Nikolas Cruz Allegedly Buried His Liberal ‘Anti-Gun’ Mom with MAGA Hat

"What kind of sick, demented, DEMON would do such a reprehensive thing like that?"

Your typical Drumpf voter of course.
I would have buried her with at least a couple firearms. She might need them in the afterlife.

Disgusted? I'm disgusted the crazy angry left thinks this story that may or not be true, rises to the level of current events.
Why does a freaking hat put the crazy left in a fit of apoplexy? I know a lady who slipped the ashes of her dead dog, that her husband didn't like, into his coffin. Live and let die.
What kind of sick, demented, DEMON would do such a reprehensive thing like that? Kill your own mother, them burry her with a MAGA hat!?!?!

Nikolas Cruz Allegedly Buried His Liberal ‘Anti-Gun’ Mom with MAGA Hat

These people really take politics to a low level.

They are the bottom of the bottom, utter guttersnipe.

I'm so disgusted!!!
Who is this Cruz guy?

Lyin' Rafael's son, whose grandfather plotted to kill JFK, and whose father was proud that some orange dude called his wife ugly.

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