

Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
So Dio got snipped today. He's not a happy camper. He wants the damn cone OFF! Poor dog . . he doesn't fit in any of his usual places like under the coffee table, the cone is in the way and he just can't get comfy. I hope he does better tomorrow. I don't think anyone will be sleeping much tonight. Cripes they sure do have to shave a lot of fur off and he's a dang furry dog.

they have a new c collar that freezes just the dogs hate that cone...when jake had a cone due to eye stuff.....he would put his head down till the cone hit the floor and then just sit there...head down.....i dont think he could have looked anymore pitiful and they bump into everything with it....

and you know damn well the other animals are laughing at their asses

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