrown in the dumpster. (Which would be the likely scenario)

When they discovered that this virus attacked endocrine systems EVERY alarm bell should have gone off...every one of the strictest protocols should have become SOP and double checked immediately. But the dumbasses in China didn't know or understand why it was important. Literally idiots playing with stuff they didn't understand whatsoever. (Normal stuff believe it or not)

And because of all of this....

A good scientist understands that ANY and ALL work on live virus strains needs to be held under strict protocols...which didn't happen by idiots in China who were the lowest bidder because of cut corners.

And since the people who were actually the ones working on this project in China have all "disappeared"...we aren't going to get any more answers.
Hmmm, you seem to know alot about such stuff, and you make a lot of sense about it. Are you government maybe or are you just someone who is priveledged to know things by informed sources or maybe just a very smart person using the deduction method's in order to bring the puzzle into a better view ?

Hmmm, you seem to know alot about such stuff, and you make a lot of sense about it. Are you government maybe or are you just someone who is priveledged to know things by informed sources or maybe just a very smart person using the deduction method's in order to bring the puzzle into a better view ?

My wife works in research...that's how I've met these people and come to understand the world they work in. I've watched friends get their research stolen and hijacked in a variety of ways.
These people are smart but not necessarily the most ethical by normal people's standards. (They have their own set of morals and they all want a shot at Fauci...they believe he owes them all a pound of flesh each)

I'm not privileged by the government...just privileged by whom I'm married to. And I take an active interest in her work.
...does it matter? It could have happened through basic research due to the transmissibility of the pathogen.
Unlike you, I don't use emoji's to show my displeasure preferring to outright say it. You stretch the truth in whichever direction you can to try and bolster your false statements.

That is how it is done, not by using emoji's when I can't articulate what I am trying to say.

Grow up and use your words for once.
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Yes, great conversation indeed. That you keep (idiotically) calling me a liar is well established now. Thanks. Enjoy the ambiance in my ignored department. Bubbye!
You do realize some of us have known this for over a yr. You'd have to a real dumb muther fuker not to see it

What else do I need to say for your Ignored Dept to take action??
Don't have to be moral or "besties" to have a soul.
Really? From "So the right is suddenly besties with PETA?" you somehow deduced that the right can't be moral or have a soul? Better slow down there, son. Check your bad self before..
Really? From "So the right is suddenly besties with PETA?" you somehow deduced that the right can't be moral or have a soul? Better slow down there, son. Check your bad self before..
If you could read or comprehend, that is not what I said. Spin it as much as you like, it is still a lie.

Any person approving of animal torture, such as you seem to be, needs to recheck his intellectual compass.
Really? From "So the right is suddenly besties with PETA?" you somehow deduced that the right can't be moral or have a soul? Better slow down there, son. Check your bad self before..
You continue with so many lies that you can't even keep them straight. That, and making up things you lie about. Loosen your jock and maybe your nuts will not grumble so constantly and maybe some truth will come out of your keyboard. Maybe.

In addition to receiving sizable grants from Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and hosting Fauci repeatedly as a speaker at its events, EcoHealth Alliance also appears to retain close relationships to additional federal agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) through its research partnerships.

Three officials from the CDC are listed as active “partners” of EcoHealth Alliance along with one NIH official on the group’s website.

Since September 2012, two years before Fauci’s NIH agency funded EcoHealth Alliance’s bat coronavirus research with the Wuhan lab, Dr. Rima Khabbaz, the Director of the CDC’s National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases has been listed as on the group’s official partners.

Since April 2015, Dr. Heinz Feldmann, a Senior Investigator at the NIH, has also been a partner of EcoHealth Alliance. Feldman’s NIH biography describes him as a “laboratory expert on high containment viruses (BSL-4)” – the same biosafety level of the Wuhan Institue of Virology facility working on bat coronaviruses. Capt. Jason Thomas, the Biosurveillance Coordinator at the CDC, along with Dr. Stuart Nichol, Chief of the Molecular Biology Section of the Special Pathogens Branch at the CDC, have also been listed as EcoHealth Alliance partners since April 2015.

All aforementioned federal officials are still listed as EcoHealth Alliance partners, classified as “Science and Policy Advisors,” at the time of publication. Among the group’s other advisors is the Deputy Director for Surveillance and Epidemiology at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and World Health Organization (WHO) officials.
You have reached the level of an obvious time waster and lets stop wasting readers’ time. Time is too valuable to repeat truths to posters who are blindly led and won’t read. As per my source, your claim is a lie:

“But to some scientists, another part of EcoHealth’s year five grant progress report was also troubling: results from studies that manipulated a different coronavirus, the one that causes Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). That virus, MERS-CoV, which originated in bats before spreading to camels and then people, is lethal in roughly 35% of diagnosed human cases.”

To be clear, I am calling you a complete waste of time so you have no need to ask /waste time.
We’ll take a closer look at the RsSHC014 virus, because that one has urban implications as well as cross-species implications.

In addition to receiving sizable grants from Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and hosting Fauci repeatedly as a speaker at its events, EcoHealth Alliance also appears to retain close relationships to additional federal agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) through its research partnerships.

Three officials from the CDC are listed as active “partners” of EcoHealth Alliance along with one NIH official on the group’s website.

Since September 2012, two years before Fauci’s NIH agency funded EcoHealth Alliance’s bat coronavirus research with the Wuhan lab, Dr. Rima Khabbaz, the Director of the CDC’s National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases has been listed as on the group’s official partners.

Since April 2015, Dr. Heinz Feldmann, a Senior Investigator at the NIH, has also been a partner of EcoHealth Alliance. Feldman’s NIH biography describes him as a “laboratory expert on high containment viruses (BSL-4)” – the same biosafety level of the Wuhan Institue of Virology facility working on bat coronaviruses. Capt. Jason Thomas, the Biosurveillance Coordinator at the CDC, along with Dr. Stuart Nichol, Chief of the Molecular Biology Section of the Special Pathogens Branch at the CDC, have also been listed as EcoHealth Alliance partners since April 2015.

All aforementioned federal officials are still listed as EcoHealth Alliance partners, classified as “Science and Policy Advisors,” at the time of publication. Among the group’s other advisors is the Deputy Director for Surveillance and Epidemiology at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and World Health Organization (WHO) officials.
You are not zeroing in. For example, the relationship between the Yunnan Insititute for Endemic Disease and Eco Health Alliance, which places the game in Yunnnan where it belongs, rather than Wuhan.

NIH Admits to Funding Gain-of-Function Research in Wuhan,​

Says EcoHealth Violated Reporting Requirements​

A top NIH official admitted in a Wednesday letter that U.S. taxpayers funded gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses in Wuhan and revealed that EcoHealth Alliance, the U.S. non-profit that funneled NIH money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, was not transparent about the work it was doing.

In the letter to Republican Representative James Comer, Lawrence A. Tabak of the NIH cites a “limited experiment” that was conducted to test if “spike proteins from naturally occurring bat coronaviruses circulating in China were capable of binding to the human ACE2 receptor in a mouse model.” The laboratory mice infected with the modified bat virus “became sicker” than those infected with the unmodified bat virus.

The revelation vindicates Republican Senator Rand Paul, who got into heated exchanges with National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease Director Dr. Fauci during his May and July testimonials before Congress over the gain-of-function question. At the second hearing, Paul accused Fauci of misleading Congress by denying that the U.S. had funded gain-of-function projects at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Dr. Richard Ebright, biosafety expert and professor of chemistry and chemical biology at Rutgers University, had previously rebutted Fauci’s claim that the NIH “has not ever and does not now fund gain of function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology [WIV]” as demonstrably false.”

In addition to his admission that gain-of-function research was being conducted with NIH money, Tabak also revealed that EcoHealth failed to comply with its reporting responsibilities under the grant. EcoHealth was required to submit to a “secondary review” in the event of certain developments that might increase the danger associated with the research. So, when Wuhan researchers successfully bound a natural bat coronavirus to a human AC2 receptor in mice, they were supposed to inform the NIH, but they didn’t.

Fauci should be charged with Felony Perjury, fired at a minimum.
Now what, so where do we all go from here ? So this work was being outsourced to the Chinese like every damned thing else America has engaged in with them over the years ? This might come back to bite us in the ace bad. What have we done ??

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