Ninety Democratic precinct results missing from Iowa Caucus

How does an old white male socialist hang right with the person that is supposed to be the first woman president ?

Oh...I think you can answer that.
Hillary's greatest threat is herself...he is just the guy in position to take it if she destroy's herself.
Hillary is practically running unopposed. Bernie is just out there to make it look legit.

Which is true...and yet she nearly lost the first caucus...when you barely beat an old socialist...what does this really say about her?
It says that nearly half of Democrat voters don't like her and all of the Republicans hate her guts.
It's IOWA. In the grand scheme of things, it is absolutely meaningless.
How does an old white male socialist hang right with the person that is supposed to be the first woman president ?

Oh...I think you can answer that.
Hillary's greatest threat is herself...he is just the guy in position to take it if she destroy's herself.
Hillary is practically running unopposed. Bernie is just out there to make it look legit.

Which is true...and yet she nearly lost the first caucus...when you barely beat an old socialist...what does this really say about her?
It says that nearly half of Democrat voters don't like her and all of the Republicans hate her guts.
It's IOWA. In the grand scheme of things, it is absolutely meaningless.

Kepp telling yourself that
Democrats make the most corrupt politicians... corrupt minions and corrupt processes... to enthrone a corrupt figurehead.

kinda like what we see here every day with every libertard/demorat post ?!?!

YAAA!! :thewave:
'Ninety Democratic precinct results missing from Iowa Caucus'

THAT is the SMELL of Hillary 'winning'.

Hillary did not win Iowa. REPEAT: Hillary did NOT win in Iowa.

The final reported tally, according to the news, is Hillary 700 / Sanders 695. To pull off the numbers battle Hillary was forced to 'win' 6 coin flips. That's not the people voting you to victory - that's chance (or a 1-sided coin). It could have easily been Bernie, and those 6 would have given him the victory. As it stands, though, Hillary did not win Iowa. She won 6 coin-flips and was GIVEN Iowa.

Based on the fact that more negative news will be coming out about the investigation going on - that will negatively impact her in the campaign - AND based on the fact that she is running against an old self-proclaimed Socialist party member, the fact that she escaped Iowa with this 'win' should NOT make her feel very confident. Relieved - yes. Confidant - no. She SHOULD be 'miles' ahead of Sanders...but she's not. Must be frightening - couldn't beat Obama at his strongest, and now is barely holding her own against the 'HIGHLY seasoned' Socialist.

Iowa DOES mean something....but the way she won, it don't mean much. New Hampshire will be much more important.
Wouldn't you think , that since they were about to be on the world stage they would get competent people and put in safeguards for the kind of thing?

Think about it, maybe the person is competent, in getting the results desired. Just takes some time when the vote is this close.
'Ninety Democratic precinct results missing from Iowa Caucus'

THAT is the SMELL of Hillary 'winning'.

Hillary did not win Iowa. REPEAT: Hillary did NOT win in Iowa.

The final reported tally, according to the news, is Hillary 700 / Sanders 695. To pull off the numbers battle Hillary was forced to 'win' 6 coin flips. That's not the people voting you to victory - that's chance (or a 1-sided coin). It could have easily been Bernie, and those 6 would have given him the victory. As it stands, though, Hillary did not win Iowa. She won 6 coin-flips and was GIVEN Iowa.

Based on the fact that more negative news will be coming out about the investigation going on - that will negatively impact her in the campaign - AND based on the fact that she is running against an old self-proclaimed Socialist party member, the fact that she escaped Iowa with this 'win' should NOT make her feel very confident. Relieved - yes. Confidant - no. She SHOULD be 'miles' ahead of Sanders...but she's not. Must be frightening - couldn't beat Obama at his strongest, and now is barely holding her own against the 'HIGHLY seasoned' Socialist.

Iowa DOES mean something....but the way she won, it don't mean much. New Hampshire will be much more important.
How does one win all 6 coin flips?

Did Hillary supply the coins?
Hillary and Bernie are neck and neck. Sooo half the people voting picked an incompetent dishonest witch, the other half picked an old hippie. Banner season for democrats!

With 95 percent of the precincts reporting in Monday night's Democratic Iowa caucuses, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is leading Sen. Bernie Sanders 49.9 percent to 49.6 percent, according to results posted by the Iowa Democratic Party.
Iowa: Clinton 49.8%; Sanders 49.5%
So are the statue grovelers supporting the fundy cruz?
Anyone but Hillary.
Looks like Iowa is a real mess for both Parties. Clinton and Cruz pulled off some pretty lowdown stuff. But it isn't over yet. Still a long way to go. Iowa doesn't hold the same significance it once did.
'Ninety Democratic precinct results missing from Iowa Caucus'

THAT is the SMELL of Hillary 'winning'.

Hillary did not win Iowa. REPEAT: Hillary did NOT win in Iowa.

The final reported tally, according to the news, is Hillary 700 / Sanders 695. To pull off the numbers battle Hillary was forced to 'win' 6 coin flips. That's not the people voting you to victory - that's chance (or a 1-sided coin). It could have easily been Bernie, and those 6 would have given him the victory. As it stands, though, Hillary did not win Iowa. She won 6 coin-flips and was GIVEN Iowa.

Based on the fact that more negative news will be coming out about the investigation going on - that will negatively impact her in the campaign - AND based on the fact that she is running against an old self-proclaimed Socialist party member, the fact that she escaped Iowa with this 'win' should NOT make her feel very confident. Relieved - yes. Confidant - no. She SHOULD be 'miles' ahead of Sanders...but she's not. Must be frightening - couldn't beat Obama at his strongest, and now is barely holding her own against the 'HIGHLY seasoned' Socialist.

Iowa DOES mean something....but the way she won, it don't mean much. New Hampshire will be much more important.

You see Easy, this is why when I constantly tell everyone that the Democrats are in real trouble, I scratch my head in disbelief when not only Democrats, but Republicans refuse to believe it. Her support is very, very, soft. There is no enthusiasm whatsoever for her.

The paid left posters on here are well aware of it, don't doubt it for a minute! You have some posters on here from the right singing the praises of Trump, Cruz, Carson, and even Kasich. How many left posters do you see singing the praises of Hillary? When the left starts threads, they attack GOP candidates instead. They need to bring down the GOP to the level of their candidates, basically a turd sandwich.

These arrogant lefties on here; when finally flabbergasted, always point to the electoral map of 2012 Obama, and challenge us to swing 66 electoral votes, and very smugly I might add. In their minds, to do so is impossible with their magnificent coalition of misfits.

Now I pose the question to you this way------------>how many NONE-misfit Democrats (and yes, there are many) do you think are chomping at the bit to get to the polls in November to cast a vote for Hillary? After what you seen in Iowa, and what is going on in other primary states with the percentages should be your 1st clue!

Conversely, how many Republicans and independents are going to flock to the polls to keep that bit** out?

Yes my friend, the Democrats are in real, real, trouble; and as this process plays out, you are going to hear them get more, and more shrill!
Looks like Iowa is a real mess for both Parties. Clinton and Cruz pulled off some pretty lowdown stuff. But it isn't over yet. Still a long way to go. Iowa doesn't hold the same significance it once did.
The wheels are already in motion for the attacks Clinton will be using on Trump. They have entire research teams working on mud slinging for all of the candidates.
Wouldn't you think , that since they were about to be on the world stage they would get competent people and put in safeguards for the kind of thing?

Who gives a shit, really. It's a caucus, not a referendum on whether Lex Luthor should destroy the world.
Who cares where the election results are of an election process that has a .2% gap?

I would hope that anyone wanting to know what the results are would care...

I gotta say, it was pretty funny watching CNN agonize over this (I'm on the road, it was on in the guest house). I mean they were just about stomping their feet and melting down that they couldn't put up final numbers and go home. I think Wolf and company really resented not being the ones to break the final number, the freaking prima donna... holy shit it's like one and four-fifths of a delegate, talk about OCD.

Btw when is CNN gonna break down and buy its talent some chairs so they don't have to walk around all the time? :banghead:

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