NJ Governor: Bill of Rights above my pay grade


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Take the governor of New Jersey, for example. In a television interview with my Fox News colleague Tucker Carlson last week, Gov. Philip Murphy uttered the words "the Bill of Rights is above my pay grade." He then went on to confess that he had not considered the effect of his restrictive executive orders on the Bill of Rights. His orders are similar to those in other states, yet his are — by his own words — born in ignorance.
Here is the back story

Full disclosure- I'm not a fan of the author- and here's one of the reasons why.

"Thomas Jefferson knew this when he characterized our rights as "inalienable" in the Declaration of Independence."

The author needs to talk to Porter Rockwell, or even me to be set straight- Porter Rockwell can cite case law arguments. Me? I just cite the differnce between inalienable and unalienable- maybe the author should go back to college- or get his money back.
If this was last week why is it in Current Events????

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