Nikki Haley--Time to Move On?

Haley said that there were sanctions that were going to be imposed, if they hadn't been already on Sunday morning.

Russia bitched about the possibility of the sanctions Sunday afternoon/evening.

Trump cut Haley's legs out from under her and said there would be no sanctions on Monday morning.

What do the Russians have on Trump that makes him so leery of putting sanctions on Russia?
What do the Russians have on Obama that made him not act when he knew the Russians were interfering in the election?
Haley said that there were sanctions that were going to be imposed, if they hadn't been already on Sunday morning.

Russia bitched about the possibility of the sanctions Sunday afternoon/evening.

Trump cut Haley's legs out from under her and said there would be no sanctions on Monday morning.

What do the Russians have on Trump that makes him so leery of putting sanctions on Russia?
What do the Russians have on Obama that made him not act when he knew the Russians were interfering in the election?

Obama did do something. He imposed sanctions on Russia and kicked out 35 of their diplomats in response to their messing with our election.

Or did you forget that already?

Obama expels 35 Russian diplomats in retaliation for US election hacking

The Obama administration on Thursday announced its retaliation for Russian efforts to interfere with the US presidential election, ordering sweeping new sanctions that included the expulsion of 35 Russians.


Syria ceasefire appears to hold after rivals sign Russia-backed deal
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US intelligence services believe Russia ordered cyber-attacks on the Democratic National Committee (DNC), Hillary Clinton’s campaign and other political organizations, in an attempt to influence the election in favor of the Republican candidate, Donald Trump.

In a statement issued two weeks after the president said he would respond to cyber-attacks by Moscow “at a time and place of our choosing”, Obama said Americans should “be alarmed by Russia’s actions” and pledged further action.

“I have issued an executive order that provides additional authority for responding to certain cyber activity that seeks to interfere with or undermine our election processes and institutions, or those of our allies or partners,” Obama said in the statement, released while he was vacationing with his family in Hawaii.

“Using this new authority, I have sanctioned nine entities and individuals: the GRU and the FSB, two Russian intelligence services; four individual officers of the GRU; and three companies that provided material support to the GRU’s cyber operations.

“In addition, the secretary of the treasury is designating two Russian individuals for using cyber-enabled means to cause misappropriation of funds and personal identifying information.” He also announced the closure of two Russian compounds in the US.

Obama added that more actions would be taken, “some of which will not be publicized”.
Haley said that there were sanctions that were going to be imposed, if they hadn't been already on Sunday morning.

Russia bitched about the possibility of the sanctions Sunday afternoon/evening.

Trump cut Haley's legs out from under her and said there would be no sanctions on Monday morning.

What do the Russians have on Trump that makes him so leery of putting sanctions on Russia?
What do the Russians have on Obama that made him not act when he knew the Russians were interfering in the election?

Obama did do something. He imposed sanctions on Russia and kicked out 35 of their diplomats in response to their messing with our election.

Or did you forget that already?

Obama expels 35 Russian diplomats in retaliation for US election hacking

The Obama administration on Thursday announced its retaliation for Russian efforts to interfere with the US presidential election, ordering sweeping new sanctions that included the expulsion of 35 Russians.


Syria ceasefire appears to hold after rivals sign Russia-backed deal
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US intelligence services believe Russia ordered cyber-attacks on the Democratic National Committee (DNC), Hillary Clinton’s campaign and other political organizations, in an attempt to influence the election in favor of the Republican candidate, Donald Trump.

In a statement issued two weeks after the president said he would respond to cyber-attacks by Moscow “at a time and place of our choosing”, Obama said Americans should “be alarmed by Russia’s actions” and pledged further action.

“I have issued an executive order that provides additional authority for responding to certain cyber activity that seeks to interfere with or undermine our election processes and institutions, or those of our allies or partners,” Obama said in the statement, released while he was vacationing with his family in Hawaii.

“Using this new authority, I have sanctioned nine entities and individuals: the GRU and the FSB, two Russian intelligence services; four individual officers of the GRU; and three companies that provided material support to the GRU’s cyber operations.

“In addition, the secretary of the treasury is designating two Russian individuals for using cyber-enabled means to cause misappropriation of funds and personal identifying information.” He also announced the closure of two Russian compounds in the US.

Obama added that more actions would be taken, “some of which will not be publicized”.
"election hacking" lol
aint heard that malarkey in a while.
Haley said that there were sanctions that were going to be imposed, if they hadn't been already on Sunday morning.

Russia bitched about the possibility of the sanctions Sunday afternoon/evening.

Trump cut Haley's legs out from under her and said there would be no sanctions on Monday morning.

What do the Russians have on Trump that makes him so leery of putting sanctions on Russia?
What do the Russians have on Obama that made him not act when he knew the Russians were interfering in the election?
So you think they should have arrested the orange slimeball before he was inaugurated?
Haley said that there were sanctions that were going to be imposed, if they hadn't been already on Sunday morning.

Russia bitched about the possibility of the sanctions Sunday afternoon/evening.

Trump cut Haley's legs out from under her and said there would be no sanctions on Monday morning.

What do the Russians have on Trump that makes him so leery of putting sanctions on Russia?
What do the Russians have on Obama that made him not act when he knew the Russians were interfering in the election?
So you think they should have arrested the orange slimeball before he was inaugurated?

They didn't have enough information from the investigation to do so.

By the way, do you remember Trump announcing at the beginning of the election that if Hillary won, then the election was rigged?

For Trump, the Election Is Rigged If a “Nasty Woman” Can Win | The New Yorker
Haley said that there were sanctions that were going to be imposed, if they hadn't been already on Sunday morning.

Russia bitched about the possibility of the sanctions Sunday afternoon/evening.

Trump cut Haley's legs out from under her and said there would be no sanctions on Monday morning.

What do the Russians have on Trump that makes him so leery of putting sanctions on Russia?
What do the Russians have on Obama that made him not act when he knew the Russians were interfering in the election?
So you think they should have arrested the orange slimeball before he was inaugurated?

They didn't have enough information from the investigation to do so.

By the way, do you remember Trump announcing at the beginning of the election that if Hillary won, then the election was rigged?

For Trump, the Election Is Rigged If a “Nasty Woman” Can Win | The New Yorker
Unfortunately you are probably right about them not having enough on Trump at that stage, but that also means they were not investigating super-obvious stuff like Trump filling all his important campaign posts with people having some sort of relation to Russia.

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