NJ College professor fired for BOO HOO HOO U WHITE PEEPLE R ANGRY CAUZ

I thought you stated that he was fired?
It's a she and yes she was fired, for being a racist scumbag. Though if you can't read that is not my fault

NJ college fires professor over comments made on Tucker Carlson Tonight

Essex County College has fired adjunct professor Lisa Durden after she made racially charged comments in an interview with Tucker Carlson on Fox News, according to a new report by the Associated Press.

The college’s president, Anthony Munroe, announced the decision Friday, two weeks after Durden went on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” to discuss an “all-black Memorial Day celebration” hosted by a Black Lives Matter group.

When asked by Carlson about the event, Durden interrupted the host, saying “boo hoo hoo. You white people are angry because you couldn’t use your white privilege card to get invited” to the Black Lives Matter event.

“You’re demented, actually,” Tucker later responded to her defense.

Durden went on to call America a “racist society.”

According to AP, Durden was suspended with pay on June 8, two days after the interview aired, when college officials say they received complaints about her comments. After a Tuesday meeting with college officials, she was fired.

Durden said the college “publicly lynched” her.

Munroe said that Essex College “supports and affirms the right of free speech and independent views and expressions of those views” for their faculty and staff," but Durden's "potential impact on students" required an immediate review that led to her firing.

Durden’s lawyer, Leslie Farber, said that Durden may have had her rights to free speech violated, and that they were considering legal action.

“The character of this institution mandates that we embrace diversity, inclusion, and unity. Racism cannot be fought with more racism,” Munroe wrote in a statement announcing Durden’s firing.

Durden compared her experience to that of a rape victim blamed for the crime, or a person returning to a hostile environment from war.
You can't have someone who makes comments like that teaching a class. How could any white student feel comfortable in that environment knowing what she thinks? Terminating her employment was the right move.
N.J. college defends firing prof over heated Tucker Carlson clash

The sad thing is that our kids are still being taught by racist MORONS like this bimbo..................

Burger King is hiring

The woman is an idiot. Claiming white people are pissed because they can't play their white privilege card shows the depth of stupidity with the race baiting crowd. Real piece of work. Would anyone want her teaching their children? She is unfit to teach any race. She clearly is racist and wants other blacks to be just as hostile. I think we've had enough of that shit and it's time for cooler heads to prevail. That excludes many on the left these days.
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What made this woman think that she wouldn't get some kind of punishment considering her attitude?

God bless you always!!!


Same reason that Griffin thought she'd be cheered for her stunt. This type of rhetoric is the norm among the left these days and they think there is nothing wrong with it. I am sure it shocks the hell out of them when they find out that their crazy beliefs are not popular among the majority.

There have been so many vulgar remarks and so much hostility, much of it which led to violence and even murder. Maybe the hope was that the masses would become conditioned to automatically bending over whenever someone either threatened or complained. I am so sick of the bullshit regarding white privilege. Between the Obama administration, the Black Panthers and Black Lives Matter, the vitriol spewed over the last several years has divided people like never before. It's more than division now, it's a dangerous game being played where one side is declared guilty and expected to cowtow to demands or pay a hefty price.

People were becoming afraid to speak the politically incorrect truth for fear of being labeled or worse. Some of these college professors and other race baiters sure got comfortable bullying whites, cops and Republicans, and I hope this crap is coming to an end.

The fact that this woman was fired indicates that common sense is making a long overdue comeback. Now that Obama and the Dem leaders aren't out there supporting the radicals and egging them on, things are starting to change.
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What made this woman think that she wouldn't get some kind of punishment considering her attitude?

God bless you always!!!


Same reason that Griffin thought she'd be cheered for her stunt. This type of rhetoric is the norm among the left these days and they think there is nothing wrong with it. I am sure it shocks the hell out of them when they find out that their crazy beliefs are not popular among the majority.

There have been so many vulgar remarks and so much hostility, much of it which led to violence and even murder. Maybe the hope was that the masses would become conditioned to automatically bending over whenever someone either threatened or complained. I am so sick of the bullshit regarding white privilege. Between the Obama administration, the Black Panthers and Black Lives Matter, the vitriol spewed over the last several years has divided people like never before. It's more than division now, it's a dangerous game being played where one side is declared guilty and expected to cowtow to demands or pay a hefty price.

People were becoming afraid to speak the politically incorrect truth for fear of being labeled or worse. Some of these college professors and other race baiters sure got comfortable bullying whites, cops and Republicans, and I hope this crap is coming to an end.

The fact that this woman was fired indicates that common sense is making a long overdue comeback. Now that Obama and the Dem leaders aren't out there supporting the radicals and egging them on, things are starting to change.

Don't forget that the Black Panther Party actually endorsed Trump over Clinton...


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