Ninth Circuit Court Just Ruled Against Constitution

How about to gun toten penis envy conservative just stop committing mass murder.
No one has committed more mass murders than leftist sociopaths like you sniveling bed wetters you malignant parasite.

Pieces of shit like you are the reason I can not bring myself to oppose abortion. The world would be a better place if you were flushed down a Planned Unparenthood toile
I'm still waiting for those commie maggots to come out into the countryside, like they've been threatening to do.


So the 9th Circus Clown Car of bed wetters ruled against established laws across the country, and what has become a more and more common trend among people, and that is the carrying of guns in public. It can't be rationally argued against that a citizen with a weapon stands a better chance against a violent criminal than a disarmed one, but you have to remember the bed wetters are not even slightly intere3sted in public safety. In fact I will assert the bed wetters interest is in a disarmed public that is forced to cower at the whims of violent leftist mobs like BLM and the meat puppet faggot's minions.

View attachment 474710

When the attempted public lynching of Officer Chauvin likely fails, we we see a renewed level of chaos across the country and at some point the average citizens are going to be forced to act as Kyle Rittenhouse or the Mclatchy's were forced to do. The sociopath leftists want such people to be terrorized victims, not surviving opposition. Do not be fooled for one second that leftists are anything but neo-bolsheviks foaming at the mouths and drooling. They are desperate to disarm the public and purge all dissenters even more viciously than their soviet bastard grand fathers.

I would like to encourage people to join the Rumble Community as an alternative to Commie You Tube, and subscribe to channels like JBS for thought provoking content.

How about to gun toten penis envy conservative just stop committing mass murder.

Penis envy? If that were true I never would have bought a revolver with a 2 inch barrel.
Penis envy? If that were true I never would have bought a revolver with a 2 inch barrel.

That is the funniest retort I've seen in weeks!!!!

I carry a Walther CCP w/ a 3.5" barrel off duty, but just as anyone with experience knows, it's not the size of the tool as much as it is the skill of the user.

These are bed wetters we're talking about though, and they have no more skills at fornication than they do at using any sort of tools.

The only way to save the 2nd is to demand its absolute, complete applicating to all people.

It will probably take the death of many people for the right to be preserved, but that is a risk/cost I am willing to accept, especially the deaths of those opposed to freedom.

I actually agree... although I am willing to accept some regulations in the interest of public safety.

The problem we have is that our opponents are not interested in public safety, just as they are not actually anti-racists, anti-fascists, anti-communist, pro-freedom or patriotic.

Our opponents have gone from demanding union representation in the 1920's to demanding free shit just for absorbing oxygen and voting. They're no longer rioting for paid holidays, safer work environments, overtime pay, or anything remotely justifiable. They're demanding utterly insane policies and a detrimental agenda.

So at this point I will take up an extreme position, not that I didn't already believe that any free man walking around in public should have the right to rock a .45 on them. Regardless if that person was a felon or not. If they can not be trusted on the street with a Roscoe, they should not be on the street.

Furthermore, if MOST Americans carried a snub nose .38 like they carry a fuckin much larger IPhone we would have a lot less fucking violent sociopaths stealing our oxygen. That's the bottom line.
There is no right to carry arms openly in public; nor is any such right within the scope of the Second Amendment

Correct. Good to see they went with logic on this. We live in a society, not Mad Max.
The radical left is energized. Look for lower court rulings that justify book burning and claim that the 1st Amendment freedom of speech doesn't extend to conservative speech and freedom of religion doesn't extend to Christians who espouse right wing ideology.

So the 9th Circus Clown Car of bed wetters ruled against established laws across the country, and what has become a more and more common trend among people, and that is the carrying of guns in public. It can't be rationally argued against that a citizen with a weapon stands a better chance against a violent criminal than a disarmed one, but you have to remember the bed wetters are not even slightly intere3sted in public safety. In fact I will assert the bed wetters interest is in a disarmed public that is forced to cower at the whims of violent leftist mobs like BLM and the meat puppet faggot's minions.

View attachment 474710

When the attempted public lynching of Officer Chauvin likely fails, we we see a renewed level of chaos across the country and at some point the average citizens are going to be forced to act as Kyle Rittenhouse or the Mclatchy's were forced to do. The sociopath leftists want such people to be terrorized victims, not surviving opposition. Do not be fooled for one second that leftists are anything but neo-bolsheviks foaming at the mouths and drooling. They are desperate to disarm the public and purge all dissenters even more viciously than their soviet bastard grand fathers.

I would like to encourage people to join the Rumble Community as an alternative to Commie You Tube, and subscribe to channels like JBS for thought provoking content.

How about to gun toten penis envy conservative just stop committing mass murder.

Penis envy? If that were true I never would have bought a revolver with a 2 inch barrel.

2 inches seems right for you.
There is no right to carry arms openly in public; nor is any such right within the scope of the Second Amendment

Correct. Good to see they went with logic on this. We live in a society, not Mad Max.
Second Amendment
Second Amendment Annotated

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

Do you know what infringed means?
There is no right to carry arms openly in public; nor is any such right within the scope of the Second Amendment

Correct. Good to see they went with logic on this. We live in a society, not Mad Max.
Second Amendment
Second Amendment Annotated

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

Do you know what infringed means?
Better question...

does he know what 'bear Arms' means?
There is no right to carry arms openly in public; nor is any such right within the scope of the Second Amendment

Correct. Good to see they went with logic on this. We live in a society, not Mad Max.

Wrong....Heller, MacDonald rulings from the Supreme Court already pointed this out..........they even cited Ginsburg in showing the Right to carry a gun.
“There is no right to carry arms openly in public; nor is any such right within the scope of the Second Amendment,” U.S. Circuit Judge Jay Bybee, a George W. Bush appointee, wrote for the majority of an 11-judge panel in a 127-page opinion.

Looking back on 700 years of legal history dating back to 14th century England, seven judges in the majority found “overwhelming evidence” that the law has never given people “an unfettered right to carry weapons in public spaces.”

The seven-judge majority traced legal texts and laws back to 1348 when the English parliament enacted the statute of Northampton, which banned carrying weapons in fairs or markets or before the King’s justices. It also cited multiple laws from colonial and pre-Civil War America in which states and colonies restricted the possession of weapons in public places.

“The Second Amendment did not contradict the fundamental principle that the government assumes primary responsibility for defending persons who enter our public spaces,” Bybee wrote. “The states do not violate the Second Amendment by asserting their longstanding English and American rights to prohibit certain weapons from entering those public spaces as means of providing ‘domestic tranquility’ and forestalling ‘domestic violence.’”

Writing for the dissent, Senior U.S. Circuit Judge Diarmuid O’Scannlain, a Ronald Reagan appointee, said the majority failed to properly interpret the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2008 decision in District of Columba v. Heller, which overturned Washington D.C.’s total ban on handguns and a requirement that rifles and shotguns be kept unloaded and disassembled or bound by a trigger-lock device.

The Second Amendment’s text, history, and structure, and the Supreme Court’s reasoning in Heller, all point squarely to the same conclusion: Armed self-defense in public is at the very core of the Second Amendment right,” O’Scannlain wrote.

Plaintiff George Young sued Hawaii in 2012 for denying his applications for permits to carry a concealed or openly visible handgun. A Hawaii state law requires a license to carry a gun in public.

Under a Hawaii County regulation, the police chief may only grant such licenses to those who need a gun for their job or who show “reason to fear injury” to their “person or property.” No one other than a security guard has ever obtained an open-carry license in Hawaii, lawyers for the county acknowledged during a Ninth Circuit hearing in 2018.

On July 2018, a divided three-judge Ninth Circuit panel ruled that carrying a gun in public is a constitutional right and that Hawaii cannot deny permits to all non-security guard civilians who wish to exercise that right.

On Wednesday, the en banc panel majority reversed that decision, finding the Supreme Court’s 2008 Heller decision is not inconsistent with state laws that restrict the right to carry arms in public.

Nothing to see here.....

There is no right to openly carry a weapon. That is common sense.
“There is no right to carry arms openly in public; nor is any such right within the scope of the Second Amendment,” U.S. Circuit Judge Jay Bybee, a George W. Bush appointee, wrote for the majority of an 11-judge panel in a 127-page opinion.

Looking back on 700 years of legal history dating back to 14th century England, seven judges in the majority found “overwhelming evidence” that the law has never given people “an unfettered right to carry weapons in public spaces.”

The seven-judge majority traced legal texts and laws back to 1348 when the English parliament enacted the statute of Northampton, which banned carrying weapons in fairs or markets or before the King’s justices. It also cited multiple laws from colonial and pre-Civil War America in which states and colonies restricted the possession of weapons in public places.

“The Second Amendment did not contradict the fundamental principle that the government assumes primary responsibility for defending persons who enter our public spaces,” Bybee wrote. “The states do not violate the Second Amendment by asserting their longstanding English and American rights to prohibit certain weapons from entering those public spaces as means of providing ‘domestic tranquility’ and forestalling ‘domestic violence.’”

Writing for the dissent, Senior U.S. Circuit Judge Diarmuid O’Scannlain, a Ronald Reagan appointee, said the majority failed to properly interpret the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2008 decision in District of Columba v. Heller, which overturned Washington D.C.’s total ban on handguns and a requirement that rifles and shotguns be kept unloaded and disassembled or bound by a trigger-lock device.

The Second Amendment’s text, history, and structure, and the Supreme Court’s reasoning in Heller, all point squarely to the same conclusion: Armed self-defense in public is at the very core of the Second Amendment right,” O’Scannlain wrote.

Plaintiff George Young sued Hawaii in 2012 for denying his applications for permits to carry a concealed or openly visible handgun. A Hawaii state law requires a license to carry a gun in public.

Under a Hawaii County regulation, the police chief may only grant such licenses to those who need a gun for their job or who show “reason to fear injury” to their “person or property.” No one other than a security guard has ever obtained an open-carry license in Hawaii, lawyers for the county acknowledged during a Ninth Circuit hearing in 2018.

On July 2018, a divided three-judge Ninth Circuit panel ruled that carrying a gun in public is a constitutional right and that Hawaii cannot deny permits to all non-security guard civilians who wish to exercise that right.

On Wednesday, the en banc panel majority reversed that decision, finding the Supreme Court’s 2008 Heller decision is not inconsistent with state laws that restrict the right to carry arms in public.

Nothing to see here.....
English law prior to 1775 is irrelevant. The second amendment is very clear--the right to keep and BEAR arms shall not be infringed.

It also talks about a well regulated militia.
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