Nikki Haley will be a much bigger problem than Trump for the Democrats

Shes not the answer.
Did you see Mitt Romney on MTP this morning? He's voting for Biden if its Trump v Biden.

Trump is just too divisive, and has way too much baggage. Nikki would win in a landslide.
Nikki Haley will be a much bigger problem than Trump for the Democrats
The Democrats better hope Trump is the Republican nominee.
The Democrats need to get their crap together.

I assure you, the Democratic Party is begging to face Trump again. He's God's gift to Joe Biden and down ballot Ds.
Shes not the answer.
For the Trump cult members, the only acceptable President is Trump. Trump cult members are not a political movement. They are a cult. It is about the cult leader, Trump, not the USA or conservative ideolgy. Trump defines their world, not themselves.
Trump and Haley are both ahead of Biden in most polls.
Correct, but Haley is ahead by much more than Trump, with a much lower unfavorable rating within the electorate.
The Democrats better get their crap together.
Why? Haley is a democrat being funded by the Bushes. Even hillary's fundraiser guy is working for Haley.
Haley is only a Democrat to the Trump cult members. Your loyalty is to Trump, nothing else. SICK
Correct, but Haley is ahead by much more than Trump, with a much lower unfavorable rating within the electorate.
The Democrats better get their crap together.
Haley won't get the nomination but might be Trump's running mate.

The big problem Haley has is that when she gets away from friendly media (the upcoming debates in January will be a good test) she should get asked about her complicity in the blob’s 4 year shit-show. She is going to alienate a certain percentage of blobbers when she has to distance herself. They are just that petty and ignorant of the facts.

Her last job in government was being a UN ambassador. Doesn’t endear herself to the average Republican. Before that, she officiated South Carolina with so/so results and “caved in” after the mass shooting at the black church.

My question about Haley is what her policies would be. What will she do to bring the deficit under control? Where will she cut? Its still early in terms of the General election but she doesn’t list anything of substance on her website.
You are correct that one of her biggest liabilities of being part of the Trump shit show but that liability is not as big as Trump, the leader of the shit show.
You are correct that one of her biggest liabilities of being part of the Trump shit show but that liability is not as big as Trump, the leader of the shit show.
Her biggest liabilities are being a warmonger and accepting money from liberal donors.
Nikki Haley will be a much bigger problem than Trump for the Democrats
The Democrats better hope Trump is the Republican nominee.
The Democrats need to get their crap together.

Nikki Haley called for deporting Rafael Warnock even though he's a natural born US citizen.. That makes her ridiculously stupid.
Only his hairstyle.
For the Trump cult members, the only acceptable President is Trump. Trump cult members are not a political movement. They are a cult. It is about the cult leader, Trump, not the USA or conservative ideolgy. Trump defines their world, not themselves.
You silly fucker sould like a cultist. Not supporting her has nothing to do with Trump. Hell are Bernie sander supports cultist for not supporting Clinton?
The reason Patriots are behind Trump is because if he is President some good things will get done. If Nikki is President we can claim to have the first woman President but in all honesty not a lot will be done. She will likely block some damaging legislation but I just can't see her having Trump's skill set to identify issues/problems and know how to fix them or having the courage to actually do something about them.

Like he did in his first term? Great success. Russia kept the territory in Ukraine they annexed. Trump praised the land grabbing Putin regularly. So to show we did not approve of people stealing other countries territory Trump ordered the withdrawal of troops from NATO thus emboldening Putin to launch a full invasion. Great job Trump.

Foreign Trade? Well Trump renamed NAFTA to the USMC. Great job. A new name fixes everything. Cars and trucks are still built in Mexico and more companies headed there to set up factories. America first. Or something.

How about COVID. Trump would change his opinion on what was happening based upon Twitter feeds. Hardly leadership.

Remember the big beautiful vaccine? The one that you all Trump supporters call the Clot Shot now? How did that work out?

Shortages in every store. Shortages of everything. Yeah. I’m not sure the economy can take another Trump administration. Best stock up on Toilet Paper gang.

Massive unemployment during his term. Good for America. Or something.

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