NIH Admits To Funding Gain-Of-Function Research In Wuhan Lab

"The National Institute of Health (NIH) has denied funding studies that would make a coronavirus more dangerous to humans after it was accused of doing so following the release of research proposals."

Richard Ebright, board of governors professor of chemistry and chemical biology at Rutgers University and laboratory director at the Waksman Institute of Microbiology, told Newsweek these documents show "unequivocally" that NIH grants were used to fund controversial gain-of-function (GOF) research at the Wuhan Insitute of Virology in China—something U.S. infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci has denied.

What will Lord Fauci say now, other than just issuing pro forma denials? Rand Paul will undoubtedly attack this news like an Orca whale gobbling up a nice fat seal.

In some future time when people are siting through the ashes of this whole covid issue the National Institute of Health will have much to answer for. And the people who have politicized this, while simultaneously decrying politicizing this issue, will shrug their shoulders and claim "not me".

The whole covid issue has been a political football and undoubtedly authoritarians have seized on the issue to extend it's control over the citizenry.

The WRITING is on the wall. Now . . . how do we get people to read it?
Hold on
Hold on

Are you telling me....

...I mean, lets get this straight....
...are you telling me that FAUCI LIED???

So this info is either scarier than all get-out or, I have it wrong! I am really hoping that one of you well-read, intelligent sorts will tell me I am 100% off here! Please note the following sourced information is not from some crackpot organization, check out the source.

The following paragraph requires attention to the wording, and interpreting the meaning of the words is what I’m after.

“As one of many organizations confronting discrimination, the NIH has had mixed results on its efforts to boost diversity, equity and inclusion in bioscience and its workforce. Under Collins, the agency announced that it will end its over-reliance on male animals and cells, and take sex into account in the design of biomedical studies. But the NIH was slower than some other US federal agencies to adopt strict reporting guidelines when grant recipients are found to have violated an institution’s sexual-harassment policies.”

WTH? Are these male researchers having sex with female animals, so the solution was to strictly have male animals for the experiments? So, when they have a female animal it’s likely to be raped by these male employees are you kidding me? Surely I’m wrong here, Shirley! Lol So from the above paragraph, when female animals were equally in the mix, animal rapes by humans were going unreported by NIH, is that what I’m reading?

Good lord….and people are listening to the NIH for their health information are you kidding me?

It’s often been said that real life is stranger than fiction, no truer words have ever been said.

If the company lied then how was Fauci to know what they were doing?
You really need to comment AFTER reading the article...

The NIH was aware of the gain of function testing and asked for an immediate update when it became successful. COVID-19 is a unique virus in that it attaches primarily to ace2 enzymes.... meaning that it is definitely an endocrine system virus. Which is one that has the potential of destroying mankind as a whole through sterility and severe birth defects while not immediately killing the host.
So this info is either scarier than all get-out or, I have it wrong! I am really hoping that one of you well-read, intelligent sorts will tell me I am 100% off here! Please note the following sourced information is not from some crackpot organization, check out the source.

The following paragraph requires attention to the wording, and interpreting the meaning of the words is what I’m after.

“As one of many organizations confronting discrimination, the NIH has had mixed results on its efforts to boost diversity, equity and inclusion in bioscience and its workforce. Under Collins, the agency announced that it will end its over-reliance on male animals and cells, and take sex into account in the design of biomedical studies. But the NIH was slower than some other US federal agencies to adopt strict reporting guidelines when grant recipients are found to have violated an institution’s sexual-harassment policies.”

WTH? Are these male researchers having sex with female animals, so the solution was to strictly have male animals for the experiments? So, when they have a female animal it’s likely to be raped by these male employees are you kidding me? Surely I’m wrong here, Shirley! Lol So from the above paragraph, when female animals were equally in the mix, animal rapes by humans were going unreported by NIH, is that what I’m reading?

Good lord….and people are listening to the NIH for their health information are you kidding me?

It’s often been said that real life is stranger than fiction, no truer words have ever been said.

I think what they're saying is they want to engineer results without use of male genetic material. Sick enough in its own right. The radical left despises both pure male and female everything.
I think what they're saying is they want to engineer results without use of male genetic material. Sick enough in its own right. The radical left despises both pure male and female everything.
Hopefully you’re right night son because my mind was feeling definitely twisted reading the wording. I’m sure there are some hard up types but worded to imply it’s part of the norm of what you wind up with expert scientists testing animals and a few can’t hold back their urges lol I’ll try to clear my mind of all that now and have a good day, and you do the same night son! Tx for elaboration.

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